I'm So Sorry Guys...

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Guys. We have a problem. I just, I don't watch these guys much anymore, and I've been having so much trouble writing... I know, I know, we're so close to the end, but I don't think I can finish it... I hope you all understand...

lolololololololololol Did I getcha? I bet I scared you all half to death. :3 I really hardly ever watch these guys. I'm serious about that part. But, honestly, I'm not writing about the Team Crafted on YouTube, not anymore. I'm writing about the Team Crafted from Remind Me. They're my characters now, and I don't have to watch their YouTube videos to write about them.

And the 'having trouble writing' part? That's true too. I can't believe I've lost inspiration this close to the end of the book. I mean, honestly. But I can (fairly) easily get rid of writer's block by just shoving my pencil at the paper and seeing what happens. (My notebook paper is usually very messy by the time I finish writing a chapter.)

SO. IS THIS THE LAST CHAPTER? I think it might be... This and an epilogue, I think. Also, thanks again, my be-ay-yoo-tiful Rulers. I love all of your reviews. Some of them are uber funny and they totally make my day. PS: WE HIT 11,000 VIEWS. HALP, WHAT DO I DO? I'M DYING!

Also, need to talk about some things. One: Don't worry, whoever was worried, neither this or the sequel is ever going to have serious Skylox in it. I just felt bad for all the people who actually wanted this to be a Skylox, so I put that funny little bit into the last chapter. Two: … Darn it, I can't actually remember... Oh, yeah. I'm gonna be editing some of the earlier chapters, because I was reading over them, and... *shudders* Oh my. I just, what? My writing has improved so much since then (in my opinion, anyways.) Those first few chapters, where I didn't really know my characters, they have to be fixed. And three: Whoever suggested this in the reviews... Man, I really wish the kill switch made it rain cookies... But maybe Seto can do that.

Remind Me

Ch 23

Sky's POV

Ow. My right arm kind of hurts. Like, near the area where I was injected by the poison, it just stings a little. Hmm. Whatever, it's probably just the poison shutting down. I ignore it and look up at the group of soldiers that is tying the psycho girl's and boy's hands together. They've got this covered.

I jog over to the terrified jumbo squid. I think those psychos managed to traumatize it. You know, I almost feel bad for him.


I punch the squid, setting him on fire. He quickly dies, and I laugh and bounce back over to Ty, who is explaining the previous situation to Seto. "So then they jumped off, the squid backed away from us, and some soldiers attacked the psychos."

Seto nods. "Alright. Oh, hey, Sky!" he greets me.

"Hi! Where are Mitch and Jerome?" I ask.

"Back by the buttons."

"You left them alone with the buttons!?"

"Yes, but don't worry. I already disabled all the buttons."

"Oh, Okay. What are they doing, then?"

"I have no idea," he says. I shrug and turn to Ty.

"Well, all the jumbo squids are gone, Seto has the potions-" I turn to Seto for confirmation before continuing, and he nods. "The pain is over, uh, what else did we have to take care of? Well, the Doods' rebellion has been taken care of, you guys killed the weird poisonous squids, Ian has his glasses... What am I forgetting?"

"GUYS!" Ian screams, running over to us with Jason by his side. "WE FORGOT ABOUT THE CITY!"


"Call Quentin!" I shout, and we all pull out our phones and dial his number at the same time.

Jason's call is answered, whereas we all get the 'Shove off, Quentin's busy' message. "Quentin! The city, what happened to the city!?" Jason yells into the phone. I lean forward and take the phone from him, quickly putting it on speaker. Jason yanks the phone back from me, shooting me a glare, and then holds the phone out so we can all hear.

"There were three layers of TNT underneath the city," Quentin says.

"OK, yeah, but did it blow up?" Ian asks.

"Oh, Ian, hi. Is everyone else there, too?"

"Yes, now answer the question, fish!" I say impatiently.

"I'm not a fish-"

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Seto says harshly. We all look at him, surprised at his loudness. He shrugs, smiling sheepishly.

"Okay, okay! Goodness. So, there was TNT beneath the entire city, and we got a bunch of people to surround it in water so the blast wouldn't do any damage. So, no damage at all was done to the city. Ta-da!" Quentin explains. Everyone lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank goodness," Ty breathes.

"So, I'm guessing you guys saved Sky, since he was insulting my species a few seconds ago," Quentin says, sounding slightly irritated.

"Yeah, he's fine. And we got rid of his eternal pain!" Jason says cheerfully.

"Eternal- What? What the heck? What have I missed?" Quentin asks.

"A whole lot," I reply.

"Well, can I hear about it?"

"Nope. We'll tell you when we get home," Seto says. "The Recruits are getting impatient." He glances up at a Recruit who is currently standing on a block of wooden planks and using it as a stage. Hmm, he looks way too familiar...

"WE MUST LEAVE OUR EVIL WAYS AND JOIN THE SQUIDS! LORD DERPOLOLOLOL... lol.. lolol... uh... LOLUS WILL HELP US!" Oh, it's one of the mental Recruits.

"Uh, that didn't sound good," Quentin says with a concerned tone in his voice.

"Heh, we should probably take care of that," I say quickly as half the Recruits start chanting "DERPOLOLOLOLUS! DERPOLOLOLUS!" and the other half gives the crazy half looks that say "The flip is your problem, man?"

"Yeah... Okay. I'll let you go then," Quentin responds slowly. "Bye!"

"Bye!" the others shout while I run over to the make-shift stage.

I quickly shove the mental Recruit off the wooden planks and stand in his place. "RECRUITS! GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, GUYS! COME ON! THE SQUIDS ARE EVIL, YOU KNOW THIS! GEEZ, PEOPLE! The squids have already been defeated, anyways! We can all go back to our normal lives now. Just, just chill out, okay? There's no need to start worshiping an evil squid whose name you can't even pronounce. Besides, we destroyed Derpollolus a long time ago," I say loudly, catching their attention and driving their minds back in the right direction.

Murmurs of agreement float through the crowd, and the dude I pushed off the "stage" groans. "Seriously?" he asks, getting up and brushing himself off.


The Recruits all snort at the ridiculousness of it all before tying up the mental Recruit. The other crazy Recruits are probably hiding somewhere in the crowd, but as long as they don't try to instigate rebellions, I don't really care.

Jerome's POV

"Do you think we should tell Seto or Sky or someone what we did?" I ask Mitch.

"Hmm... Nah, we'll just keep it a secret, and then later we can use it as our secret weapon when we need Sky's help with something. We'll be all like, 'But, Sky, we sort of saved your life, it's only fair that you help us with this...' and he'll be confused, and we'll tell him about how we pushed the kill switch to completely shut off the pain thingy," Mitch responds.

I nod. "Sounds like a plan."

"Okay, then, Biggums, let's go find the others."

Sky's POV

Mitch and Jerome strut out of the Squid base, grinning triumphantly. Oh, boy, what did they do? I walk away from the mental psycho (who is now pinned to the ground while sane Recruits give him lectures about not sacrificing people to the fire) and towards those two. "Hey! Benja, bacca! What's up?"

They exchange knowing glances and then smile widely at me. "Oh, nothing," the Fluffy says suspiciously.

I narrow my eyes at them. "What were you doing down there?"

They giggle like two schoolgirls keeping a secret. "Oh, just stuff," Mitch replies. Geez. Idiots. They probably had their first kiss or something. Okay, probably not. But still, that's how stupid they're acting right now.

I roll my eyes and run back over to the stage thingy, waving at the rest of the Team to follow me. "Alrighty, everyone, it's time to start back towards the city! I need a few of you to run through the squid base, make sure no one's still inside. We wouldn't want to leave anyone behind."

"We'll do it!" a group of Stars shouts. They all run inside, giggling and pushing each other to be in front. Seriously, why aren't any of our soldiers mature?

Seto stands next to me. "Sky? I need to dispose of these jumbo potions before we get back to the city. I don't trust myself not to bump into someone and spill them once we enter city grounds, and I don't want them inside the city at all, anyways," he says.

I nod. "Got it, that's no problem. We can take a detour to wherever you want to take the potions. How far off our course will it be?"

"Not far, probably only about twenty to fifty blocks off the main route."

"Sounds good, we can do that."

"Cool. Thanks, Sky."

"'Welcome," I say. The Stars come running out of the building, laughing loudly. One of them actually collapses on the ground and has to take her inhaler in order to continue breathing. "What in Minecraftia happened to you guys?"

"We- We- She-" They burst out laughing again. Finally, one calms down enough to say, "Janie figured out how to make the giant spinney chair's seat go up and down," while pointing at another Star. They all start laughing again. "IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!"

I roll my eyes, holding in a laugh in an attempt to look serious. "Okay, then. So, did you find anyone?"

"Nah, everyone's out here."

I nod. "Good. Let's go then!"

The walk home is mostly uneventful. We all march in an exaggerated fashion, just like before. The only unusual thing is that my arm still stings a little near the area where I was injected. That's OK, though, I'm pretty sure it's just the poison wearing off. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow.

About forty blocks from the city, Seto stops us. "Hold on, guys. I'm gonna pour the potions out on this field. If I dump it correctly, it'll all be fine. Worst case scenario, the grass grows a lot larger than it should." We all sit down on the grass and watch as Seto walks quite a distance away. He uncorks the potions and carefully pours the pink liquid into a small hole he dug in the ground. Then he waits for the liquid to seep into the dirt. Satisfied with his actions, Seto puts the empty potion bottles back in his bag and trots back over to us. "Off we go!"

We make it to the city in five minutes and are greeted by Quentin, Brice, Seth, and Bashur. "Hi, guys!" I shout as we open the city gates and all the armies run inside, whooping and hollering. Once the noise from the armies has died down a bit, they finally reply.

"Hey! You're finally back! You have a lot of explaining to do, Sky," Quentin says seriously. My eyes widen. So serious.

"Seto!" Brice yells, running forward and hugging him. He then hugs everyone else, not skipping a single one of us. "We were so worried! The Respawn Machine was disabled, and-"

"Heh, that was... Ty, Jason, Mitch, and I did that," Seto says nervously.

"You- What!?"

"It's a long story."

"So, where's Dawn?" Seth asks.

"A long story that ends with Dawn dying," Seto adds. I look down at my feet.

"Oh, Sky... I'm so sorry," Quentin says.

"Don't be, I... I'm the one that killed her..," I reply shakily.

His eyes widen. "It's a really long story," Jason puts in.

"Got it..."

"So, Seto! I need your help fixing the Respawn Mechanism," Brice interrupts the silence and grabs Seto's wrist, dragging him to the area where the Respawn Machine lies.

Mitch and Jerome glance at me and giggle suspiciously again before running into the city. Bashur raises an eyebrow. "What the balls are they up to?"

"No idea," I say, disappointed when my voice cracks. Ty smiles sadly and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, dude. It had to be done. If you hadn't killed her, she would have eventually killed you," he says consolingly.

"I know, it's just... Oh, I don't know."

"Don't worry. You'll get over it eventually."

"I hope so..."


Dah, Dah-dah-dah! THAT WAS THE LAST CHAPTER! Sort of. We still have an epilogue.

And then we have a sequel.

BUT STILL. JUST, JUST SHUT UP AND BE HAPPY, GUYS. :3 #SoUndeniablyElated if you're crazy happy about the sequel. :D

#ShutUpAndLetMeMourn if you're sad about the book ending. D:

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