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"How was your date?" Takuma and Takuya asked in perfect sync.

"What date?" Karma refused to look at the twins, knowing he will see identical smiles. Well, maybe not entirely identical, Takuma always has this cute smile of innocence, while Takuya is condescending.

"Oh, you know" Takuya trailed with a teasing smirk, leaning into Karma's personal space.

The red head stiffened, but tried not to take his attention off his game.

"The movies? The tickets?" Takuma listed. "We gave Gaku-kun tickets to see a sci-fi horror film, remember? Did Gaku-kun ask you to go with him?" Takuma suddenly giggled in a childish manner. "Or did he chicken out?"

"Gaku-kun?" Karma narrowed his eyes at Takuma. "When did you start calling him so...familiarly?"

"Just now" Takuma shrugged. "Is there a problem?"

"Hm.." Karma grunted, and continued playing.

"So? How was it?" Takuya took his turn to pester Karma. "Come on, you can tell us, we're friends after all"

"It wasn't a date" Karma remarked. "And yea we went together, but only as friends" he put emphasis on 'friends'

"But did you wish it was?" Takuma poked his arm.

"No" Karma snapped.

"Did you imagine it was?" Takuya poked his side.

"No" Karma aggressively moved his joystick. These damned twins were too nosy for their own good, and the way they looked at him, it was as if they know something about him. It was infuriating, almost making him return to his old habit of chewing his nails.

The twins continued to poke and prod, occasionally shaking him to get him to talk to them. They wanted to know details about his 'date' with Gakushū.

When Takuya saw how annoyed the red head was, he snickered to himself. It was fun to tease Akabane, he made all sorts of amusing expressions.

Akabane might think he is oh-so well with hiding emotions, but Takuya could see they were getting under his skin. Teasing Karma had become his new favorite hobby.

Takuya was a bit of a sadist, he loved the expressions people make when they finally loose it. it was a thrill to know he was the cause of it. Maybe it's one of the reasons he and Akabane clicked so well, they're both sadistic demons. 

Takuma meanwhile, was more innocent, and genuinely was just too curious for his own good. That, and his childish personality and happy-go-lucky nature made everyone think he was an attention seeker, and always found him annoying.

Takuya watched Karma's back with an arched brow. His twin was leaning against Karma's shoulder, watching the red head kill zombie on the tv screen. Every now and again Takuma would yell "yah!" Or "nice!". His dear twin was so cute.

"Do you like Gaku-kun Ka-chan?" Takuma suddenly asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Karma demanded.

"The way you look at him" Takuma continues. "And how exactly do I look at that twat?" Karma scoffed.

"Like he's..." Takuma tried to find the right words. "Uhhh...how do I put this? You stare at him like.."

"Like how you would stare at your precious strawberry milk" Takuya interjects.

Karma paused his game and looked at the older twin with wide eyes. "What? No I don't"


"You'd smack your lips whenever you stare at his ass" Takuya smirked. "Can't blame you, that guy's got a bubble butt"

"Okay maybe I find him physically attractive, but his personality sucks ass" Karma returned to his game.

"You mean you want to suck his big-"

Karma threw a pillow at Takuya. "URUSAI!"

The twins laughed uncontrollably.

Karma meanwhile, was blushing bright red.

"Alright, I like his face. And his body maybe--oh my God he definitely has abs, he works out after all, I'd like a piece of that-- but it's nothing.It's a physical attraction that will fade away over time"

The twins slept over.


Monday rolled in, and it was time for everyone to hand in their projects to Gakuho, and then read out loud to the entire class.

Unfortunately, Gakushū couldn't attend class because the boy caught the flu. Meanwhile Akabane chose that same day to skip.

Akabane Karma
By Asano Gakushū

At first glance, you'd think he's just a self centered delinquent who only cares about causing trouble and messing with students. You'd think he's cruel, unfeeling, and enjoys violently beating up anyone who gets in his way. But if you were to take time off your hands to get to know him, give him a chance and bond with him...

You will learn there is more to Akabane than meets the eye. He's not selfish, he's not cruel, and he doesn't resort to violence unless ABSOLUTELY necessarry. He's protective of the ones he care about, and very lonely.

This boy's parents work overseas, the leave him to the care of his servants who love him endlessly, and who's love he returns tenfold.

Karma is witty, creative, and impressive. He's very dashing, and when he gives you a genuine smile it will make your heart skip a beat and you'll feel a blush creep to your face.

He's a good friend, and a good person. I like him a lot.

Gakuho smirked at his son's report. Then his eyes strayed to Karma's.

"Let's see what Akabane wrote about my son"

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