Part One:
Raph's P.O.V
I am in big trouble...and for the first time, I'm scared. Scared of facing Leo, scared of talking to him...and accidentally blurting out something I shouldn't.
And damn right I wanna see him now!
You're probably asking why the hell do I wanna see him so badly,right?
Why would I wanna face him when I did something so bad to him but still be craving to see him like he's my drug?
Oh, questions,questions,...
Things I ask myself every day and yet, I don't know the certain answer to any of them.
Or at least, the reason why my affection towards him increases with every day passing day?
Yes, you heard me right.
I have feelings towards my brother...hmm...
Cliche forbidden love scenario,huh?
As for the fact that when it started, think it did in our childhood...
We were so close and the best of friends, did everything together.
So close that I got angry whenever Leo spent time with Mikey or Donnie...and eventually got into a fight and ended up with a horrible punishment from Sensei.
But Leo always covered up for me, saying it was his fault and taking the blame.
One of the reasons I began to love him more...
Always taking the blame and never misjudging me... If I could just thank him enough...
Leo is well balanced,
and a good leader,
and a polite person,
and a sweet and caring brother and...
The list can go on forever, perfect adjectives and qualities will fill it...but...
those aren't the reasons I love him.
The reason I love him is...well...
He's he...he has a good heart and sees good through people when there isn't any...
has fate in me no matter how many mistakes I make...
...and that's why I love him...but...
How can't he notice the way I look at him?
The way I adore him?
The way I avoid fights with him?
The way I smile whenever we are in the same room?
...they way I'm constantly and stupidly happy when I'm at his presence?
And I know why.
Because of that goddamn ,no good daughter of shredder!
He liked her from the first time he met her and had a tendency to think she is honourable and stuff like that...
Yeah right!
She used him and played with his heart!
Even the thought of her makes my blood boil...grrr...
He's in love with her.
He keeps falling for her traps and stupid charms!
He can deny it all he wants but he is.
Every day, I try to reach out to him but its no use;
he would smile and tell me it's nothing.
Well, nothing my ass!
I can tell he's tried too much to deny it, forget it,...
and yet he still does!
I clearly have no idea what dies he see in her ...she's bad, was and will be!
And even if she wasn't constantly fighting us, Leo still wouldn't have a chance cause of shredder's little geekboy...
...well not that I'm complaining here!
You know what? I'm done with this stupid drama crap!
I won't stay here like a fool and watch as someone comes and takes him away from me,
I swear that won't happen.
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