A Long Night part2

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This is purely a Fanfic and I don't own WMMAP or its Characters
"So what story do you want me to tell you today athy?" "This book about The Guardian fairy" athy said with eager eyes "The Guardian fairy?" "Yes Athy likes the fairy in this story very much so can sister read this to me ?" "Sure sweet heart... Long time ago Obelia was ruled by a kind king and queen but one day the dark magician placed a curse on the king and because of the curse the king was getting very sick and worried for the kings health they asked for the help of the lord of the magician tower." "The lord who had heart frozen right sister?" "Yes so as per the request the Magician checked the king and said that he could only slow down the curse and it will take sometime to break the curse but one day when he checked the king the curse was slowly weakening that's when he met the fairy Asteria celeste. The fairy broke the curse of the king after some time and also healed many citizen of obelia who were affected by dark magic she was a very kind and beautiful fairy. she was not just an ordinary fairy but also the daughter of the fairy queen and the duke of the empire though she was not welcomed first as she was a half fairy but she overcome it and even the lord of the tower fell in love with her. They were a very happy couple but when everyone was happy the dark magician came for revenge and attacked obelia and That's when the fairy used all her powers to protect the people of obelia and defeated the dark magician but unfortunately she used too much of her power and in her last moments she was with her lover and she said she was happy she could protect the people and sorry because she has leave her love alone but promised him she will always love him wherever she was so she asked him to protect obelia in her place and died in the arms of her lover after which the Magician is said to have always protected the obelia and the fairy was called The guardian fairy in honor of her sacrifice and bravery The end" "Sister what do you think happened to the magician was he not sad that the fairy died" "He... would have been definitely sad but he promised her right so i believe he still somewhere protecting obelia" "But the magician's heart is fozen right?  so how can he love the fairy" "Athy that is the magic of love remember athy Love can thaw anything even a frozen heart" "But sister is it not sad that they don't have a happy ever after?" "It is just that their happy ever after is a little late maybe they will find it afterwards" "how sister?" "you will know once you grow up" "the fairy I would like to know how she looked but all we have is her statue which is not clear but sister do you know I heard that there is only one painting of her and it was with the magician but It is still  not found by anyone I wish I could find it" "Ok ok now that the story is finished it's time to sleep so sweet dreams Athy" "Sister do you think the fairy still loves the magician as she said?" "----- Good night athy" 
At her room
'Do you think that she still loves the magician?' the question kept running in the mind 'Ria I love you and will always love only you' 'Ria please don't leave me'  'Ria' "Prin- princess?" "Lucas? What are you doing here at this hour?" "Are you really going to Arlanta" "How did you know?" "Answer me " "Yes" "You are you really going there ?" "Yes" "Have you gone out of your mind ?" "What are you saying?" "You didn't say a word to me is this what you do to your playmate " "it's not a big deal and you are not my playmate anymore You are going to be athy's playmate" "What?" "Yes i recommended you to dad" "You Just because I not your playmate you are going to treat me like this?" "What are you angry for I just wanted to tell it to you after I get the permission from dad" "So what about others that day that boy he talked to you about this right" "It's because I will go with them" "You didn't tell a word about it to me" "I was going to is what I told" "Now also it's your sister who told me " " lucas" "Ok leave it But listen to me don't go" he said gripping me in shoulder "No" "You! do you even understand do you still want to go after what happened today" "Yes, I will come when I get time so don't worry " "Don't worry my foot" "Lucas you are over reacting i am going and that's final " "---Ria Please listen to me don't go" "---I am sorry but i can't " "Do you even know the real identity of that bastard you met today?" "Yes" "No you don't he is the one- the one who" "The one who was the cause of your past lover's death am I right?" "How do you know about it?" "My duty is to stop him and I will do whatever it takes to protect everyone" "You do know what happened to her right?" "I know , I know you don't call me ria because her name was also that and it reminds you of her but I am not her " "Of course I know you are not her that's why i am telling you not to go further into this matter and leave it to me" "Lucas I am tired and my answer will not change ,this is for everyone's good believe me" "That's what she also said but she never came back" "-----Lucas Asteria celeste is dead and dead people can't come back alive you should move-" "Enough just enough Do whatever you want" "Wait Lucas" *snap* he was gone

"Do you really have to go there?" asked cer "Please not you too , you know I need my staff to use my power against him but I can't use my staff now so the only alternative is to drink from the Tear Cup which is with the Fairies who have isolated themselves in Arlanta so it leaves me no choice but to go there" "Is it the only reason?" "----I think my presence here will change the story even more , I want lucas to be happy with athy he has suffered a lot just cause he loved me, more than joy I think I made him experience sorrow you know Cer though he may not look like it he is a very lonely person when I first met him he was a person not interested in anything he also didn't remember people's name as he thought it is useless as one day they are going to die and leave and I at that time wanted to show him the beauty of the world make him more interested and more living I wanted to be with him , I think I was too selfish till the last but now I just want him to be happy and I will take care of the mess I left behind he should just go with the flow and have a happy ever after everyone wants and the person who messed up the story was me so me going there will fix it, everything will go back to it's original place he will become  athy's playmate as he should and go according to the story " "Ria let me ask you this leave the story and fate aside what is that you want do you still not want to be with him? do you still love him?" "I just want him to  happy and I have been given this chance for a purpose and being with me again will bring him no good , he should just forget the past and move on find his love and be happy There is no need or place for my feelings here" "Ria-" "Lets stop here I am tired so lets go to sleep" "yes"
At the tower
"They both are the same just doing what they want not listening to others, what Did she say Ria is dead Of course I know she is dead and she can't come back but I can't let her go This is all because of you Ria *Pointing at a Painting Of a women with beautiful Pink locks ,Golden orbs and a Brilliant smile on her face* "Its all because of the promise you made me do or else I would have burned this empire the day you died it was all their fault you ended up in that state no knowing you I know you made me promise to protect this empire if not you did know I would burn this empire even till the last you protected them I still despise the fact that you chose to die for them over me You idiot ! But the fact was I was  more of idiot Ria wherever you are  you still keeping your promise ? Do you still love me? No matter what you chose or did no matter I find your memories annoying or irritating or the fact that you didn't choose me you are the only one I will ever love you will always be the one and only love of my life Asteria"

To Be continued...
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