Chapter 42

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I sat in my desk waiting for Daniel to walk through the door. I looked through the window and saw him pull up I sat up and fixed skirt.

Emily: Goodmorning Daniel


He walked right passd me and went to the studio. What's up his ass I dont know but I was going to find out. I walked down the hall and into his studio he was in there smoking with Prince amd some other guys so I walked out then was turned around by Daniel.

Daniel: Listen to me and listen good you almost made me loose my family and my wife so stay the Fuck away from me okay

Emily: I cant

Daniel: An why the hell not

Emily: Because its my job

Daniel: Your job???

Emily: *sighs* my sister she is out to get you and you wife she is obsessed with youand when I saw youI could tell why so I want you for myself and I told her that I quit the job because I think I love you.

Daniel: And who is your sister



Emily: Daniel


Emily: Daniel please say something

Daniel: You are fired get out my face NOW

Emily: but.....

Daniel: what did I say or do I have to personally remove you from this Studio


Emily turned around and walked to her desk she started packing her stuff and I walked back in the studio with my boys. We were smokin it up till I got a call from Mi. I stepped out and took the call.

Mi: Hey baby when are you getting home

Daniel: later on tonight why

Mi: Because I miss you and so does the kids

Daniel: *Chuckles* I will try to come home a lttle early okay

Mi: okay so how is it going with that bitch Emily

Daniel: I fired her because I found out that her sister was Jordan and that she was trying to have me and her sister was trying to get to you and the kids. oh yeah that reminds me when I get home I will change all the locks and put locks on the windows because I have a bad feeling that things are not going to go well.

Mi: *sighs* this is all stressful especially since the baby is on the way

Daniel: don't stress over it baby, but look have to go so I see you when I get home

Mi: okay love you

Daniel: love you too


I hung up the phone and sat up in my bed and walked to the bathroom I turned on the light and lifted up my shirt and saw my baby bump getting a little bigger than before. I pulled my shirt down and turned off the lights and walked downstairs everyone in the house was sleep so I decided to make dinner. I was in the mood for some spaghetti so I started making it. When I was done I walked upstairs and took a shower when I got out I put on my bra and panties and some grey sweats with a baby blue crop top that says Love in grey letters across it and slid on my baby blue socks. I sat down and turned on my TV the Damonie came in rubbing her eye's.

Damonie: Mommy I'm hungry

Mi: okay I made spaghetti want some of that

Damonie: *Nods her head*

Mi: okay lets go make you some



Jordan: Okay so tomorrow night I was thinking we should take her precious twin boys

Emily: no don't do that because Daniel and her loves them to death especially Damonie

Jordan: So did you forget that he fired you

Emily: I know its just how would you feel if someone took something from you that special

Jordan: everything is already gone All I have left is you

Emily: my point exactly what if someone took me how would you feel

Jordan: you know what whatever are you in or not

Emily: no I'm not its just not right

Jordan: fine then I'll just do it by myself then but for now be gone get out my face

Emily: *shake her head* wow

Emily walked out the door without looking back I chuckled to myself and turned around and walked to the window it seems like no one will ever get it all I want is love and I want it from one person and that is Daniel but I can never get it all because of Mi she took everything from me and it all started in high school.


I was walking threw the hallways then I saw this big crowd so I walked over to it and made my way close to the center and I saw Daniel hugging Mi and he kissed her I was feeling all these emotions come up then I walked away I started crying then so I ran all the way home as soon as I got home I took all the pictures down from when we dated before Page and Mi I went outside and started a fire and put all the pictures in the fire I sat there and watched them burned as soon as they were gone I put the fire out and walked back into the house.

+1 week later+

So today was Jacob's party I was not going to go but then I thought about i and decided to go. I got dressed and my friend Tamya came and picked me up I was going with her when she got here I ran o her car and we rode to the party. As soon as we walked in the music was blasting in are ears this party was to live I walked to the mini bar they had and got a drink I was feelin myself the started dancing on some dude I turned around and needed to sit down so I walked over and sat on the couch I looked over and saw Daniel and Mi dancing together that made me a little jealous but I tried not to pay much attention to it soon I looked again and seen her laughing at what he said to her in her ear she nodded and they were headed for the exit. I got up and enjoyed myself at the party then soon enough I as wasted and woke up the next morning on Jacob's couch I looked at my phone and saw the time so gathered my stuff together and walked out the door and began my walk home.

+the next day+

I was on my daily run around the neighbor hood run till I hit Daniel's street I was running with my  music blasting through my ears then I notice Mi walk right in Daniel's house so the nosy ass that I am I went and looked through the window and she went upstairs soon I heard thumping then Daniel bringing Mi down, they were yelling at each other but I couldn't here so I opened the window  a little so I could here.

Mi: Hell yeah what you expect me to be all cool about you fucking that bitch ass hoe haha no I don't think so we are done don't talk, text me no as a matter of fact lose my number oh yeah and I came over here to tell you that I'm pregnant by your ass but you clearly don't care about me if your fucking some other hoes brains out.

After she said that my whole world came tumbling down Mi walked out the door and I hide in the bushes hen when she was gone I got up and walked home.

#Flashback over#

I turned around and sat in my seat and put my head down soon enough I was knocked out sleep I was dreaming about how life would be if Daniel and I was together and had kids.

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