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When they finally arrived at the damn arcade and the twins and Karma's damned singing finally stopped(Though he supposed Karma didn't had that bad of a voice, Gakushū could say it was very above average) Gakushū was quick to get out of the car as soon as Takuma opened the door for him.

Gakushū glared at the twins and thrusted his taped hands to them. "Mphff etff ophff" (Take it off)

Takuma ripped the tape from Gakushū's face("OUCH FUCK!") and then the ones on his hands ("FUCK YOU!")

Takuma had a look of childish innocence and excitement while Takuya was grinning ear to ear as he stared hungrily at the cool prizes. Karma looked competitive while Gakushū looked grumpy.

"Lighten up Grinch" Karma teased pulling on Gakushū's cheeks.

"Get off!" Gakushū pushed Karma away, but then the red head started poking his sides, tickling him. Half laughing, and half screaming, others began looking at the teens in either annoyance, weirdness or amusement.

"Oi! Akabane-kun! Asano-kun!" Takuma grabbed hold of each of the hems of Karma and Gakushū's jackets.

"Let's play basketball"

"Screw that, Asano-kun let's go play Gunlord" Takuya suggested.

"What about Mutazione?" Karma suggested instead.

Gakushū had been quiet the entire time and sheepishly looked at his shoes. "Uh--I don't know any of those games"

Karma blinked in surprise. "Okay then, how about Pacman instead? Or Mario Cart" he listed, but Gakushū shyly looked away, his cheeks turned pink. "No..uh"

Gakushū was feeling stupid and embarrassed. What kind of teenager doesn't know how to play simple games? He felt embarrassed at not having a clue on what the twins and Karma were talking about, and now felt very out of place.

He was surprised when he felt an arm around his shoulder. Looking up he saw Karma with an indiffirent expression. "I'll teach you then" he said.

Takuma and Takuya nudged at each other, smirking and snickering amongst themselves as Gakushū turned even redder at Karma's closeness and tried to push the red head away.

"N-no way! I mean-" Gakushū stammered. "Just because I don't know how to play the games you suggested doesn't mean I'm a dunce with every game here!" He snapped. Crossing his arms he looked away from the smirking red head, turning his nose to the air with a haughty expression.

"I'm not playing for now because I want to watch you three make a fool of yourselves pretending to be experts in the games here. Including you Karma!"

"Umm, we weren't prete-" Takuma was cut off by his brother who was smirking.

"Oh but of course not!" Takuya smirked at Karma. "Sure sure, oh great Asano-kun, go stand and watch as we play our games and make fools of ourselves"

Asano bit the inside of his cheek, feeling uncomfortable and burning with embarrassment. Karma was still looking at him blankly, hands in his pockets.

"How about we play Zombie Apocalypse 3 first hm?" Takuya went on. Karma perked up and grinned sadistically. "I'm in"

And so the three rushed over to the game, with Asano awkwardly watching behind them. He felt out of his element, as if he didn't belong there.

And he felt even dumber for the things he said. He could have just swallowed his pride and ego and accepted Karma's offer of teaching him, maybe then he could be having fun with them.

"Hey" He was pulled out of his thoughts by Karma calling him.

"Come here, I wanna show you some moves"

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