Three: Ian and Bodil - Jason and Quentin

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I just realized that I didn't actually think this plot line through too well. I know what happens in the beginning, and what will happen in the end, but what of the middle? Any ideas? Also, to jrap, this story's first reviewer, thank soooo much! Reviews like that are what encourage me to keep writing! NOW, ON WITH THE STORY!

(Wow. I was way too peppy in these author's notes. -.-

~Future Hannah)

Forget Me

Ch 3

Ty's POV

Sky follows me to the Team Crafted house, and I show him to his room. He looks at it questioningly, and says, "It's made of gold...?"

I nod. "You're the one who wanted it that way in the first place, but I guess you can change it."

"Do you know where I can get any blue, white, and gray paint?" he asks.

"Yeah, we can pick some up later. What are you planning on making?"

He grins just like he used to whenever he'd talk about budder. "It's a secret," he says.

I shrug. "Anyway, me and the others were thinking we'd try to remind you of your old life. We've got some squids, parkour, and loads of budder downstairs."

Sky nods. "Okay..," he says, following me to the basement.

We enter to see Ian placing cakes randomly and mumbling incoherently. Jason and Quentin are scrambling around on the ground, searching frantically for his sunglasses. Ian sneaks up behind Mitch, who was checking under a table, and whispers, "Would you like to try my cake?"

Mitch sucks in a breath and turns around slowly. "N-No t-thanks, Ssundee..."

Derp Ssundee goes into a rage. "Do you know what I had to do to make this cake? DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAD TO DO?" he screams.

"Just eat his cake," Sky suggests. We all stare at him. "What?" he asks.

Ian nods, grinning insanely.

Jerome suddenly gasps and grabs something from the ground. Then he runs to Derp Ssundee and puts his sunglasses on him. Ian backs away from Mitch."Sorry," he says sheepishly.

"It's alright," Mitch replies.

"What just happened?" Sky asks.

"Ian failed the parkour, got his glasses knocked off, turned into Derp Ssundee and... yeah," Quentin explains, standing up.

Sky furrows his eyebrows. "Ian... Ian... Ian! I remember you!" he shouts.

Ian grins. "That's great!"

We all smile.

"So, ready for the Super-Buddery, Anti-Squid, Mini Epic Jump Map?" Bodil, who had been simply standing in the corner and laughing throughout the whole Derp Ssundee incident, urged us on.

Sky nods. "I guess so."

*bit of a time Skip*

Halfway through the parkour, Sky and I have fallen behind a little. Jerome, Mitch, Ian, Quentin, and Bodil stayed behind to work on something, so it's just Jason, Sky, and me. Jason calls from up ahead, "Oh, snap, Sky, you might not wanna use that checkpoint..."

"Why not?" Sky asks as he pulls the checkpoint lever anyway. A load of squids spawn on top of him, and I wait for him to scream and start complaining about how annoying their voices are. "Oh, Notch," he says instead. "Ty, do you happen to have a bucket of water? They're gonna die!"

I just stare at him. There's no way he's being serious. "Uh, Jason?" I call. "We have a problem."

Jason backtracks, looks at Sky attempting to drag a squid over to a small lake, and just keeps staring. We both gape at Sky until he's moved most of the squids to the water. "A few of 'em died," Sky mutters, returning to the parkour course. "Sorry, Squids."

*Time Skip*

We're nearing the end of the course. After finally making the last jump, I cheer and open a large chest next to a sign that says "Time to Celebrate." Inside are three stacks of budder ingots and three stacks of diamonds. I grab some budder and spin in a circle, spewing ingots into the air. Jason and Sky come soon after me. Both reach into the chest and I smile as Sky says, "OH YUS! It's like a dream come true!" But then he starts twirling and throwing diamonds into the air, and I frown.

Somehow, I will get my friend back.

Sky laughs. "Bodil's maps are awesome. Ha, remember on one of the last Epic Jump Maps when-"

I cut him off. "Did you just say 'remember'? Do you remember us?"

He frowns for a second. "Well- Sorry, no. But I remember Bodil, his amazing maps- oh, and his awesome laugh!"

"Good!" I cheer with him. But honestly, I won't really be cheering until he remembers me.

And I will remind him, somehow.


These two chapters were really short, so I'm just combining them. This chapter is called "Jason and Quentin". Can you guess what's gonna happen?

Still Ty's POV

We step back into the Team Crafted basement. There's a staircase leading down into the earth in the corner of the room. Jerome is standing near the top of it, hand poised over a stone button. He hesitates for a second, then pushes it. Mitch screams from farther down the tunnel. Then he comes sprinting up the staircase. "Biggums! I think the dispensers are malfunctio-" he looks at Jerome's hand, still held over the button. "Jerome!" he shouts. The bacca bursts out laughing. Mitch just glares at him for a moment before joining in.

Some time later, Jerome looks over and realizes we've returned from the course. "Oh, snap! Mitch, go reset the dispensers!" Mitch runs off and Jerome turns to us. "Sorry 'bout that. So, how'd it go?"

"He remembers Bodil, at least," I say. Sky nods.

"And the budder and squids...?" Jerome asks.

Jason shakes his head. Jerome sighs. "Oh, well, we're still making progress."

Mitch comes running back up the staircase. "It's ready, dood!"

Jerome nods. "Okay, we've set up a short, scary adventure map for you guys to play. You ready?"

All three of us nod. "Exactly how scary is it?" Sky asks.

Jerome grins. "Don't worry – you'll love it."

*Time Skip*

"Ahh!" Sky screams as he turns a corner and is met with a charged creeper. He runs, but still takes damage from the blast. "What the Nether?" he shouts as he runs to catch up with Jason and me.

Suddenly all the mob sounds quiet.

"Uh, this is creepy," I say. "It's way too quiet..."

Sky covers his ears. "Are you kidding? The second we entered this passage, a barrage of 'Hey's' assaulted my ears. Seriously, what the Nether is making that annoying noise?"

Jason and I glance at each other. We've never actually heard the squids, but we know Sky has, and he says that they just say, "Hey. Sky. Hey. Whatcha doing?" over and over.

I would be annoyed, too.

We keep going forward, with Sky pressing his hands harder and harder over his ears. There must be a whole lot of squids nearby. We keep moving anyway. This corridor is really long.

Suddenly Sky freezes. "What?" He looks around the cavern, uncovering his ears. "WHAT? JASON, I'M STARTLED!"

Jason and I gasp as Sky's eyes light up. "You remember me?" Jason asks. Sky nods excitedly, then frowns.

"But really, who's saying that?" he asks.

"Saying what?" I ask.

"Well, at first they were just saying, "Hey. Hey. Sky. Hey.' But then one of them stopped and said, 'We're coming for you, Sky.'..."

"It's the squids, Sky. You're hearing squids," I say.

"Why?" he asks.

"There must be some squids hidden behind the walls."

"But what did I do to make them mad at me?"

"You've been fighting each other for years. You kill them, they attempt to kill or kidnap you, or one of us. Back and forth like that. Of course they're mad at you. They can't seem to beat you, " I say.

"Oh. But what if I- ugh, there they go again," he mumbles, covering his ears.

"C'mon, Sky, let's just finish the map," Jason says.

Sky nods and continues walking with us. Eventually we reach the end of the corridor. There's an iron door with a button next to it, just waiting for us. "Well, that was boring," I comment.

Sky walks up to the door and pushes the button. But the door doesn't open. Instead, a load of squids falls down on Sky. "Ack!" he yells. "I thought squids were passive!"

"Of course they're not passive! We battle them every other week!" I say.

"Push the button again!" Jason instructs.

We can't even see Sky beneath the mass of squids. "Are you crazy? No way! Oh, snap, that one has a sword!"

"Just press it! Maybe a lever or button or pressure plate will pop out!"

"Ugh, fine." We hear the sound of a button being pressed. More squids attack Sky. "Dude! It gave me a golden sword! Diamond would have been preferred, but... Woah." We hear a few slashes from Sky's word, and a hissing sound. "It's not even enchanted... budder swords BURN squids?"

I nod as he kills the last squid. "Hey, you said budder instead of gold."

"Guess I did," he says. "Still don't see why I was so obsessed with it, though. Oh well." He pushes the button one more time, and a lever pops out. "Yes!" Sky cheers, placing the lever next to the door. He flips it and we walk through the door and up a staircase. Quentin, Mitch, and Jerome are waiting for us.

"How'd it go?" Quentin asks.

"I remembered Jason, fish!" Sky says, smiling.


Sky laughs. "We should try to count how many times you've said that. Let's see... Assuming you say it at least three times a week, and I've known you since.. Okay... Does anyone have a calculator?"

"Wait, you remember meeting me?" Quentin asks.

"Well, yeah, I- OH! I remember you!"

Everyone smiles. Slowly, slowly, we're getting him back.


(I didn't rewrite this one, I just edited a few parts, changed usernames into real names, that kind of thing. Baiii!)

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