Chapter 12

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After the events of the Fall of Beacon, Team Remnant decided to take a rest and camp out in the Emerald Forest, since no one can disturb them. They eliminated all the Grimm in the Emerald Forest, which shocked Ozpin. When Jaune contacted him and said that they all eliminated the Grimm stating that "they're going to annoy my beauty sleep, I don't want to hear a cranky girlfriend in the morning stating she didn't get any sleep".

As Arslan brought the two recipients that were chosen by the Traveler's Light.

Arslan: Here they are Jaune.

Jaune: How are they by the way?

Arslan: Well Neo here is just fine, she was in shocked when she woke up and found out she has a voice again. As for the girl, Nebula told me her name is Amber. To be honest I thought she would lose her memory due to dying, but she remembers everything even to the point where she died.

Jaune: I know.....I was there when she was shot by an arrow.

Arslan: Harsh.

Flynt: Hey guys!!

Both of them look towards Flynt and see him and Neon with a girl, and when they took a good look on her. They noticed something odd

Jaune/Arslan: Are those robot parts?

Neon: Yup, turns out Penny was an android that is capable of producing Aura.

Flynt: Atlas probably paid alot of money to get her made.

Neon: Yup, none of us knew she was an android, they really kept it a secret.

Jaune: What happened to her anyway?

Neon: Accoridng to what they said, she was supposedly killed by Pyrrha. Because of this, with her being killed it caused panic among the audience.

Flynt: Which started this whole incident.

Jaune: Flynt, do you mind if I take a look at her.

Flynt: Sure.

Flynt and Neon placed Penny down as Jaune examines her. He's curious if the Traveler's Light could bring an android back to life, since according to Flynt, she has Aura. Which essentially could consider here as an actual person. Jaune wants to put his theory to the test and takes out the Traveler's Light and breaks it as the Light begins circling around Penny.

Flynt: Jaune what are you doing?

Jaune: Trying to see if the Light is capable of brining back something that isn't made of flesh.

The Light begins circling around Penny as it stops in the middle and goes down her chest as the Light brightens. They shield their eyes then as the Light stops. They look to see Penny's body is back to normal.

Jaune: It worked.

Flynt goes to check on Penny. He touches her hands to see if they are still metal but when be feels her hands they are flesh. Penny is now a human. (She is wearing her outfit in the later Volumes)

Flynt: She's human Jaune. Looks like the Light can really do anything.

Jaune just smiles as Penny looks at them.

Penny: Um..who are you? Oh you're Flynt Coal, I heard from the reports in Atlas that your were KIA in the field. How are you alive? And why can't I see my settings?

Flynt: Well Penny I'm gonna be blunt with you and say that you're human now. Flesh and blood.

Penny: I'm......human now?

Penny touches her hands as she feels the skin making contact with each other. She dosent realize it but tears fall down her eyes. As Jaune and Flynt comfort her.

Penny: Is this a Dream? Is this really happening?

Jaune: Yes Penny, you're human now. You are free. You can do anything you want.

Penny: Anything?

Flynt: Yeah you could join us on our adventures both here and on Earth. Since you have the Light now it's best we keep you away from Atlas's hands

Jaune: Yup, so Penny. Would you like to join our Team of misfits?

Penny looks at Jaune and thinks, she's no longer an android. She is human now, she could choose who she truly wants to be. She is no longer held by the chains of Atlas, she is her own person now with no one to control her.

Penny: I accept!

Jaune: Great Penny now the-

Then Penny envelope Jaune in a bone crushing hug as Flynt just laughs.

Nebula: Jaune who the hell is this??!!!

As Nebula appears out of nowhere as Jaune is scared shitless and Flynt finds this very entertaining.

Jaune: Nebula let me explain!

Flynt: Alright, good night guys.

The night ended up with Jaune sleeping outside on the floor.

The next morning Team Remnant were called to Ozpin's office to explain everything.

Sun: So how do you think this meeting would go?

Neptune: Depends on whose there with us.

Flynt: For sure Ironwood is there and will demand us to give them our weapons and gear.

Roy: If he tries that all he's gonna get is my fist in his face!

Nadir: Same! Atlas aint getting our shit! We worked hard for this after it was destroyed by Gary!

As Arslan just sighs, why is she the only normal one in this group.

Reese: Let's just try our best not to put a bullet on them.

Arslan: I know, I have to keep these idiots in check. But if any of them say something that threatens my family then all bets are off.

Nebula: Jaune are you okay?

Jaune: I am, but I have to face my tormentors and that bitch that expelled me.

Dew: If Goodbitch tries to chew you out then she has to go through all of us.

Neon: Yeah if she still thinks you're weak we'll show her what you're made off Jaune!

Jaune just smiles. He has a small tear in his eye.

Jaune: Thank you all of you. You're the only people that stood by me from the beginning, there's no one in the world that could replace all of you.

Brawn: Stop it man! You're gonna make me cry!

Nolan: Same.

As Nebula hugs Jaune

Nebula: We're with you Jaune till the end.

The elevator doors open as they enter Ozpin's office and see him, Goodwitch, Ironwood, Qrow, Winter, RWBY, and NPR.

Ozpin: Ah Jaune so glad you can join us. Is this everyone?

Jaune: Yes Ozpin this is everyone. So, where do you want us to start?

Ozpin: Start by explaining everything from the beginning.

Jaune: Alright sir.

As Jaune explained everything from when they were outnumbered by the Grimm, to when the Traveler brought them to Earth and gave them their powers. To their journey around the Solar System. From defeating the Hive, Vex, Fallen, and Cabal. To the invasion of The Red Legion. He also talked about the Tower, their Vanguard Leaders such as Zavala, Ikora, Cayde-6. He also explained how they can't die, because they get revived by their Ghost. All their Ghosts popped out when he was explaining what they are and he explained how him and his Team were able to mixed their powers with Dust and Aura creating the Orbs which he showed to them. He also explained that they can travel back to that world and they can communicate with them to show proof that everything they said is real.

As Zavala answers the call, as he appears in a screen for everyone to see.

Zavala: Jaune, how goes your mission on your homeworld?

Jaune: It's a success Zavala, we contacted you to show them proof that everything we said is true.

Zavala: Of course Jaune. Oh before I forget, we prepared the materials for your base in Remnant. Do you mind sending us the location so that we can transport the base to Remnant?

Jaune: Of course Zavala.

He gestures to Excalibur as he sents the coordinates.

Jaune: The coordinates are sent Zavala, contact us when the base is finished.

Zavala nods as the hologram ends. Jaune looks at Ozpin and waits for his responce. Before he was about to speak. Ironwood said something really stupid.

Ironwood: Ozpin, I'll have my men arrest them so we can take them to Atlas and be experimented on. We need to extract this Light from them so that it can be used on the Huntsman and Huntresses. If they die it's fine they can just revive themselves. Also I need all your weapons and equipment, I prefer they belong to At-

Ironwood was silenced when Roy punches Ironwood in the face towards the wall leaving a mark. As Goodwitch and Winter are about to intervene, until all of Team Remnant pull out their weapons and aim it at everyone.

Nebula: If any of you make a move we'll pull the trigger!

Dew: Touch any of us and we pull the trigger!!

Gwen: My finger is getting itchy you best not try to piss us off.

Sun: Do it I dare you! Come on!

Octavia: Come on! I know you hate us because we're friends of Jaune. I can see it in your eyes. Come on show us your true colors!

Bolin: We saved everyone in Vale. At least show us some respect. If I see any Atlas scumbags try to arrest me, all they're getting is a bullet to the head!

Sage: We saved you and this is how we get treated, pathetic.

Scarlet: Truly pathetic to be treated as if we're nothing more than lab rats for Atlas.

Nadir: As long as it benefits them, we're merely just tools. Waiting to be disposed of.

Arslan: If you try to hurt my family, then I'll see to it you suffer!

Neptune: You aint hurting my brothers and sisters!

Reese: No one dares to hurt my family and gets away with it!

May: Any of you touch them I won't hesitate to pull the trigger!

Nolan: Touch or hurt anyone of them. I don't care how many you send. I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.

Flynt: Think about hurting my family then your in it for a world of pain coming from me! You Atlas pigs!

Neon: Come on Specialist, Show us what you're made of. Show us why your Ironwood's dog!!

Ivori: You Atlas dogs will do anything to flaunt your ego.

Kobalt: Leaving all of us to the scrapheap. Yeah no thanks I rather not deal with your kind anymore.

Brawn: Let's go!!! I'm looking forward to kicking your guys asses for hurting Jaune.

Roy: Count me in, punching that dickhead of a General felt good!

Ozpin: I like it if all of you would not kill my staff.

Jaune tells everyone to calm down but to keep their guard up. When Ironwood got up, Jaune went towards him and grabs his collar and pins him towards the wall. Breaking it again.

Jaune: Listen here and listen well. I don't care if you send the entire Atlas army to our doorstep. You'll never and I mean never hurt my family. If you try to even touch my family, I would make sure Atlas nothing but ash and everything you and your precious army has built. Do. I. Make. My. Self. Clear?

Ironwood nods rapidly as Jaune lets him go.

Jaune: Oh by the way Ozpin about the Traveler's Light it already picked 3 recipients here in Remnant. You guys can come out now.

The 3 recipients got out of the elevator. Ozpin, and his Inner Circle were shocked to see who were the New Guardians. Standing in front of them is Penny and Amber without there helmets while Neo kept hers on for now.

Ozpin: How is this possible? How are you alive Amber?

Ironwood: Penny you're alive?!

Penny: Yes Ironwood, I am alive and human now.

As she shows that her hands are now flesh and blood as she does a small cut on her arm that shows a drop of blood.

Ironwood: That's great. Now after we're done here we-

Penny: I refuse.

Ironwood: What?

Penny: I refuse, because I am Human now and not a Android which means I am no longer a property of Atlas. I am. Not. Your. Slave. Anymore. Ironwood.

Winter: Penny-

Penny points her Pistol at Winter's face. Winter gets the message and backs off.

Amber: For me I was revived by the Light from what Nebula told me.

Ozpin: And what about her?

Jaune puts his hand on Neo's shoulder and told her it's okay. She sighs as she removed her helmet.

Yang: Wait it's her!!!

Weiss: She works for Torchwick!

Blake: How was a criminal chosen by tbe Light!?!

Jaune: ENOUGH! All of you. It dosent matter the Light chooses anyone. So don't dwell on it what's done is done.

Nebula: Trust me. The Light really chooses anyone. Even someone that killed my mentor was given a second chance.

Ironwood: And what about Torchwick?

Arslan: In our custody, we sent him back to the Tower. He has his uses and we decided he'll fit well in the Tower.

Flynt: Don't worry about him Ironwood, he'll be fine. We have our friend Shaxx keeping an eye on him.

Winter: Wait, you look familair?

Neon: Oh come on you just recognize who we are just now?!

Winter: Wait! You're Team FNKI. We heard you guys were killed on a mission.

Flynt: Not killed, left behind by the so called Atlas Military.

Winter: What?! Who did this?! That Officer must be court-martialed.

Kobalt: Dosent matter, we ended up somewhere good in the end.

Ivori: Who knows where that asshole is anyway. He probably got a promotion for leaving us for dead.

Winter: It does matter, don't worry I'll make sure that Officer gets punished you have my word.

Jaune: 'At least this Schnee is better than the one I had'

Ozpin: Now that we got that out of the way. Jaune would you and your Team like to go to Beacon?

Jaune: Sorry Ozpin, but I have to decline. If I can recall this bitch.

As Jaune points at Goodwitch.

Jaune: Told me that I don't deserve to go to Beacon and if I stay here there's a good chance my sperm donor will find me and try his best to kick me out or worse use my power and my friends for his own personal gain.

Goodwitch: We had reasons! You were not trained and the weakest student in Beacon! You had no potential!

Sun: Really no potential huh? Well considering that me and Jaune fought in so many battles in the Solar system, you would say he's weak. Well, you're dead wrong bitch. Jaune is one of the strongest and the bravest person I know. He taught me how to be a good leader and to make amends with my Team. I still owe him alot for that.

Neptune: He is one of the smartest and the most intelligient person I ever met. I don't really want to admit that much but thanks to him he gave me the confidence to break my mask and be myself.

Scarlet: Jaune is a great leader. He's cunning and brilliant. He's always one step ahead of them and I always appreciate or envy his tactical mind. I don't know how you didn't see that or were you too blinded by his transcripts?

Sage: I consider Jaune as my Brother. We fought together, trained together, bonded together. He's one of the few people that I would consider family and if you dare hurt him, I'm going to end you.

Arslan: I knew Jaune since we were kids and he is one of the most hardworking people I have ever met. You never cared for that, all you saw was a bunch of papers, not hardwork, not motivation. Nothing!

Bolin: He is willing to admit his mistakes and insecurities. He shows us that he is human, we always look out for him and in return looks out for us.

Reese: Jaune always made sure we were prepared. He teaches us, guides us and let's us learn from our mistakes. He never gets angry at us he only tells us to be better.

Nadir: Jaune understands our strengths and weaknesses. He is willing to help us change and it dosent matter if it takes forever, Jaune is patient. He will not stop until we achieve our goal.

Brawn: Jaune is my Brother we made a promise that we would always look out for each other and I know he always kept his promises.

Roy: We were the only family Jaune had. He never admitted it at first. But we were happy when he told us we were his family. We embraced him with open arms. Something his family ignored.

Nolan: Jaune cares about all of us willing to do what must be done to ensure we come home safe. Even if he has to do things that are wrong.

May: Jaune always looks out for me. Even when I feel down he's there to guide me back to my feet.

Flynt: After Atlas left me and my Team behind I had nowhere else to go. But after I met Jaune he showed me the light, he gave me something to live for. He gave me a purpose. He gave me a place to call home.

Neon: I thought we lost everything when we left behind. But when we met Jaune, he gave me a reason to be happy. He was always there for me, for us. I wouldn't replace him with anyone.

Kobalt: When we were all seperated Jaune made it his number 1 priority to look for us. Hell, even if his former friends were to go missing and he heard about it he will look for them.

Ivori: He never stopped searching for us. He kept contacting us, asking us where we are. It broke my heart to think he would be upset if he sees one of us doesn't come home.

Dew: Jaune at first was afraid about us knowing about his transcripts but when he told us the reason why he did it. We accepted himc sure it was wrong but he had good reason. In the end he rewarded us with his friendship and loyalty.

Gwen: Jaune always saw us for who we are. He never cared where we came from, or the things we did, the titles we earned. He never cared for any of that. He always say the line "You're you, you're my friend, my ally, my team, my family". I believe that's something flat chest over there never bothered to learn.

Octavia: I don't why you abandoned him immediately, was it because of your pride? Did you not even care for him? Jaune loved all of us, if any of us would die it would break his heart, he always played the sacrifice card to ensure that we come Home safe. He always scares me when he does that and now that I see you, his former friends I don't want to even look at you. You would never appreciate the things he's done for us!!

Nebula: Jaune is the most important person in my life. He gave me a reason to be happy. He cares about us, he is willing to protect us, die for us. If you can't see that or anything that my family has said. Then you're not nothing but a pathetic excuse of a Teacher!!!

Everyone was shocked when all the Guardians backtalked to Goodwitch. Ozpin was smiling seeing that Jaune found his family, his real family. While RWBY and NPR were guilty of their actions. These people, these strangers, they saw Jaune for who he is. They never cared about his transcripts after all they were just a piece of paper. They accepted Jaune and treated him like one of their own.

Ozpin: Well Glynda I think they said enough don't you think?

Goodwitch couldnt say a word.

Jaune: Ozpin how about this, me and my Team will stay in Beacon for a week until our base is finished after that we leave. We still want to continue our jobs as Guardians. There's a threat coming and we're worried it might come into Remnant.

Ozpin: What threat Jaune?

Jaune: As of right now we don't know. Zavala told us to be prepared incase anything happens. Here Ozpin, I'll leave you my communicator if anything is to occur, contact us.

Ozpin: Of course Jaune.

Jaune: Anyway, we're taking these 3 New recruits back to the Tower they need to be trained to fight whatever creatures lurk in the Solar System.

Ironwood: Do you mind if we take a tour your of your base?

Jaune: For you no. But for Ozpin we can allow him. He can even bring guests if he wants like Port or Oobleck or that guy who looks like he needs a shower.

Sun: Nah, he kinda looks like a homeless man.

Nolan: Or someone who dosent get any sleep.

Bolin: Or hasnt gotten laid at all.

Gwen: He probably sleeps in a yellow sleeping bag.

Qrow: Oi what day is it today huh!? Insult Qrow day!! Quit it with the insults!

Jaune: Anyways, I'll talk with Zavala and see if he would show you guys a tour of the Tower.

Ozpin: Thank you Jaune, now that we're done here. I accepted your request and allow you to put a staging ground for your Command center, weapons and ships in the courtyard of Beacon.

Jaune: Thank you sir. Come on guys let's go. Oh and by the way Ozpin, if my sperm donor comes

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