Five: Room Redecoration

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Hey, I've got one more chapter here! Don't know if I'll be able to update EVERY day... But I'm trying. And thanks so much to all my amazing reviewers, and just overall fans. YOU GUYS ROCK! And, to Angel999FTW, I promise you... There will be a giant toaster in this story. Oh, and here's the disclaimer that I keep forgetting: DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MINECRAFT. IF I DID, I ASSURE YOU, THERE WOULD BE A WAY TO MAKE TOAST. I also do not own Sky or Deadlox or any of the other members of Team Crafted. So, on with the story!

Still Sky's POV

"Why can't we just let him die so he can respawn with full health?"

"The Respawn Mechanism is broken again."

"Who keeps breaking it?"

"I'm not sure, but we found black inc near the redstone circuits."

"It was a squid?"

"No, no, they're too stupid to do something like this."

"Is it really broken, or is it just malfunctioning?"

"It's really broken."

"So... so if Sky were to die before you got it fixed... he wouldn't ever respawn?"

Someone sighs. "That's right. Now, where did I put that health potion..."

I open my eyes and slowly sit up. Deadlox sees this. "Sky!" he says. "Are you OK?"

"I was attacked by a giant squid..," I answer.

Mitch and Jerome run up to me. "We're so sorry!" the Fluffy apologizes.

"I swear we had no idea that mutant squid was there!" Mitch insists.

"Yeah, something broke the redstone, and we couldn't teleport you out. When you killed the giant squid, though, everything magically started working again," Jerome tells me.

"We watched the whole squid-battle in Spectator mode," Deadlox says. "But we couldn't hear what the squids were saying. What were they saying?"

Inwardly, I panic. I can't tell them, especially not Deadlox. "Uh... you know... just 'Hey. Sky.' over and over."

Deadlox doesn't look convinced. "Are you sure? 'Cause you looked and sounded pretty mad..."

"Of course I was mad!" I snap. "Those things are way to flippin' annoying!"

Deadlox takes a step back and holds up his hands in a don't-blame-me position. "Okay, okay, I believe you."

Great. Now I feel guilty.

Seto enters the room holding a health potion. He sees me awake and rushes over to the bed I'm sitting up on. "Sky! You need to stay lying down, he says. But then he sort of tenses up, like he's waiting for an insult. Oh, of course! When I first lost my memory, he had me pinned to a table while he tried to fix me, and I called him a creep. That must've hurt, since I was his friend before this whole amnesia thing happened.

"Seto, chill out, dude," I say.

He visibly relaxes. "Sorry, Sky."

"No, I'm sorry for calling you a creep earlier. 'Guess I was just freaking out," I apologize.

Seto nods. "It's okay. You weren't yourself. You still aren't." He hands me the health potion. "Here. Drink this."

I drink it. It's very sweet, like oops-I-accidentally-poured-ten-packs-of-sugar-on-this-chocolate-doughnut sweet. I force it down anyway. IT does make me feel a lot better. "Thanks," I say to Seto. "I start to get up, but he pushes me back down.

"I'm really sorry, Sky, but you need to rest," Deadlox says. "You were hurt really badly, and the respawn thingy is broken again. We can't have you getting more hurt, opening up old injuries, and dying on us. 'Cause you won't respawn."

I sigh. "Can I at least go rest in my own bed?" I ask.

"Of course!" Seto answers me. "But after that, I don't want you moving around too much. Deadlox, could you help Sky out? Like, bring him food and water and potions and stuff so he doesn't have to move?"

Deadlox nods, but I groan. "Really?" I ask.

Seto nods. "Really."

*Time Skip*

"Can I please get up?" I ask.

"No. Seto said you need to rest," Deadlox replies as he enters my room.

I groan for the millionth time. "Fine. Um... Could you get me that blue, white, and gray paint?"

He looks confused. "Erm... Sure... I guess. What are you gonna make?"

I smile. "I told you, it's a secret!"

"You're really gonna paint over all that gold?" he asks.

I tense up. "Why did I just feel the urge to scream at you?"

"You used to get really mad when we'd call budder 'gold'," he says, smiling.

I shrug. "Weird. Anyway, paint please?"

He rolls his eyes and runs off. He comes back with three buckets of paint, five paint brushes, and a ton of newspaper. "Here you go," he says, setting it all down.

"Awesome," I thank him. "Now, out, out! I don't want you to see what I'm painting!"

He nods. "Okay. If you need anything, just call."

*Time Skip*

"Can I come in now?" Deadlox asks.

"Um... wait... okay, yep, now you can come in!" I reply. Deadlox steps into my room and gasps.

"You- You painted a SQUID in your room?"

I nod. "Do you like it?"

"Do you like it?"

"I think so."

"I can't believe this."

"What? You don't like it?"

"No, its- it's a beautiful piece of art, but... you hate squids. And even if you'd forgotten that... A mutant squid attacked you just a few hours ago!" he says with wide eyes.

I shrug. "I'm a very forgiving person."

"Since when?"

"Since I lost my memory."



"...Could... Could you maybe un-lose it? Your memory, that is."

I shake my head. "I wish."

"Please remember me," he pleads. His voice breaks on 'me'.

"I'm trying," I reply. "You'll have to help me out. You'll have to remind me."

"I will. Somehow," he says. "Hey, we should go visit Dawn tomorrow. You haven't seen her since you lost your memory."

"And thus, I have hardly any idea who she is," I say.

Deadlox laughs. "I'm sure you'll remember her."

"Why's that?"

"Her hair is pink and purple. She's hard to forget."

"Your eyes are purple. And Husky's a fish."

"That's different."

"Right. Well, maybe I will remember. I hope I do."

"I'm sure you will. Now, you need to go to sleep. You need your rest."

I groan, flop down on my bed, and hold a pillow over my head. "You sound like my mom."

"You remember your mom?"

"Uh... No."

"Well then how-"

"It's.. well... I don't know. Don't judge me."

He laughs. "Whatever. Goodnight," he adds.

"G'night!" I call.

"Try to remember me!" he shouts.

"Try to remind me!" I respond.

And then, I fall asleep.

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