Chapter 4

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It'a been a year since the natives of Remnant arrived in the tower. In the beginning they had a hard time adjusting to life here. As the technology here on Earth is more advanced than what they have on Remnant.

During the first months in the Tower. They trained on piloting their ships. It was difficult at first, but after a few weeks they were able to handle it. Jaune's Ghost, Excalibur was able to get rid of his motion sickness Jaune was thankful for that. During their time in the Tower the Remnant Natives studied everything there is to know about Earth and their history as well as the enemies the Guardians fight.

In due time the Remnant Natives became one of the best Guardians in the tower. They have the highest mission counts among the Guardians and due to them being a team prior to arriving in the Tower, their teamwork is efficient they were able to eliminate a number of enemy outposts in the other planets. To the point they were able to establish an outpost in Old Russia.

The now named Team Remnant was able to eliminate majority of the Fallen and Hive in the area. There they were able to build a base. They called their base New Remnant, Cayde commented it was real original just like their team name.

In their base, Jaune, Neptune, and Flynt commissioned a lab to experiment on Dust and Aura with the technology "provided" by Cayde, without Zavala knowing at first. There, they were able to make a version of the subclasses the Guardians have.

The orbs they created were a mix of dust, aura and the technology of the Tower. Their first trials on the project was proven to be a failure. They tried numerous attempts to combine them but the usual results were that nothing came out or the machine malfunctioned and one time they had Nadir do a test run with Aura and ended up with him.....dying.

Luckily his Ghost, Stone was able to revive him. After that he refused to be their guinea pig, despite Jaune and Ivori bribing Nadir by giving him some Exotics. From what Scarlet told them, both Nadir and Roy were having a hard time acquiring. Curse their horrible luck. They spent hours on that cave and got trash, while Scarlet kept getting purples.

During one of their trials Sun decided to watch them.

Sun: Hey guys, so any luck with our little side project.

Neptune: Nope, the trials are still a failure.

Ivori: But we made progress in other factors of the project.

Kobalt: Yup we were able to get a new machine that Cayde "borrowed" from the Fallen.

Flynt: Let's hope it doesn't blow up like last time. Dew was pissed because we nearly destroyed her room and her with that explosion.

Neptune: We just need to find a way for the vials to absorb the energy we provide it. But it doesn't have enough power to get what we need.

Sun: If we it need it to be absorbed, why not just shoot it with our supers. I mean if it needs more power, the supers could just jumpstart it. Plain and simple.

Flynt: Sun.....that sounds like a-

Jaune: Great idea! Why didn't I think of that!

Sun: Jaune you know I was joking. Flynt is right this is definitely a bad idea. I don't want to be blamed for this. Reese was still mad at me because of the elevator incident.

Neptune: You just guessed that the elevator was working Sun, Saiten Taisen literally told you the elevators were not stabled and you pushed your lucked and we got crushed to death.

As Sun's Ghost appears

Saiten Taisen: I try my best Neptune.

Sun: Ugghhh. Anyway Jaune trust me don't go through with this plan.

Jaune: Nononononon. Hear me out. Listen do you guys still remember when we got our Supers?

Sun: I remember that day, Cayde wondered how the hell we had that much energy inside us.

Jaune: Exactly I think the power of the Light mixed with our Aura and probably our Semblance as well allowing us to have more energy and power compared to the other Guardians.

Flynt: Which essentially allows us to be more durable, faster, and powerful.

Neptune: Gee, now I know how we're able to beat those guys back at The Black Garden.

Flynt: Yup especially our fight with Crota

Kobalt: I wasn't there when that happened, if I can recall it was all the team leaders that went in that raid. How were you guys able to beat him?

Flynt: Wellllllllll


Ocean of  Storms - Ir Yût's chambers

Jaune: Guys you better hurry this up. I don't know how much longer I can hold this forcefield.

Nebula: Don't worry Jaune we're on it. Flynt continue firing your sniper at Crota. We need to find an opening.

Arslan: Sun suppressing fire. Everyone use your LMGs we need to bring down his forcefield.

Sun: It's gone!! Everyone open fire!

Jaune: Brawn!!

Brawn: On it!!

Brawn charges at Crota and delivers a slash using the Hive Cleaver. Crota screams in pain as Brawn proceeded to stab Crota


Flashback Ends

Flynt: So yeah that's what happened.

Neptune: Sounds intense.

Sun: Oh yeah it was. All you need to know is that there was a lot of screaming involve and arguing especially from me.

Jaune: Anyway conversations aside I think it's time we get down to business. Neptune, Ivori I need you guys here. We're all going to shoot our supers at the vial.

Ivori: Is this even safe?

Neptune: I hope so.

Jaune: Alright guys ready?

Flynt: Wait!

Jaune looks and sees Flynt, Sun, and Kobalt hiding in a corner with Kobalt filming the test.

Flynt: We're ready

Jaune: Alright 3...2..1 GO!!

All 3 of them unleashed there Supers as it hits the vial. It starts to glow as the light gets brighter and brighter.

Neptune: Oh shit!!!

Outside of the base Arslan and Nebula are doing their weekly spar when out of nowhere a giant explosion occurred in the base.

Nebula: (Sighs) Again really? I hope they didn't blew up Dew's room again.

Dew: DAMMIT!!!

Arslan: Looks like they did.

In the aftermath of the explosion all the guys got out of the rubble as they check to see if the vial exploded.

Ivori: Guys look!

They looked towards the wreckage of broken machinery and see the Vial glowing in colourful lights

Neptune: Holy shit!!

Jaune: It worked!!

Flynt: It actually worked?!!

Kobalt: We did it!!

Ivori: All that effort didn't go to waste!

Sun: I'm taking credit for all of this just so you know.

As Sun says that very smugly

Jaune: This is amazing we need to run some tests. We finally have a breakthrough

Nebula: Ahem.

They were all interrupted when they heard a noise, they all looked in horror as they see Arslan and Team NDGO with Dew looking very pissed.

Jaune: Oh, um....Arslan...Neb look let me explain

That day the boys were banned in the lab for a week.

After that they were able to create the the orbs and presented it to Zavala and Ikora. They said that the orbs could grant you different abilities like the supers they use. The only difference is, is that you can crush the orb and your super is charged and ready. It lasts for around 25 seconds.

According to Flynt, their next batch would last for a minute. Another thing they discovered is that it heals you as you crush the orbs besides giving you a charge it heals your health and makes you invulnerable for about 10 seconds. This proven to be very effective, when Guardians used it they were able to make a lot of progress in the different colonies in the other colonies. Zavala commissioned that they upgrade their lab to continue producing more Orbs and create other projects to help the Guardians combat the Darkness.

During their time in their base they were attacked by a group of Fallen. They heard rumours about the New Orbs that the Guardians produced and decided to raid their bases for their resources.

Jaune: Reese what's the situation?

Reese: We got a battalion of Fallen right in the entrance. May's at the Sniper Tower and told me a few Fallen are circling around the perimeter looking for an entrance.

Nebula: We're we able to close down any of the doors?

Reese: Only a few but a couple of doors weren't able to close in time.

May: Guys! A bunch of Fallen made it inside the base. I repeat Fallen have breached the base.

Jaune: Alright Flynt, take Ivori and Kobalt and protect the lab. Sun take your team and deal with the Fallen in the front entrance. Brawn take Octavia, and Gwen and head over to the east; Nadir and Roy at the West. Nolan, I want you to deal with the Fallen that are inside the facility. Arslan take Dew and Bolin and protect the hangar bay. Neon you stay with Reese and Nebula you're with me. Alright everyone let's move.

Author's notes

There are 2 references to Achievement Hunter in this chapter.
1. Scarlet saying he got purples is referencing the AH GO where they had to get a purple and Gavin won that, cause he is or was the Purple King
2. Sun stating that the Raid had a lot of screaming and arguing references the AH raid let's play of them doing Crota's raid

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