10: (Final)

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Changbin's POV:

Its been a few weeks that jisung giving me that kind of bad attitude..

I saw Minho  and Chan hyung talking each other..

I decided to approached them..

"Uhm..Does any of you know why Jisung acting like that?"I asked..."Ignoring me.."

"You changed him,thats why.."Minho answered.

"I changed him?"I was confused..

"Everytime he wants to talk with you or invite you somewhere,You say no or rejected him...you even rejected him even he really needs comfort..you always told him that you're busy.."Bangchan Added.

"His Attitude changed only towards you...Not us.."Minho said.

"I hope you regret what you did."Bangchan added as the  two leaves..

It hits me..

I always rejected him...

Even the time he really needs comfort..

Im sorry that i was too late to change myself..

Im Sorry,Jisung..

The End

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