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Someone stopped by the house? Okay, what's wrong with that? "Who was it, Ruby?"

Her eyes watch me carefully, as if I'm about to pop angrily and blurt out the answer she doesn't want to hear. She takes a deep breath. "Carl, he said he was a friend of yours?"

Carl? What the hell did he fucking want here? That moron knows better than to come by the house when I'm not here, he knows I don't want him near my girls! "I'm familiar with him. What'd he want? Did he hurt you?"

She frowns. "He just spoke about some things, Nicolas. Funny how I don't know who that man is but he knows so much about us and Athena."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Please tell me he didn't do what I think he did. "What'd he say, Rubes?"

"That you continued the fucking affair after the damn divorce!? That you were with her for more than a damn week after the stupid divorce!?" She huffs, "I thought we were starting a clean slate, Nicolas! Why didn't you tell me this before!?"

Is that all he told her? He didn't tell her about the dealing Albert and I did? "Darling, please, let me tell you everything. Take a seat."

"No!" She blurts, "You didn't tell me anything about that, Nicolas! You kept it to yourself after knowing that I told you I wanted a clean slate! No secrets, no affairs and no lying!" Tears begin to form in her eyes, causing my heart to ache for her.

"Baby," I speak softly. "Please just let me —"

"Why? Why'd you continue it after you lost me? Was she really that good that you could still chase after her and not bother to come for me sooner and ditching her!? Was she fucking worth everything you lost!?" I reach for her hand but she slaps me away from it. "Don't touch me!"

I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe it. This is what I feared so fucking much. "Please just hear me out," I breathe. "I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again. Please."

She wipes her tears from her eyes. "You know what hurts me the most? That I fell for you again like the idiot that I am. I thought you had really changed for me. I thought I was the one in your life for good now but I can clearly see that I was so wrong." She pushes passed me and runs out the door.

"Ruby!" I call after her, tears running down my cheeks now. "Ruby please don't go!" I make it out the door just in time to watch her steer the car out of the driveway and drive away with one last glance thrown my way.

I don't think. I just run. I run after the car like if I'd be able to catch up to her. I can't let her go again. I just got my girl back.

Why the fuck did Carl have to ruin everything?

Ruby pulls up to a stop sign and it gives me a small hope that maybe I will catch up to her but just as I'm reaching it, she speeds away and doesn't stop. I stop running. Standing in the middle of the road. "Ruby!"

"Please come back." I whisper.

I turn around, heading back to the house. As I'm walking, I take my cellphone out and dial Carl's number. After two rings, he answers.

"Nicolas, my man!" He snickers.

"Fuck you! Fuck you, Carl!" I yell into the phone, "How could you ruin the best thing I have right now!?"

He laughs, "I take it that you've spoken to that beautiful maiden? I knew you said she was beautiful but wow, she's gorgeous. Better not let her go — oh, wait. I think you just did!"

"You're going to fucking pay for this!"

"Hey," He snickers, "I told you I was going to hit you where it hurt most." With that he hangs up.

When I make it to the house, the children are already back. I walk through the door and greeted by smiles. "Hey, Dad." Albert says briefly.

"Hey Nicolas, do you know where Mom is?" Evangeline asks but before I could get the chance to answer, her phone chimes. "Never mind, I'll ask her." She answers the call and dismisses herself to the kitchen.

"Are you alright, Dad?" Albert asks, catching my worried face. "Did something happen?"

"Everything's fine." I lie.

Evangeline comes back but doesn't go to where she was seated. Instead, she goes up the stairs to what I assume is her bedroom. She doesn't say a word to me or Albert.

"Are you sure about that?" He asks again, "Evangeline was fine before she got that call. What happened?"

"Nothing happened." I lie again. Albert runs up the stairs, chasing after Evangeline. I stand in the living room like a confused and worried moron.

I should've told her sooner. But she wouldn't have given me another chance. It doesn't matter, it would've been easier. Carl wouldn't have told her anything she didn't know already. She wouldn't have had to find out by someone else.

I see the car pull up the driveway just in time that Evangeline rushes down with two suitcases. "Evangeline, where are you going?" I ask, following her outside to the car but she stops walking and turns to me.

Her face is angry, "Nicolas, I'm warning you. Don't get near my mother, I will beat you."

"Ev, please don't go. Not you too."

"Wherever my mother is, I go. I don't know what you did to her but I know it hurt her and for that, I don't even want to see you."

I walk passed her to get to Ruby. "Ruby secures her door. "Please don't go, we were doing good."

"I need time to think, Nicolas. I can't be around you right now." She mutters, not wanting to look me in the eyes. Evangeline throws the suitcases into the car and frowns.

"Back the fuck off, now." She warns.

"Ruby." I speak.

"Go away, Nicolas." She mutters. Evangeline gets in the car and Ruby speeds away again.

I'm greeted by a pissed off albert. "Nothing happened, huh?" His eyes look hurt. We both lost our girls, my Ruby and his Evangeline.

"Albert," I try to speak.

"Don't tell me anything right now, I don't want to do something I'll regret." He storms back inside. I need to get them back. Fast.

I send Ruby a message:

Nicolas: Baby, please come back. I fucked up again and I know that but I need you to come back home. I'm sorry I hurt you again but I promise there are no more secrets. I'll tell you everything when you come back home. I just got you back. I love you, please baby

I didn't think she'd reply so when an incoming message appears, I'm startled.

Ruby: I fell for you again, that's something I never thought I'd be able to do again. I love you just as much and it hurts so much that you kept this from me.. I can't go back right now. I can't be near you without wanting to tear your eyes out for making me cry again.

Nicolas: Please.. please Ruby..

She doesn't reply after that.

A few hours later, Albert shows up in my bedroom. "I don't know what you did and I don't want to know but I will tell you that if they don't come back, it's on you. How could you not be fighting right now? How could you just stay here and chug down alcohol? You should be out there banging on doors until you find her and bring them back."

"Don't you think I want that?" I slur, "Of course I want them to come back but what the hell do you want me to do? They don't want to come back. They want time to think. They don't want to be around us."

"Around you." He corrects, "they don't want to be around you."

"What do you want me to go? They don't want to listen to me."

"Be a fucking man." He cusses and walks out of my bedroom, letting me think about what he just said. I know I should be fighting instead of throwing myself into alcohol again.

A week has passed since they left, I was surprised to see Evangeline sitting in the living room with Albert this morning. She looked happy right now. "Evangeline!" I beam, "you came back!"

"To visit Albert." She sneers.

"How's your mom?"

"She's fine."

"Could I talk to you?" I need to tell her everything so she won't continue to hate me. Maybe if she knows how sorry I am, she'll help me find her mom so I can convince her to come back to me.



She rolls her eyes. "You have two minutes." I escort her to the kitchen and start telling her everything, making my two minutes count. "Why didn't you just tell her everything when she told you she wanted a clean slate?" Her tone sounding much more softer.

"Because I didn't think she'd want to give me another chance." I say, "I really love your mom, Ev. I really do."

She gives me a smile. One that brings my hopes up. "Then go to her. Show her you want her, truly." She gives me the location and after a quick shower and dressing myself up. I run a few errands before getting to her hotel.

I get permission from the hotel manager and once he grants me it, I set everything up by her door which is by the pool and knock on the door.

I start to sing the song as she opens the door and sees the amounts of roses scattered around the pool and inside the water that spell Sorry.

I know the song is one of her favorites. I used to hear her sing it to herself whenever she was upset with me.

When the song finishes, I ignore everyone who's watching and kneel in front of her on my two legs. I grab her hand and look her in the eyes. "I know I fucked up, baby, but I can't live without you. I need you in my life. Please say you'll come back home with me. I promise there will be no more secrets, no more lies and I'll always show you just how much I appreciate you."

She smiles. "That song was always my number one favorite. I didn't think you knew that."

"Even when it seems like I don't listen, I do. I know what you like, baby, Just like I know you love me too"

She continues to smile and helps me up off my knees. "You sure have your crazy ways of apologizing to me but they're always so sweet. Of course I'll go back home."

I wrap my arms around her and give her a big kiss as everyone who's watching begins to cheer.

I got my girl back.

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