Two Versions (L.M)

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Leighton 'POV'

I prided myself on having everything under control. I was meticulous, poised, and confident. But one sunny afternoon, as I was running along the tree-lined paths of Essex College, I found myself stumbling—both literally and metaphorically—over someone I had never seen before.

The girl was running in the opposite direction, her hair flying behind her, eyes focused and determined. She wore a simple tank top and shorts, a stark contrast to my perfectly coordinated workout gear. But there was something about her—a radiance, a spark—that caught my attention. As they passed each other, I felt a strange, unfamiliar flutter in my chest.

Back in my room, I couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious runner. Who was she? Why had I never seen her before? I needed answers. I decided to talk to my brother Nico, hoping he might have some information.

"Nico," I said casually over dinner that night, "do you know a new girl on campus? Tall, athletic, looks like she's on a mission when she runs?"

Nico looked up from his plate, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, I know her. That's Y/n. She just transferred here from some law college. She's Max's sister—Max, you know, my best friend."

My eyes widened. "Max's sister? Why didn't you tell me she was coming here?"

Nico shrugged. "I thought you knew. She's your next-door neighbour, by the way."

My mind raced. Y/n, the girl I couldn't stop thinking about, was living right next door. This was too much of a coincidence to ignore. That night, I couldn't wait to share the news with my roommates, Bela, Whitney, and Kimberly.

"Guys, you won't believe this," I said as soon as I entered their suite. "I saw this amazing girl today while I was running, and it turns out she's Max's sister. And guess what? She's our next-door neighbour!"

The room buzzed with excitement and curiosity. Bela grinned. "Are you going to introduce yourself?"

Before I could respond, a loud bang came from the next-door room, followed by a string of muffled curses. The girls exchanged surprised looks.

"Should we check if she's okay?" Whitney suggested.

I nodded, feeling my heart rate quicken as I led the way. They stepped out into the hallway and knocked on the neighbouring door.

After a moment, the door swung open, revealing Y/n, rubbing her elbow and looking slightly embarrassed. "Hey, uh, sorry about the noise. I was trying to move some furniture."

I felt my breath catch. Up close, Y/n was even more captivating. "No problem," I managed to say, flashing a reassuring smile. "I'm Leighton, by the way. We're your neighbours."

Y/n's expression brightened. "Oh, hi! I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you all."

Introductions were made, and soon enough, the girls were helping Y/n rearrange her room. As they chatted, I learned that Y/n had transferred to Essex College to find a fresh start, to escape the pressures and expectations that had weighed her down at law school.

By the time they finished, the suite felt lighter, filled with laughter and new connections. Y/n thanked them all, and as I returned to my room, I couldn't help but smile. Meeting Y/n had been serendipitous, and for the first time in a long while, I felt excited about what the future might hold.

Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something extraordinary.

Y/n 'POV'

I had been apprehensive about transferring to Essex College, but I knew it was a necessary step. Law school had been suffocating, and I needed a fresh start. Moving to a new school, especially one where my brother Max's best friend's sister lived next door, seemed like an ideal way to begin again. Still, the transition was daunting.

My first few days of settling in and exploring the campus were a blur. One afternoon, desperate to clear my mind, I decided to go for a run. Running always helped me think and process my thoughts. As I jogged through the beautiful campus, I noticed another runner approaching. I saw the girl's perfectly coordinated outfit and impeccable form. For a moment, our eyes met, and I felt a strange sense of recognition, though I was certain they'd never met before.

Back at my new dorm, I was trying to rearrange my furniture when a bookshelf slipped from my grasp, crashing to the floor. "Great," I muttered, rubbing my elbow. Moments later, there was a knock at my door. I opened it to find four girls standing there, concern etched on their faces.

"Hey, uh, sorry about the noise," I said, feeling her cheeks warm. "I was trying to move some furniture."

One of the girls, with strikingly beautiful features and a confident demeanour, stepped forward. "No problem. I'm Leighton, by the way. We're your neighbours."

Leighton. I had heard Max mention her a few times. I hadn't realised how stunning she was, though. As introductions were made, I felt a mix of relief and excitement. These girls seemed friendly, maybe this move wouldn't be so bad after all.

They helped me rearrange my room, chatting and laughing, it was like we had all known each other for years. I shared a bit about my background, explaining my transfer and my need for a fresh start. I appreciated their willingness to help and their warm welcome.

As they finished, I couldn't help but feel a connection with Leighton. There was something about her—an intriguing mix of confidence and vulnerability—that drew me in. When the girls left, I sat on my newly arranged bed and smiled. I felt a sense of belonging that I hadn't felt in a long time.

The next morning, I woke up with a sense of anticipation. I was eager to explore more of the campus and maybe run into Leighton and her friends again. As I stepped out of her room, I noticed Leighton in the hallway, heading out for a run.

"Hey, Leighton!" I called out, jogging to catch up.

Leighton turned, a smile spreading across her face. "Good morning, Y/n. Heading out for a run?"

"Yeah, mind if I join you?" I asked, hoping I wasn't being too forward.

"Not at all," Leighton replied. "I'd love the company."

As they ran together, I felt a sense of ease. We talked about their favourite running routes, and classes, and shared stories from our pasts. Leighton opened up about her family and her life in Essex, while I shared my struggles and hopes for the future. By the time they finished, I knew I had made the right decision in coming to Essex.

Later that evening, I found myself at a small gathering in Leighton's suite, getting to know Bela, Whitney, and Kimberly better. The camaraderie and warmth in the room made me feel at home.

As the night wound down, I caught Leighton's eye and smiled. Leighton smiled back, and at that moment, I felt a spark of something new and exciting. I didn't know what the future held, but I was ready to embrace it, one step at a time, with my new friends by my side. And maybe, just maybe, something more with Leighton.

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