Chapitre 3

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After their respective showers, Stiles and Damon went to have breakfast at the cafe that was next to the motel.

Sitting at one of the tables waiting for their orders, Damon raised an eyebrow as he saw the young man punching his phone vigorously.

- A problem ?
- No, just that for werewolves with super hearing, they're really tough.

He's laughing.

- Your friends wonder where you are?
- They're not my friends anymore.

The sadness in the young man's voice and look troubled him. He stopped laughing. In an uncontrolled gesture, he took her right hand in his left hand.

- Are you running away from them?
- I didn't run away, I just needed to breathe away from them. In less than a year my life took an unexpected turn. Dangerous.

He caressed her hand with his thumb. He saw him bite his lower lip and then sigh before speaking.

- My mother died when I was eight of frontotemporal degeneration. My dad had to raise me on his own which wasn't easy with his job as a sheriff, not to mention that I was hyperactive with attention deficit disorder. I try to make him proud of me by getting good grades, which happens quite often, but lately we've been having a hard time. I'm quite curious. Listening to my father's radio, almost a year ago, I heard that they had discovered half a body. I went to join my... my best friend Scott. I trained him to find the rest of the body. That night he was bitten by an alpha and he became a werewolf. It's my fault, so since then, I've been doing research to help him cope with his condition. We met other werewolves, killed the alpha who turned Scott, finally he came back to life, but it's complicated. Brief. My father learned the truth about the fantasy world. He had a hard time getting used to it, but he finally understood why I had been lying to him since the start of the school year. There's also the new alpha who often threatens me for not stopping talking. As I was helping them, I thought I was part of the pack, because there are also humans in this pack, but I was wrong. Last Friday, they weren't in class. I was still thinking of an attack, but the reality was different. They were all gone for the weekend. They kicked me out, even Scott.

He stood up, sat down next to him, took him in his arms and kissed his hair.

- They don't deserve you. You have a huge heart. You're more cold-blooded than most humans I know. If they don't accept you, they're morons, Scott in the lead and I remain polite so as not to damage your adorable kitten ears.

He saw a small smile tug Stiles' lips. He took the young man's chin with his left hand and lifted his face. He probed her hazel eyes for a moment before sighing.

- You even have the look of a kitten.

Stiles laughs, he smiles happy that he managed to take away his sadness. It was so easy with him. Scary in a way because he had never experienced this feeling, not even when he was human.

- I also left my home. Stefan, my brother, and I had a fight. It's not the first time and it certainly won't be the last, and it's always because of her.
- She ? A girl is between you?

- Yes and no. I became a vampire for my brother. When I came back from my military service, he was flirting with a young woman. Katherine Pierce. The latter was manipulative, I didn't like her. She took my brother from me, corrupted him. But I also fell under his spell. One day he told me that she was a vampire and that he wanted to become like her for love. So I became him to keep an eye on him like I always had. Our mother died when Stefan was barely four years old and father was hardly present. I always watched over him, I continued to do so even after becoming a creature of the night and even after he was changed. Even if after an argument we separated, I watched him from afar. He became meek again, drinking only animal blood, stopping the killings, and me, I got a little lost. When we met again two years ago, he tried to give me a chance to redeem myself from my mistakes, but there she was, Katherine's double. I played a bad game, and my brother was mad at me. But so I was able to understand that Elena was like her ancestor, a manipulator. Whether in the past or the present, he deserves better than her.

Stiles put his right hand on his left cheek and gently stroked it.

- You didn't have to redeem yourself no matter what you did, if Stefan himself didn't. You covered for him for years and he won't listen to you? It is unfair.

He smiles at her.

- Fine, we'll go after breakfast.Said the young man.
- Where ?
- See your brother and make him listen to reason. Your brother will listen to you whether he likes it or not, Stilinski's word.

He smiled at her again.

- Fine, we'll go to Mystic Falls.
-Mystic Falls? That tells me something. I think I came here when I was younger.
- Younger than being a kitten?

He laughs when Stiles punches him in the stomach.

- Do you know what the kitten says to you?
- That he's crazy about me?

The young man could not tell him that a waitress was bringing their orders. She must have heard him seeing his flushed cheeks.


When she left he looked back at Stiles still in his arms, his cheeks flushed too.

- Bon appetit, little cat.
- You, I will find the weak point of vampires and you will regret it the next time you call me that.

He smiled a little more, he loved teasing him.

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