Dear future husband

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Ve: where are we going?
Erik: well first we are going to do some shopping then at my house and then ...
Ve: and then?
Erik: i will tell you that later first lets do these thing what do you think
Ve: sure why not
Tony: should we go to Plaza La Estrella?
Ve: Plaza la.. what's that?
Tony: one of the biggest shopping malls here in cuba

We arrived to the mall and it was definitely different from Beverly hills, not as luxury but very, very beautiful with lots of shops and restaurants..talking about the restaurant i am so damn hungry.. i dont want to ask Erik but dont know how long i can survive.

Erik: hey Ve you go inside the shops buy everything you want here take it, this is my credit card well its yours from now on but there is one thing
Ve: yes?
Erik: you show me everything before you buy it okay? i will be waiting on a chair
Tony: i will come too its too hot in this car
Erik: lets go

I decided to take advantage of this situation and make Erik angry.. i dont know why i just love pissed off Erik. So i went to Every single shop in that damn mall and bought hundreds of clothes i was shopping for about 2 hours, erik and tony were just sitting on a chair, complimenting me and carrying my clothes, at first it was only these two but then Erik called other guys too for help.

Erik: somebody come here and help us carry all these clothes before my arms literally break the fuck off my body..NOW

Everybody was starring at us, all those girls were gossiping and talking shit about me while starring at erik and wishing it was them not me.


Erik: ve..
Ve: just another shop and we are done darling
Erik: We are going somewhere this evening so you have to buy a dress for that too..
Tony: oh fuck my life maybe staying in that car and dying was better.
Erik: dont leave me now please brother.
Ve: okay now you two sit down right here..
Erik: i-
Tony: just sit down or she will beat both of us up..
Ve: and i will show you some dresses and you say yes or no okay?
Erik: yeah sure.

Ve: okayyy first one..what do you think

Erik: yeah i like it but maybe a little bit more formal? but buy this one too for sure

Ve: anddd what about this???

Tony: ooh.. i mean yeah..
Ve: you like it??

Erik looked at both of us with his angry face, yess mission accomplished!

ve: ughh okay okay
Erik: yeah? tony ?! YEAH? are you fucking kidding me?
Tony: the weather is not that bad today actually..
Erik: are you fu-
Tony: wooow...Ve you look amazing.
Ve: thank you tonyyy i like it too, what do you think Erik?

Erik: its okay i guess...

I saw in his eyes that he fell in love with that dress but didnt want to say it.

Ve: well i have an idea
Erik: whats your idea
Ve: you choose a dress for me than
Tony: oh no..
Erik: PERFECT you go inside the changing room and i will give you the dresses
Ve: sure i am waiting

After 20 minutes Erik finally came back with two dresses.

Erik: wear this one first

Ve: what the.. Erik are you fucking kidding me?
Erik: well i like it, it looks per-fect
Tony: Erik brother.

Erik: okay okay go inside and wear another one gosh..
Ve: i swear to god-
Erik: just wear it trust me
Tony: its 40° degrees outside brother what the fuck was that..
Erik: at least it covers up everything

i walked back to the changing room, sure that it would be ugly as fuck but damn i was wrong, very wrong..

Ve: i love it..
Erik: you look really good
Tony: if Erik compliments someone with that tone and face he really means it , you look fucking amazing Ve
Ve: now lets go home, tony you coming with us?
Tony: no no i have other stuff to do but see you tomorrow, Erik you need a driver or
Erik: no no just lets get this bags in my car and i will drive

We drove for about 30 minutes and arrived to this beautiful mansion. kind of old style but i dont know how to explain, you know when something looks very expensive like an old money? yes that place looked exactly like that.

Erik: second floor, third room to the left thats your room
Ve: okay i will bring my clothes upstairs change to something comfortable and come downstairs
Erik: no problem i will be here

I took all of my clothes upstairs, put everything in its place and changed to shorts and a shirt,

my room is very comfortable it looks like the one i always dreamt about with a beach view.As i was walking down the stairs i smelled something very delicious.

Ve: Erik?..
Erik: oh you are back, i made pasta would you like some?

At that moment i was trying really hard to not kiss him.

Ve: thank you pasta was amazing you really are a good cook you know?
Erik: oo am i dreaming? did ve just compliment me?
Ve: remember it because it will be the last one, miller by the way
Erik: hm?
Ve: venus rose miller
Erik: oh..Erik galen menendez
Ve: nice to meet you galen
Erik: nice to meet you rose
Ve: and now will you please tell me..where are we going?
Erik: you are meeting my parents Ve.

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