12- the war [part 1]

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!!warnings!!: cursing, war, trauma, weapons, guns/gunshots, bullets/gunpowder for gun, blood, ptsd, flashbacks, su!c!dal thoughts, sharp objects, death, murder, assault, violence, insanity, eating disorders, emotional numbness, characters fainting or something
(what? It's a war... it's a war and all characters are here I think so...)


Paintbrush • Grey Pinceau
Lightbulb • Petra Ampoule
Test tube • Maria Provetta
Fan • Ray Ventilateur
Silver spoon • Henry D'argento
Candle • Serenity Kerze
Yin Yang • Cosmo Pínghéng
Yang • Blake
Yin • Robert
Bow • Pembe Heeobou
Baxter • Baxter
Microphone • Mikayla (Mic) Mikrofon
Soap • Sofia Gallúnach
Cabby • Gabby Arkivskap
Mepad • Andy Meeple
Ballpoint Pen • Sebastian Kugelschreiber
Steve Cobs • Steve Cobs
Tissues • Dan Tessuti
Trophy • Bradley Bikar
Paper • Peter Bumaga
Paper's alters: Ky and Pete, both not II, and Evan("evil paper")
Dr Fizz • Doctor Michael Fizz (Doctor Fizz)
Toilet • Nurse Logan Treegrip (Nurse T)
Bot • Bow/BowBot/Bot
OJ • Otto James "OJ" Apelsinjuice
Cheesy • Joey Keso
Taco • Isabella Taco
Dough • Dave Teig Heeobou
Marshmallow • Maddie Malvavisco
Apple • Ava Manzana
Goo • Gregory Schmiere
Baseball • Brian Yakyū
Nickel • Nick Münze
Suitcase • Susie Koffer
Balloon • Kevin Palloncino
Egg/Baby shimmer • Ethan (called "egg" by most characters) Shimmer
Clover • Claudia T̴͘͜͡r͞͏́͘͞é̀͝͠b̷͘͡o̷̡̕͞͞ĺ̢͝͏̴
Mephone4S • Manny Meeple
Blueberry • Devan Arándano
Salt • Sarah Salitu
The Floor • Fredrick Boden
Knife • Cole Messer
Pickle • Dylan Pepinillo
Bomb • Tristan Sprengstoff
Lifering • Logan Reddingsboei
Tea Kettle • Teresa Tetera
Pepper • Patty Poivre
Box • Ben
Cherries • Chris Kirschen


Quote from chapter:
" But before more chaos could erupt, cobs spoke. That like, b####, that a##hole! That motherf###ing tyrant! I hope he like, dies in the arctic!!"
(a/n: aaaah! Sorry! I couldn't find a really good quote that didn't spoil anything in the chapter... so I just decided to do this funny one instead.)


// POV:

This is so annoying! Why do I have to come here? OJ isn't even here! This is a ripoff! I want my phone back.

I roll my eyes as I walk down the hall with the others. Patty's hand moves to mine and holds it. "Like, Patty P, can you like, move your hand? I need to like, grab my stuff from my satchel if I like, need to fight." I say to her and she takes her hand away; she lets out a heavy sigh. What did I do?

Like, I should definitely take it out of my bag now... I see some others doing the same. I pull out an old rifle my supposed relatives had used when fighting wars. My mom like, allowed me to have it and do what I want with it. It doesn't have bullets anymore, and I couldn't like- find any, so I'll just like- hit cobs over the head with it or something.

I see Patty take out a pocketknife. "Like, that will totally not work." I comment and she glances downward.

"It's the... like... only thing I could find..." She mumbles and tugs at her skirt. "Hey like, Sarah?" She looks up toward me. "Um.. how's that like, food thing coming along-"

"THIS IS NOT THE LIKE, TIME!" I snap at her before covering my mouth with my free hand. "Ah... like, sorry... and no. It like, isn't going well... I still like, CANT bring myself to like, eat even close to the amount I'm supposed to have.."

"Maybe that's like, why you're so cranky all the time?" Patty shrugs. What she says like, hurts me a little.. but I like, know she's just trying to help. "Alright! Let's like, get back to fighting!"

We both turn toward the others who... aren't moving? "Like wha-" I begin to say before I notice why. In-front of all of us is a high platform and on it is...


"I'm so glad you could all join me today!" Cobs chuckles. "Now, I'd love to start the war right away... but alas, I do have some people I will need to introduce to you. It was quite easy to convince them to... join my side..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Nick screams. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Ah, you may... but not yet. First, I want you all to meet people on my side. After all, I know every little thing about all of you..." He smiles wide, showing his yellowed, sharp teeth. "Ah, no comments? Well then, let me introduce them..."

Cobs pulls back a curtain... and familiar objects step out one by one... wait- FAMILIAR...?


It took a lot to not break down in-front of him.. I'm not letting Evan take control.. not in-front of him...

But wait... Familiar? Haha... that's funny! I don't recognize-

Just then, a short figure walks out from behind the curtain. Her face is expressionless and she wears a beaded necklace. Her object is a... suitcase...?

"Susie....?" The balloon next to us begins to tremble and hug himself. He shakes, tears rolling down his face.

Next comes a clover.. I remember her from a missing poster... so this is where she went..? I hear a few gasps around me.

Then comes a- NO...

"J- JOEY!" Bradley screams at the top of his lungs and runs toward the stage, jumping and trying to reach where Joey is standing... but he doesn't come close.

Wait... does that mean...

I watch in horror as the next person walks out from behind the curtain.

His shining glass reflects the bright, dazzling lights of the room. His hat is perched atop his head.

His juice inside him sloshes as he walks.. his jacket flows around him.

I stare at his once sparkling eyes, now dull and gray. His face is expressionless... and yet it contains sadness.

He takes his final steps onto the stage. Now... now I can finally see him in clear view.

"OJ...?" I shakily mumble before my vision fades and I feel our body hit the floor.

We had fainted.


I yelp as I hide behind Patty.

The paper dude had just like, fainted! But before more chaos could erupt, cobs spoke.

That like, b####, that a##hole! That motherf###ing tyrant! I hope he like, dies in the arctic!!

"Now, I will introduce my main helper, but you all probably know about him already." Cobs gestures next to him and Ray walks up next to him.

"YEA! WE LIKE, ALREADY KNEW THAT YOU F###ING TYRANT!" I yell, sticking my tongue out at him from behind Patty.

"Of course, but lastly... I have two of my most prized members." Cobs smiles and Ray scowls. "A- aside from you of course, Ray." Cobs chuckles halfheartedly and Ray grins. Cobs then gestures to the curtains. "Now, two of my most prized members."

Two people walk out, side by side.

The first has a red track jacket and red sneakers. Her yellow, glass body has a large crack on one side of her face. A lightbulb. She stares blankly forward.. but like, it's different. She seems different from the other ones who came... I just... I like, just get the feeling that she isn't under cobs control like everyone else who stepped out of those curtains.

She seems familiar... I think I saw her in middle school.

The second is tall. They were wearing a yellow sweater, matching their yellow bristles. This is... Grey...? Wait- like, isn't this the one everyone was trying to find?

That's like, probably where they went.

They watched that swirly thing or whatever and got turned into... what was it? A mindless zombie? Yeah. That.

I look around me, noticing something odd. If my emotion is at maybe like, a 5/10, everyone else's is at like, a 30/10.

I don't like, understand why I barely feel anything..

"Hey like, Patty?" I ask her, breaking the painful silence. "I don't like, understand-"

"SARAH! SHUT UP!" Patty swiftly turns and- *SMACK*

"GAH!" I gasp, falling backward to the ground.

I hear a crack.

"YOU LIKE, PUNCHED ME?!" I gasp, holding my mouth as blood trickles down it.

"Sarah..." Patty's eyes well with tears. "Sorry... I Just... can't seem to like, keep my emotions inside me right now..."

"I'm like, really confused," I begin to not feel any pain in my mouth so I stand. "Like, I barely feel anything." I shrug. "Maybe-"

We're interrupted by the sound of a body hitting the floor.


Cobs begins to chuckle.. before going into a full-on laugh.

We wait for him to stop.

He won't stop laughing.

He is on the ground... of the stage. He looks... scared?

"HAHA!" I Fake-laugh at him. "AWW, IS LITTLE COBS GONNA LIKE, CRY? IS LITTLE COBS LIKE, SCARED?" I tease, not noticing how tense the baseball gets.

"Please don't say that... it reminds me of..." The baseball trails off. I kind of like, wish I actually paid attention to all of their names.

Cobs then stops laughing. He stands and brushes himself off before clearing his throat.

"Weapons." He directs and all objects under his control pull out a weapon.. some have a gun and some have a knife. The ones without arms open their mouth- EW! THEYRE LIKE, NOT GONNA BITE ALL OF US, ARE THEY?!

The lightbulb stares blankly past everyone, not following cobs orders. He slaps her and she doesn't respond. He then kicks her legs and she stumbles. "Weapon. Now." Cobs orders and the lightbulb fumbles with a pocket knife. I like, almost feel bad for her.

Cobs then turns to us and shouts, "MEPHONES!" And multiple robotic phones appear atop the stage, all the same: a dark phone with a red X.

He then smirks. "Why don't one of you fire first? I am going to win after all. I have the upper ground, both physically and metaphorically."

I want to- like- slap that smug expression off his face.

"Hey, Sarah?" Patty asks me in a whisper. "Your mouth is like, bleeding a lot-"

"I don't like, feel it." I shrug, looking down at the large amounts of blood coming from my mouth. I like, wonder why I don't feel pain?

"Well, like, Sarah..." Patty takes out two pouches and hands them to me. "For like, an apology."

I open them and find one has gunpowder and the other has bullets. "Like, thank you." I say, realizing too late how ungrateful I sounded. She'll definitely like how I use them and that would mean it doesn't like, matter how I said thanks. She'll definitely be glad she like, gave me these.


I wipe the blood off my mouth before I put the gunpowder and bullets into the rifle, then lifting it up. I notice cobs has backed away, behind his mephones. So I aim at the tallest mephone on that platform... right in the center of their X.

I pull the trigger and-

"SARAH!" Patty screams. "WAIT-"


I fire and the bullet shoots straight though the MePhoneX, making it fall straight down to the floor, it's screen glitching... it's body twitching with leftover, unused electricity.


I point the gun down now as I see someone direct a gun... directly at me...?

"LOOK, MINDLESS ZOMBIE OJ! WE CAN LIKE, TALK ABOUT THIS!" I scream as OJ walks closer to me with a gun... his finger rested on the trigger.

He clicks the trigger and I push him, causing the gun to fire upward... and making the roof shake.

Debris falls to the floor and everybody- all sides- rush outside. The building begins to cave in. Woah. Glad I like, got out of there.

I then feel an overwhelming pain in my side for a split second.. before it fades. I look next to me to see- "EW! LIKE, BACK OFF!" I grasp my rifle hard and I swing the back of it at the suitcase's head, making her fall back to the ground. But due to cobs control, she just gets right back up.

She opens her mouth and charges at me again, trying to bite me.

I'm like, not going to shoot her. There's like, probably still a way for her to come back.

I like, hit her over the head again and I rush toward Patty to protect her. I notice a MePhoneX backing her against a tree so I aim and fire.


The MePhoneX falls straight to the ground and I rush to help Patty stand. The sound from the gunshots ring in my ears, making it impossible to hear what Patty says to me.

I don't like, remember where I got these fighting skills from...


I do.

"Hey Like, Sarah?" Patty asks me and I finally hear her voice. "I don't know if this knife is like, good to fight with. Do you know how sharp this knife is?"


No... no... no.... I don't want to remember that day....

I don't want to remember what that scary man said......... I don't want to remember what happened that day....

"Mom?!" I call out from behind the bookcase. "Mom? Dad? Where are you?" I curl my small 7-year-old hands around the bookcase, walking around it. "Daddy? Mommy?! I'm scared..."

I walk toward my father and mother's room. One of them has to be there! They both had left me to watch TV. They wanted to talk together.. I think it was about my holiday present... but then they both seemingly disappeared... at least one of them has to be in here!

I gently open the door.

My eyes widen as my eyes dart from the broken window to the blood-stained bed. I notice a shadowy figure near the window, holding something sharp.

I hear my mother yelling. "SARAH! RUN! CALL THE POLICE!" She jumps up and rushes toward me. She kisses my forehead. "Let's go!" She grabs my hand and rushes past me. But she doesn't fully grab my hand. And it slips from her grasp.

Where is father? What is going on?

I look toward the scary man with the sharp thing, noticing my father next to him. "Daddy? What are you doing?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

"N- nothing sweetheart!" He abruptly stops speaking as the scary man swings an arm at him. Father grabs the old gun from against the wall and hits the scary man with the back of it.

The scary man does not fall. The scary man laughs. "Did you know how sharp this knife is? Do you want to find out?" The scary man laughs crazily as he pins father against the wall.

"DADDY!" I cry out, rushing toward the gun he dropped. I pick it up, adrenaline rushing through me and allowing me to lift the heavy object. I hit the scary man's leg with it. He doesn't notice.

"Would you like to find out how sharp this knife is?" The scary man holds the sharp thing to father's throat.

"Sarah..." He croaks. "If you won't run then... shoot. Use the gun and shoot...."

I lift up the weapon and I fumble with it, hitting the scary man with the back of it while I try to figure it out.

I want daddy to be proud of me! I'm gonna fight the bad guy! "I'm gonna save you dad!" I exclaim, hitting the scary man's legs.

"Would you really pull the trigger?" The scary man asks. "If you do..." The scary man moves the sharp thing closer to father, letting it scrape gently against his glass body. "...he goes."

"I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!" I yell. "GO AWAY!" I aim the weapon at him and-


The scary man flinches before cutting the sharp object backward with all his last strength. The scary man falls straight to the floor, grasping his leg where the bullet hit him.

"DADDY! I SAVED YOU!" I jump up and down. "Daddy?"

I Look to where he was, seeing an odd line of dark red on the wall leading to the floor. I then follow it downward.

Salt is all over the floor, glass shards covered in blood decorate the ground. Most of my father's body lays motionless on the floor.




Tears roll down my face as I scream.

Sirens wail in the distance.

I feel someone's hands grab me. I want to be with father...

But it seems like I don't have a chance...

Father is gone...

It's all my fault.

And that's when I let it... I let my final tear roll down my face. I swore that I would never cry again. I swore I wouldn't get that attached to someone again.

Because I'll just end up making them suffer.

Now look where I am today.

And there. That's how I got my fighting skills.

Yeah. Now look where I am today, huh?!

I snap back to my senses and out of the flashback, my heart pounding. I notice I'm against a tree. Patty must have brought me here...


I promised I would never care so much for someone again.

My father is gone. OJ is gone. And Patty is probably gone too.

It's all my fault.

A tear..

A tear stings my eyes.

Old habits and new ones seem to fade as silent tears roll down my face.

I look up at the reddened sky. It shouldn't have been father who died that day. It shouldn't have been OJ who was turned.. different. And into a mindless zombie.

It should have been me.

I fumble for my rifle as I wipe my tears and clear my vision. Where is it...?

It isn't long before I return to my senses.

"Where like, is my rifle?" I search around for it. "Oh no! Did Patty like, take it?" I jump up.

I notice Patty far away, shooting. "Yep. She definitely like, took it."

I grab a Stone from the ground just in case I like, need to fight with something on the way to Patty. I dash toward her.

I'm almost close to her when that paintbrush- Grey- WAIT THEYRE ON COBS SIDE NOW!

They hold me in the air, then pinning me against a tree. They bring out a knife.


Oh no.

"GET LIKE, AWAY FROM ME!" I drop the stone on accident. It hits their foot but they don't even flinch.

"Sarah." Grey says, their voice monotone. "Cobs knows everything about everyone here. Including you."

"G- Grey?" I croak as they put the knife to where my throat would be.


I'm just like father.

I can fight in wars.

I can defend myself.

But then in my moment of death...

I welcome it. With open arms.

"He knows that this is

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