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Despite his best efforts, Anakin couldn't catch Padme alone for a most of the day. After breakfast, while rain beat down in a steady rhythm, Padme was practically connected to Pooja and Ryoo and they didn't let her out of sight.

Anakin stepped into the doorway of the living room as the girls and Padme played dress up. Pooja turned around and squealed with joy. "Anakin!" she exclaimed, "Come play with us!" Anakin smiled down at the little girl. He did want to play with her and Ryoo but figured Padme deserved time alone with them.

"You guys go ahead. I have to... go uh, mediate." Why did I say that? I hate meditating! He thought regretfully.

During lunch, Padme seemed vaguely irritable. Palo was away at the gallery but that didn't stop her parents from bringing his name into the conversation.

"Have you made your decision yet, dear?" Jobal asked. Padme let out a groan. "Mom, please!" she begged. Anakin could tell she didn't want to talk about it as much as he didn't want to hear about it. Ruwee set his hands on the table. "We just want you to be happy, Padme," he explained carefully.

Padme frowned. "Then let me make my decision on my own," she returned firmly. "If you ask me," Sola began as she wiped food off of Pooja's face, "you oughta find a guy who's good with kids. By the way, Anakin, the girls say that they're going to miss you. You're so good with them!"

Anakin smiled at Sola, well aware of her obvious efforts at playing match-maker. Padme only shook her head at her sister in exasperation. "You're unbelievable, Sola."

After the meal, Anakin helped Jobal with dishes. "Oh you don't have to do this, Anakin!" the older women assured him. Anakin smiled politely as he scrubbed down a pot. "It's the least I could do. I hope I haven't overstayed my welcome."

"Nonsense! You're welcome to stay with us whenever you'd like. I could use a strong pair of arms around the house," she said warmly. Anakin smiled. Jobal was a kind woman. Being around her brought back memories of his own mother from before he left home to start his training. The pain of his mother's death was still fresh in his heart, but Anakin welcomed Jobal's maternal nature with genuine greatfullness.

"I could only pray for a son-in-law like you!" she praised loudly enough that Padme heard from the other room. "Mom, would you please leave Anakin alone?" she begged.


The rain had ended by dusk and Anakin, with nothing else to do, decided to take a walk outside.

Finding himself in the rose garden, Anakin let his thoughts wander. He imagined how angry Obi-wan would be with him after spending two weeks on leave, and he imagined what challenges he and the entire galaxy would face as they entered war. But above all, he thought of Padme.

He thought about the day they had first met. It had been ten years ago. So much had changed since then but Padme was still the Padme he had fallen in love with. She really was his angel.

Beep beep! Anakin turned around to see R2 rolling up the path to the garden. "Long time no see buddy. How's it going?" he asked the little astromech droid. R2 whistled happily. "I can only guess how many oil baths C-3PO has had since Geonosis," Anakin laughed.

After they had arrived from the landing bay, Anakin had sent C-3PO and R2 off to one of Naboo's top droid maintenance facilities. Geonosis had been rough, and the two droids, Anakin thought, deserved a good pampering.

R2 whistled again as he nudged Anakin's boot. "I know, I know, I need to be back on Coruscant in two days. But what's the rush?" he asked causally. R2 buzzed in annoyance.

"Who are you calling a lazy bum?" Anakin asked, offended by the droid's remark. R2 plowed into his leg, indicating that he had meant him. "I am not!" Anakin protested.

Why am I fighting with a droid? He asked himself. "Ah, R2! I'm just so confused about Padme," he finally said.

R2 let out a long beep. Anakin kicked at the grass hopelessly. "I don't know what I'm gonna do..."

The little droid's dome spun around excitedly. Anakin raised his eyebrows. "Go talk to her? Are your wires loose or something, R2?" The droid beeped angrily and began rolling away. "Wait R2, I didn't mean that!"

But R2 had already sped off.

"Even droids don't wanna talk to me," Anakin grumbled to himself.

Anakin looked around the garden. Night was falling and the clear night sky allowed twinkling stars to illuminate the darkness. He stared up in admiration at the first clear night he had seen in s while. And that's when he saw the balcony above him. The one that overlooked the rose garden and the willow tree at its edge.

Padme's balcony.

Here goes nothing...


Good morning! Well, you guys are probably wondering why I'm up at 5:37 am EST. Well my answer to that is... VOLLEYBALL!

So anyways, I wrote this last night and it's kinda short but I promise the next one will be worth it! Make sure to leave lots of comments and vote! Thanks and as always, may the Force be with you...

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