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"TELL ME WHERE THE HELL ARE WE BEFORE I KILL YOU! YOU BETTER HAVE A CLEAR EXPLANATION." Bakugo yelled, activating his quirk and blasted his way to the stage.

"Calm down, Bakubro!" Kirishima tried to stop him. Without hesitation, he ignored him. With this, Iida stood up, telling off the angered Pomeranian while chopping the air, "Bakugo, calm down! Have you no manners? As future heroes, we must remain calm. Let the Disembodied voice explain!"

Bakugo suddenly fell flat to the floor. With this, he shouted when he realized that Eraser Head, a.k.a Aizawa had erased his quirk.

"Good on you, you brat!" Mitsuki Bakugo snickered at her son's failed attempt.

"Thanks, Dadzawa!" The same voice from the shadows cheered, "I'm sorry for literally bringing you in a theater and expect you to just sit and watch."


"Anyways.." Suddenly someone with a short stature came to their eyes. She had fair skin, big brown eyes and black messy hair, with blue and purple on ends of her hair. "My name is Dipp."

"I'll cut to the chase. I simply guard the Multiverse, don't ask..! To get your heads at ease, there's this one world in which it's the main source. Whenever its habitants creatively make an anime, video game, cartoon or whatever whatchamacallit, the Multiverse will increase in numbers. I divided each and separated fan made to original made by a small timer or a highly recognized original. And your world is an anime called My Hero Academia!"




"Do you think we'll just believe this crap your making?" Bakugo said, his eyes seething with annoyance.

"KATSUKI, YOU'RE VERY DISRESPECTFUL!" Mitsuki scolded him again but was unable to hit him since he was so far away.

"Shut it with your language, Katsuki Bakugo. There are children here!" Dipp warned, pointing at Eri, Kota, Mahoro and Katsuma.

Nezu suddenly spoke, "We must have a full understanding of why we are here, where we are and who you really are before we put our hands on your shoulder."

Sheesh.. Is it really this hard to convince them?

"Alright, I'll get serious." Dipp said, her tone of voice down. "Who am I? As I said my name is Dipp. Where you are? You're in a theater room created by me, outside of those doors is a room where I look after the Multiverse. Why you're here..? Well..."

The entire room tensed up, waiting for her continuation. Her face suddenly turned into a smile, giving shivers to other's spines.

"I was bored!"



Everyone wasn't expecting that answer. Some were confused, some where weirded out, some were trying to put things together like it was a puzzle and some were enraged.

"And.. I figured you guys might need a hand against the League of Villains."

Aizawa stood up, from what Dipp can tell, he seemed to be interested yet kept his bored demeanor.

"And what kind of information will you share?"

Her face enlightened, "Explaining is boring, that's why we're at a theater. Plus, if we could all watch it, then someone here will have something off their chest and they would probably don't have to keep making excuses."

"Continue?" Nezu said, sipping a cup of tea. He's already be pulled by the strings.

Dipp informed, "Remember I said you're in an anime. So obviously, there's a main character. My Hero Academia is a shonen Jump Manga turned Anime, so it's not just the main character whose secrets will be revealed, most of his classmates' past will also be shown. And through those connections, connects to the League means showing what they're doing and also their past. But before all that, I'd be asking their permissions to show it to all of you. I know that he knows you're all trustworthy."

" 'His Classmates?' So it's a student and a boy. It may be between Class A or B or the Big Three since they are the only students with classmates here." All Might speculated, his sweat started to drop, as if he knew what was going to happen.

"Nice observation there, All Might. Though, you guys have got to keep his secret to yourselves. No telling anybody! And if you know this secret, you may also have put your lives in danger. But even with that, you'll know 10x more than the info you have on them right now! It'll also show what the villains are up to."

"Ooh! Ooh! Who's the main character?! Is it me?" Kaminari raised his hand.

Jiro plugged her Earphone Jack on his ear, electrifying him, "No one in their right mind would make an idiot be the protagonist."

"As much as I'd like it to be me, it's probably Kirishima or Bakugo." Sero said, looking at his seatmates.

"If it was a boy.. Maybe it's Todoroki." Asui pondered, tipping her finger against her mouth.

"NONE OF YOU EXTRAS ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO BE A MAIN CHARACTER... IT'S OBVIOUSLY ME!" Bakugo said, arrogance flowing through his voice.

"Of course, Class B has the main character." Monoma started shoving his words, "Class A is a failure! They kept attracting danger towards them. The main character is me!"

"Stop dreaming." Kendo grunted.

"It is moi!" Aoyama twinkled.

"No way, It's me!" Sato tried.

"I bet it's you Deku or even you Iida!" Uraraka cheered.

"I'm not exactly sure I'd be a main character." Ojiro told Hagakure who insisted that it must be him.

"Why does it have to be a boy--!" Ashido ranted.

"Okay, sheesh. You guys really are chatty." Dipp yawned, "I'm getting sleepy so to get everyone awake, why don't you guys look around and see if you're friends to everyone.. but of course, not friends to all of Class 1A or 1B. You just have to keep a keen eye, especially the children and the non-hero course students."

Children? Non-hero students of Year 1?

They looked around, only seeing Mei Hatsume, Hitoshi Shinso, Melissa Shield, and the Big Three as those fitting of the second slot.

Only a few were close to Shinso and fewer knew who Melissa was. The Big Three seemed to have a close relationship to those who joined the Shie Hassaikai Raid. Mei Hatsume is pretty much all out to some people.

Some already have their thoughts on who it was until, "What about our four children? Who are probably close to them?"

Eri, Kota, Mahoro and Katsuma.

Eri was probably close to those who saved her. Mahoro and Katsuma closed the doors for Class 1B having the main character. Kota. There's not much students who were close to him but one..

Some were still missing the pieces since they weren't always there in between situations.

"Oh come on! You guys have got to have an Idea by now! His mom is here!" Dipp whined.

Uraraka raised her hand, her face was full of uncertainty but confidence, "Is it Deku-kun--?"

Dipp began pinching her nose. Her eyes closed and her mouth drew a convinced smile. "Ochaco Uraraka.. You.."

"Are correct, DING DING DING!"


"THAT DAMN NERD?!!" You know who said this.


"IZUKU!!" His mom cried out.

Deku started to panic, his friends seem to be cheering him on. Him? The main character? Not to mention, this girl told him his secrets would be told.

"Now, now. Don't get too worked up, people. Besides.. I said his secrets won't be the only thing to be revealed, so I'll ask permission from these people." Dipp snickered as she took a long list.


"Izuku Midoriya, All Might, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Inko Midoriya, Shouta Aizawa, Tenya Iida and Ochaco Uraraka. You seven probably have a heavy impact throughout all four seasons. To the seven, considering your relationship with Deku, it's pretty obvious why." She started off, saying that she needs their permission, also telling them that their secrets, past, thoughts and for the students, reasons of becoming a hero would be revealed.

Then she continued, "Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Tsuyu Asui, Eijiro Kirishima, Hitoshi Shinso, Momo Yaoyorozu, Gran Torino and Melissa Shield. Almost the same as them but it won't be in too much detail or it will only be shown in one season. And Mei Hatsume, Kyoka Jiro, Mina Ashido, and Fumikage Tokoyami, thoughts and for Jiro and Ashido, your life before UA."

"So.. what will it be, Deku?"

Midoriya lingered his hands on his messy green hair while all the while rambling of the possibilities.

Wait-- If this is true, then she'll show how I got my quirk!

He looked behind him where All Might's weak form stood. His face looks uncertain.

My past in exchange of valuable information on the villains? I don't know what to decide!

Midoriya looked up and asked, "What happens if I said 'No?'" Dipp simply pouted as she sat on the ground, she got back her stature and answered, "Then I'll send all of you back in your world, no biggie. I'll probably try on Demon Slayer.. or maybe Attack on Titan. Or maybe even The Promised Neverland...!-- oh , sorry. I'll send you guys back, I mean, time is stopped in your world right now, if that's what you're worried about. I also can't cut to just during the villains screen time, it wouldn't make too much sense for you. And--"

"Okay, I accept." Midoriya suddenly spoke up. This actually made Dipp a bit surprised. She had doubts he would let everyone know about One for All.

The greenette turned around to All Might and both gave a reassuring smile to each other, nodding at the same time.

Whoah.. They really are for real.

"A-Are you sure?" She stuttered, "It could reveal about OFA."

What's OFA? Some students wondered.

"Yeah, I'm sure about it. Besides, all secrets will always be revealed. And I think information that could save a thousand of lives is more important than my secrets." Izuku added, "H-hey..? Are you crying?!"

"I'm sorry but that sounded so beautiful and selfless--!"

What's up with her? Others found it weird.

Dipp's face suddenly turned to a smile and asked each of those she enumerated about their permission as well. All of them agreed after she answered what will specifically be shown for them.

All of them started to sit besides each other as Nezu agreed to what his students chose and sat beside all the other UA Teachers.

The lights turned off, Dipp then announced that there are food on the left and restrooms on the right side of the room.

"Alright, since you have said Yes to this, there's no more turning back. You're going to watch and relive some of the things you regretted but also see the things you've achieved. For the kids, I'll be changing the tone in their wordings or the scenes, only in their eyes and ears, if it's too inappropriate. I'm looking at you MINETA. For the rest, you'll have to watch without any warnings and other stuff." She announced as she squeeled in excitement at the stage, "To give our teachers a heads up, the villains in here, as of now, includes the League of Villains, Hero Killer: Stain, Nine, Wolfram, Muscular, Overhaul, Gentle Criminal and La Brava."

Present Mic commented, "Sheesh, that kid of yours sure does get in trouble a lot."

"Midoriya does seem to be a magnet of villains." Midnight added.

"Most of those villains are already in prison.." Ojiro pondered.

"When did you get in trouble with the Gentle Criminal?" Ashido asked.

"You should be more careful, Midoriya!" Iida said, "Villains may have taken an interest into you."

It took me a while to get the OVAs and Movies right on the Timeline. Luckily it wasn't a waste. Dipp thought to herself.

"Alright, let's get started!"



Hello readers ! (If there's any to begin with.) Here are the characters who's watching!

Class 1A and Class 1B
The Big Three
UA Staff: All Might, EraserHead, Nezu, Recovery Girl, Present Mic, Midnight, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Snipe, Vlad King, PowerLoader
Eri, Kota, Mahoro & Katsuma
Mei Hatsume
Hitoshi Shinsou
Gran Torino
The Wild Wild Pussycats
Melissa Shield & David Shield
Inko Midoriya & Mitsuki Bakugo

I planned this prologue to be short and yet it reached almost 2k words, my bad. XD

Their theater seats are on the photo above :v

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