Chapter two: Port Mafia

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Someone was shaking you. They had their hands on your shoulders and shook you. "Wake up!"

You opened your eyes and looked around. You were sitting on a chair, had your hands and feet restrained. It was a big room with on the left one huge window.

There was a man sitting in front of you on his desk. There was little girl with blonde hair who was drawing something and there was the boy who woke you up.

He had one eye bandaged, his arms were bandaged and so was his neck. He had one hand on your shoulder and didn't release it.

"Ah, welcome." The man on desk said. "So, who are you?"

You looked at the boy who held your shoulder. He didn't say anything, he was just waiting for an answer. "(Y/n) (L/n)." There was something weird. The boy didn't do anything but you did use your ability on him.

Why didn't it work? You then tried it on the man behind the desk. Didn't work.

Then more people came in. It was the old man, the boy and the girl from earlier. The girl had handcuffs on.

"What did you do to her?" The man behind the desk asked you.

"I used my ability on her." You weren't in the mood to reveal what your ability was, nor tell them what it is called.

The man behind the desk sighed. "Can you at least turn her back to normal?" He said with an annoyed tone in his voice.

You shrugged your shoulders and snapped your fingers while looking her in the eyes. "Done."

The girl looked confused at the sight of her handcuffs. She looked at the older man and whispered something. It wasn't clear to you what exactly but the man soon removed the handcuffs.

The girl walked up to the man behind the desk and told him something. Your chair was too far away to even hear what she was saying.

Then the man looked up at you. "So, your ability is called: 'The Past and Then the Future'?"

You nodded. "I'll explain." The man looked up happy when you said you were going to explain.

"I can rewrite, delete, add and read memories of anyone who looks me into my eyes." You explained to him.

"Ah. That seems pretty powerful. Anyways, I didn't introduce myself yet." The man stood up from behind his desk.

"My name is Mori Ōgai and I'm the boss of the Port Mafia."

'Port? Mafia? Like the real mafia? They actually exist? I thought they only worked during the night...' Thoughts flooded into your mind, yet your expression didn't change.

"That over there is Dazai Osamu." The man named Mori pointed at the man standing behind you, holding your shoulder.

"That's Arthur Rimbaud. Gin Akutagawa, Ryūrō Hirotsu and Michizō Tachihara. Oh! And this is Elise-chan!" Mori had introduced all the people in the room but didn't state their abilities.

Everyone nodded at you, once. "I have a proposal for you, (L/n)-san." Mori sat back down in his chair.

"What is it?" You asked in a cold tone.

"I want you to join the Port Mafia."

Everyone stared at Mori with a confused expression. The man named Dazai Osamu stepped forward, but kept his hand on your shoulder.

"Mori-san. Are you serious?"

You tried to loosen the man's grip by moving your shoulder but his grip became only stronger.

"Yes I am. (L/n)-san doesn't have any reasons to refuse and besides, we can't let her just walk out of here." Mori said as he grinned at the man named Dazai.

"What if I do refuse?" You asked Mori. The grip of Dazai's hand loosened a little bit but he didn't release your shoulder yet.

"Well, why would you refuse?" He was clearly avoiding your question.

You shrugged, not being able to answer his question. There was no reason to refuse, yet there was no reason to accept. "What would I gain if I accepted?"

"Well, let's see." Mori took out a few papers from out of a drawer of his desk. "Your superior would be Dazai Osamu and you would be placed in interrogations. If you want to, you could also help Dazai and Chuuya with their missions. But that's up to you."

The man holding your shoulder was from now on your superior since you were planning to accept anyways. Interrogations seemed not too bad so there was no reason to decline. You sighed, yawned and then looked back at Mori. "I accept."

Mori smirked. "You can release her now." He nodded at both Dazai and Rimbaud.

"Mori-san? Are you sure? She's dangerous." Dazai looked at you, kept his hand on your shoulder and then back at Mori.

Mori didn't anything but just smiled. Dazai sighed and released his hand from your shoulder. The man behind you, who restrained your hands and feet let go as well.

The first thing did was standing up and walking around in circles. You then rubbed your shoulder.

Slowly everyone left the room, leaving you, Dazai and Mori alone. Mori nodded once to Dazai and he knew immediately what to do.

"(L/n)-san. Follow me." Dazai started to make his way out of the office. Without looking back, you followed him out of the room.

"Dazai-san... please just call me by my first name." Dazai had made his way to the elevator and was pushing the button multiple times like little kids do.

He looked at you, then back at the elevator button. "Alright then, (Y/n)-chan." He said as he kept pushing the button.

You stared at him with your cold gaze. 'Did he just chan me? Did he really? I said call me by my first name not add a chan.' You nodded and watched the elevator doors open. When the doors opened, they revealed a short man with orange hair and a hat.

The man had a look of disgust on his face when he saw Dazai. "Ew, Dazai." He mumbled under his breath.

Dazai did the exact same. "Ew, Chuuya." You were quite confused as if why this was happening. Weren't they partners?

Yet, you didn't say anything when the man named Chuuya walked past you both. Dazai's expression changed as soon as he was gone and stepped into the elevator. "Come on."

You nodded and stepped into the elevator as well. Dazai pressed the button that said '0'. The doors closed and the elevator went down.

Dazai decided it would be a good idea to start a conversation with you, so he did. "So, (Y/n)-san. What have you been doing before all this happened?"

You looked at him with the same expression as always. "Nothing except reading, writing, sleeping and eating." That was your life summed up. Of course, you left out the huge part about your parents.

Dazai didn't look very amused by your answer and felt like you didn't want to talk, which was correct so he didn't ask anything else and just left it at that. In the meantime, the elevator had reached its destination and the doors opened.

Word count: 1205
Lmao don't tell me I need sleep cuz I don't, it's 12:02 a.m. and I feel edgy

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