chapter 2 how the story goes

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what happed previously  [btw this is after the first singularity ]

I see her eyes widen and she looked down sad

Mordred: .............. my son.....Y/N is my son

________________________________________________________________________________ POV3

 Gudako: huh?! your son!? That was a boy?!


Gudako: ehehe*bonk* oww *holds head*

Mordred: Idiot, but yes i do have a son AND yes he is a boy I still dont know why he looked so feminine and before you ask no one here butyou master and me know about this 

Gudako: but why? and what about merlin? wouldn't he know about it?

Mordred: merlin is more focused on women and why we didn't want anyone to know about him was because we were scared scared that she  would find out about him and use him for schemes and and ............*sigh* I'm going to tell you the story  about my  family 





the meeting between me and my wife Allen walker was interesting to say we met at a bar and it went on from there, he was so drunk that night hehehe, after a year we married and nine months later Y/N was born

???: just a bit more! i can almost see him!

Mordred:haa haa haa AAHHHHH!

Allen: yoshi how much longer!?{my hand is starting to break}

Yoshi: just one more push! come on Mordred just one more!

Mordred:haa haa O-okay! haaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Yoshi:almost almost YES!! i got him 

Mordred: haa f-f-finally haa

Allen: D-darling your breaking my hand

Mordred just glared at him, it looked more like a sleepy face then a glare and lets his hand go

Mordred: you didn't  just give birth did you?! (╬▔皿▔)╯

Allen: n-

Yoshi: here's your healthy baby boy :D

Allen{thank you Yoshi!}

Mordred takes the baby in his arms

Mordred: he is cute, but what are we gonna name him?

 Allen: how about lucy?

Mordred: he is a boy Allen, how about Y/N? 

Yoshi:*gasp* that's the name of my great great grandmother!

,and that's how Y/N got his name afterwards it was a interesting
experience raising him but we managed it pretty well, that was until the fall of Camelot i was manipulated by her  to fight father 


Flashback end


Mordred: I-

Gudako :  wait!

Mordred: what?? 

 Gudako:I know the rest........kinda

Mordred: oh... sooo that's the story

That's it for today, also don't expect a lot of updates I'm just doing this on flow because I never Played fgo, but I do know how the story goes 

have a goood day 

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