Chapter 8

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Excalibur: Vanguard Fleet; Guardian Ships seven-two-three and five-seven-three are on approach. We received your beacon, and we're here ready to join the fight.

Zavala: Guardian Ships, this is Zavala. It's too late. They have overrun Titan. I was wrong to bring us here...

Nolan: Looks like they're in trouble.

Jaune: Best we hurry.

Sinking Docks, Titan

Noble: Commander, we're here to help.

Zavala: No! We've already lost too many Lightless Guardians to the Hive. We can't secure this moon.

Excalibur: We have our Light back.

Zavala: What? Impossible.

Sloane: Commander, if I may. Guardians, this is Deputy Commander Sloane. We have a counter-offensive to plan. To do that, we need to get this station up and running. There's a fleet to prep, Guardians to arm, and a trove of intercepted transmissions to decrypt. It's critical we gain access to the station's Control Center. That's where you come in. If the Light really is with you, send the Hive back to hell. We already have a Team of Guardians that head to the Station but we lost contact with them.

Zavala: And Team Remnant... Please. Be careful.

Jaune and Nolan make their way across the understructure of the base.

Excalibur: What was this place?

Zavala: The Golden Age cities of Titan were once the pride of humanity. We thought they were abandoned. But I was a fool to think the Hive would not spread this far.

Kemphaan Rig

Jaune: I have a bad feeling about this...

Nolan: Yeah, no kidding.

Jaune: Shit. We got incoming Hive.

Jaune and Nolan fight off a pack of Hive and comes across some floating rocks.

Nolan's Ghost appeared.

Noble: The gravity on Titan is approximately 1.352 meters per second squared, except here. These floating rocks must be a residual effect from some Hive magic.

Excalibur: Hang on, Jaune, Nolan. I'm detecting Guardians in the vicinity, let's head to the control room and see who we can find.

Nolan: You have a feeling it's them?

Jaune: Let's hope so, Zavala said a bunch of Guardians are in Titan.

Nolan: And Sloane said a Team was already here.

Jaune: Then let's go and find them. Excalibur trace the signal. We find the team of Guardians first then head to the Control Center.

The two proceed to find the Guardian Team. They hear gunfire from the distance and come across a Squad of Guardians fighting a bunch of Hive. The squad of Guardians continue engaging Hive as Jaune and Nolan made it to their location and helped out.

Jaune: We heard from Zavala you were the Guardian Squad that help- Sun is that you?

Sun: Jaune!

Sun and goes towards Jaune and Nolan as both of them are happy to see each other.

Jaune: Sun it's good to see you're still up and running.

Sun: Well, I was really lucky I didn't die when that dude shot me. It was terrifying wandering in the city with the Cabal searching for you. Luckily I was able to find Amanda and we both ended up here. Turns out the other guys were here as well. Isn't that right Brawn.

As Brawn along with Bolin, Scarlet, and Octavia arrived.

Brawn: Jaune! Nolan! Thank god you guys are alright!

Nolan: The same goes for you Brawn!

As both of them did a bro handshake.

Jaune: Bolin, Scarlet, Octavia it's good to see your all safe.

Octavia: To you as well Jaune.

Scarlet: How about the others? We're they able to make it out alive?

Jaune: They are safe back on Earth. Gwen and the rest of Team FNKI are in the European Dead Zone. They will remain there until we return with everyone.

Nolan: How about the others?

Scarlet: I have no idea where my team is. Tried contacting them but the lines are dead.

Bolin: Same goes for mine

Brawn: And me as well.

Jaune: Dammit, we'll deal with that later. Right now we need to focus on getting to that Control Center.

Brawn: We we're able to make a clear path to the Control Center. It's just up ahead.

Poelruiter Rig

Excalibur: Ok, Sloane. We can see the Control Center.

Sloane: Copy that. Keep pushing forward. Commander. At this rate, we can start planning our counteroffensive. We'll be outside the City gates in no time.

Zavala: Hmm. If it were only that simple.

On their way to the Control Center, Sun accidentally disrupted a Hive gathering.

Scarlet: Great job Sun. Real smooth.

Sun: Shut it Scarlet!

The Team then disposed of the Hive as they proceed to the Control Center.

Scarlet's Ghost then appears.

Hook: I shudder to think what spell the Hive were casting back there.

Excalibur: We should talk to Eris. She would know which Hive god they were communing with.

Zavala: No one has seen Eris - or Ikora or Cayde - since The City fell.

Jaune: We're the others able to make it out?

Zavala: From what I know yes, but due to communications we werent able to make contact with any of them.

Jaune: I see....

Sun: Don't worry Jaune, we'll find them.

Siren's Watch

Excalibur: There's the Control Center.

Sloane: Clear the area so we can move in.

Jaune: Team spread out and corner the Hive!

Team Remnant circles the Hive and eliminates them all.

Brawn: Clear!

Sun: All clear here!

Jaune: We made it, Sloane.

Sloane: Perfect. Recon the perimeter before you move on the Control Center

Jaune signals his team to get in formation as the Titans of the group activated their supers a dealt with a pack of Thrall. The blast was able to rid majority of them.

Scarlet: So it looks like we're standing in some kind of Hive breeding ground.

Octavia: Then it's best we take it.

Bolin: Shoot the yellow sacs!

The Team destroys the sacs

Jaune: Sloane we cleared the nest. Heading to the Control Center now.

Sloane: Well done. Sweep the perimeter, and we'll move in on your signal.

They move towards the Control Center when they discovered a broken Servitor.

Bolin: Would you look at that.

Nolan: A broken servitor. These parts are extremely valuable. The Hive corrosion must be really bad for them to abandon it like this.

Brawn: Then it's best we keep that. Flynt and the boys would sure love this.

Octavia: I'll pinpoint this location for pickup later.

Sun: Come on the Control Center is this way.

They reached the Control Center and accomplished their task. Jaune contacts Zavala.

Jaune: Sloane. Commander. It's done.

Sloane: Copy that. Zavala and I are inbound. We're approaching the landing platform. Get up here, and take a bow.

Sloane and Zavala arrived on the Landing Platform

Zavala: I didn't dare believe it. If the Light can find its way back to you, then perhaps there is hope for us all. Our numbers will continue to dwindle. We can no longer protect ourselves, much less the survivors. And without the Light... are we even Guardians anymore?

Excalibur: Commander....

Jaune: It doesn't matter if we have the Light or not we are still Guardians and we will continue fighting.

Zavala: We won't last long with dead generators. Wave Energy Converters power this station. But thanks to the Hive, they're in need of... attention

Jaune: We can take care of it. Come on guys let's go.

Zavala: Yes. I believe you can.


Siren's Watch, Titan

Sloane: Ahh. It's a hell of a view, isn't it? We're up and running thanks to you guys. There's plenty more to do around here, though. Chief among them — finally breaking ground on a counteroffensive against the Red Legion. I have a plan, but it won't work without you. We intercepted a priority one Red Legion signal during the City evacuation, but we can't crack the encryption. Holliday says there's tech that can do the job in the Arcology, which is effectively hostile territory. You'd be going in blind. The place has been dark for centuries. All we know for sure is the Hive is raising hell down there, perhaps literally. But if you're in... Let's put the plan into action.

The Rig, Titan

Zavala: Holliday has detected an unusual amount of electricity being re-directed into the Arcology.

Holliday: Yep. Juice like that can only mean one thing: a network of CPU's — powerful ones.

Zavala: Unfortunately, we don't know where the network might be located.

Holliday: So, you're gonna have to snoop around, not draw too much attention

Zavala: Team Remnant, securing this asset could turn the tide of this "war" with the Red Legion. Without it... I don't know what comes next.

Jaune: Don't worry Commander we got this covered.

Sun: You can count on us!

Solarium, Titan

Brawn: Incoming Fallen.

Team Remnant fight off a group of Fallen.

Nolan: Looks like they were trying to break through those tiles.

Brawn: Then it's best if we destory it.

Team Remnant destorys the Tiles as they enter the Arcology.

Sun: Looks like this place is still functioning.

Bolin: Makes you wonder what this place was like a long time ago.

Arcology PA: Welcome to New Pacific Arcology, the bright future of space colonization in the shadow of Saturn.

Octavia: Sounds like the Arcology's operating system is back online.

Sun: Yup, hey Amanda you reading this?

Holliday: Yup I knew it! Keep an eye out for an OS access terminal. You can use it to pinpoint the CPU network.

Sun: You got it.

Arcology PA: Thirty four percent of Titan's citizen's hope that the Traveler will terraform the ocean-moon soon.

Brawn: Well we know what happened to that.

Scarlet: Very bad.

Arcology PA: Attention science lovers! The Collective's lecture on the terraforming of begins in five minutes in the Cassini Library.

Festering Halls, Titan

Octavia: Over there. One of the access terminals we're looking for.

Jaune: Sun.

Sun: On it. Saiten do your magic.

Saiten scans the access terminal

Saiten Taisen: The CPU network is deep in the maintenance levels. Amanda, is this what we're looking for?

Holliday: Bingo! That's the place!

Saiten Taisen: Ok, I've got the location. Let's find a way down.

The Team make their way through the Festering Walls

Octavia: Looks like the Fallen dug a shortcut for us. Let's head down that hole in the ground.

They dropped down the hole.

Jaune: We're definitely in Hive territory now. Stay sharp

Zavala: Indeed. Keep radio chatter to a minimum... We don't want to draw any... unnecessary attention.

Brawn: Hive incoming.

Jaune: Hold this position. Firing line, Sun, Brawn, Bolin LMGs. We're going to break through this horde.

Team Remnant makes their way through the tunnels as they eliminate the horde of Hive. They arrived at the end and dropped down to the CPU.

Arcology PA: Warning. CPU network disrupted.

Bolin: Well, there's no way the Hive didn't hear that alarm.

Zavala: Move it, Guardian!

Jaune: Come on guys let's go!

They hurting proceed to the CPU as they arrived and acquired the item of interest. Jaune are escaping the area as they are dealing with the Hive horde that just got worse.

Jaune: We got the CPU, but we stirred up the entire Hive colony, and it's a long walk to the surface.

Holliday: They're not gonna make it out of there, Commander.

Zavala: Jaund. Can your team make it to the Center of the Arcology? We should be able to send someone to pick you up from there. Holliday?

Holliday: Yeah... yeah, I'm on it.

Nolan: Vehicles up ahead!

Team Remnant jumps into an armored vehicle

Sun: Punch it!!

Brawn presses the gas pedal as they escape from the Hive.

Bronze: Brawn this road leads to the center of the Arcology. We'll need a way out once we get there.

Jaune: Then we better cause I don't like our odds right now. Amanda what's your status?

Holliday: I'm strapping in and about to take off. I'll be there ASAP.

Zavala: Amanda!

Holliday: Sir?

Zavala: Fly fast. Fly safe.

Holliday: Yes, sir!

Sun: Stay safe Amanda, you still owe me a drink.

Amanda: Don't push your luck Sun.

Bolin: Bro you just got burned.

Sun: Shut up!

Team Remnant drives to the center of the Arcology.

Holliday: Got eyes on ya, pal! Meet you at the end of the road!

Team Remnant reaches the rendezvous point as the Team holds off any Hive that come in their way as Amanda picks them up.

Zaval: Good work — both of you. Let's get that CPU to Control and decrypt these transmissions.

Holliday: Things may finally be looking up for us.

Sun: Let's hope so.

Siren's Watch, Titan

They see footage of the Almighty destroying a Solar System.

Sloane: They call it... "The Almighty." The crown jewel of the Red Legion and life's work of their leader... Dominus . Ghaul has subjugated hundreds of worlds. Those that resisted... no longer exist. You see, The Almighty... annihilates stars. Nothing- and no one- survives Ghaul's ambition. What he wants... is the Traveler. And its Light. As for The Almighty... it's now pointed at our Sun. In short, sir... the war's over. And we've lost.

Zavala: We built our home under the protection of the Traveler. When our enemies attacked, we built a wall that stood for centuries. But now walls mean nothing. This enemy has taken our home. Taken our Light. And now they threaten our very existence! We're going all in on this... "Almighty". How long before the Fleet's combat ready?

Sloane: Zavala, wait-

Zavala: If we wait, we die. But if we attack together, we can take back our home, our Light... our hope. Or we die trying. Now. I need my fireteam. I need Ikora and Cayde.

Jaune: Then send us. Nolan and I will find them Zavala. The rest of my Team will stay here.

Zavala: I see, then go Jaune. Find them, we need everyone if we are going to face the Red Legion.

They both nodded as they went to their ships.

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