Sorry for the long wait readers here is the next and second final chapter of season 1 of danmachi and hope you like it
Author & Character speaking: hello
Action = [...]
Bell Pov.
Bell:[ shots open his eyes, quickly raise up and look around the room] ( where am I? Wait! Lili, welf and mother! Where are they!?) [ look around frantically.]
Cecilia:[ Enter the tent and see bell wake up.]
Cecilia: bell! You awake.[run and hug bell.]
Cecilia: oh dear hestia, I'm glad that you are awake bell.
Bell:[ feel comfortable.] Forgive me mom for worrying you.
Cecilia:[ shake her head.]
Cecilia: no it's ok, I should be the one that take responsibility of both you Lili and welf safety in the dungeon since I'm a level 10 adventure bell [ look at bell.]
Bell:[ look at Cecilia ocean blue eyes.] ( now that I see mom eyes, it's look like the ocean that one time that I go see with grandpa.)
Cecilia: bell? Are you ok?[ In a worry voice.]
Bell:[ smile at Cecilia.] I am ok mom don't worry about me ok?
Cecilia: if you say so then, ok bell I will trust you. [smile warmly back at bell.]
Bell:( Wow mom smiling face is so beautiful! No wonder a lot of people fall over heel for her event god, glad that I am not affected and only think of her as my mom (─.─||).)
Cecilia: bell?
Bell: yes?
Cecilia: are you ok? You keep spacing out a lot after I hug you?
Bell:oh n -nothing at all mother.
Cecilia: if you say so then. If you need me I will be at the Loki familia main tent.
After the meeting and telling why our familia here with injured, Finn was kind to us to offer to escort us to the upper floor since they to are going to the upper floor to report about their dungeon dive after this to the guild.
Meanwhile hestia Pov
Hestia: so what you are saying is that your children drop a horde of monster party at my children party member when they are currently in a bad shape?
Takemikazuchi:yes hestia and forgive me [ bow his head while kowtow down .]
Mikoto:( my lord.)
Ouka:( kami-sama.)
Chigusa:(this is all my fault. If only I didn't get hurt.)
Asuka:( what are we going to do. )
Hestia:[ sight. ]
Hestia: takemikazuchi please raise your head. Your children are watching you while you are kowtow down. Don't you have your pride as a god ?
Takemikazuchi: I do, but as their god it is my responsibility to take action at what they had done especially at what h ad they done just then.
Hestia: it's ok I'm not mad.
Takemikazuchi:[ look at hestia shock.]
Takemikazuchi: then why is that?
Hestia: well knowing that Cecilia is their with them make me know that my children are at least safe.
Takemikazuchi: I see.
Ouka:( Cecilia? As in the level 10 adventure name Gabriel!? (●__●).)
Chigusa:( We are dead. (〒﹏〒).
Mikoto:( Oh we are dead if she held a grudge at us. ⊙﹏⊙ = (╥﹏╥).
Asuka:( Lord had mercy. (〒﹏〒).
Hestia: But at least I want to go to the dungeon to see if all of them are ok.
Takemikazuchi: Hestia are you crazy!? Their is a reason why we god can not go to the dungeon!
Hestia: Well either go their with me to show that you are sorry to Cecilia or...
M/O/C/T/A: Or...?
Hestia: Face Cecilia wreath and just so you know, despite her kind personality like an angel she can be a demon when she is really mad.
M/O/C/T/A:[gulp.] (we are dead.)
Takemikazuchi: Then how are we going to enter the dungeon without being cought?
???: I think I can help you with that.
All:[Look who say it.]
Hestia: Ok then but we gonna need more people to go inside the dungeon ???
???: Don't worry hestia I know who we can ask for a help from right ???
???:[Sight.] fine ???
Cecilia Pov
Currently I am behind a bush while looking at riveria teaching bell about the magic and how to make a temporary safe place inside the dungeon but that will also make the juggernaut spawn in if it take to many damage.
Cecilia :[ look at both bell and riveria.]
Cecilia:( don't think that I didn't know what are you doing riveria. You gonna need to past mama hestia first then the other girls, if their is.)
Author note:{ Lili and ais currently.}
Cecilia:{ Are you sure to give bell a harem author?}
Author:{ I don't know let the readers decide it.}
Cecilia:{ That is a good idea author then.}
Cecilia:{ Dear readers this will be your decision for either bell to have harem or no at below.}
Author :{ back to the story.}
Riveria: So what do you think bell?
Bell: I think it is amazing. Even thought the dungeon is usually a dangerous it also a beautiful.
Cecilia:( Their he go again with his charming innocent face.)
Bell: Say riveria-sam-
Riveria: Call me riveria bell, both me and cecilia are a close friends after all.
Bell: Ok then.
Cecilia:( Oh~ my~ bold of you riveria for asking bell to call you by your first real name.)
Bell: Then riveria shouldn't we go back to the camp?
Riveria: I don:t thin-
C/B/R:[Look at lefiya.]
Riveria: lefiya? What is the matter? ( why lefiya (ᗒᗩᗕ).)
Lefiya: captain request all executive members of the loki familia to the main camp that including you to.
Riveria: oh ok then ( how dare you finn. ರ╭╮ರ ).
Lefiya:[ See bell.] ( What did this human do with riveria-sama!?)
Riveria: Well bell it seem like I had to go, bye then [ leave bell with lefiya ]
Lefiya:[ Look at bell with a face saying.] ' don't think I wont be watching you filthy human'.
Bell:[ 😅 ] (Ok.) [sight.]
Bell: Their they go.
Cecilia: What~ do you~ think of~ lefiya bell~
Bell: mo- mother!!?
Cecilia: What? I just want to know what is your opinion on her that all.
Bell: Well I think she is strong.
Cecilia: And...?
Bell: Wise & beautiful.
Cecilia:( Ara~ ara~ Bell I don't think Ais going to like at what you had just say.) I see then let's go. The other are probably waiting for us.
Bell: Hai!
Hestia Pov
Takemikazuchi: EVEN I DO NOT KNOW HESTIA !!!
Mikoto: MOM !!!
Takemikazuchi:I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!
Hestia:( I WISH CECILIA IS HERE WITH ME !!! ಥ‿ಥ .)
Cecilia:[ look up at the dungeon.]
Cecilia:(Why do I feel like someone is calling out my name? Meh, who care.) [Shrugged it of .] Oh well.
Cecilia Pov
We can now see hestia sitting at the middle while hermes and takemikazuchi are at each of her side with a down cast face facing while also facing the loki familia executive and cecilia party. With the children of takemikazuchi and hermes sit at the side of their own god side, no one had speak a single thing making the place sound like a ghost tent when cecilia decide to speak up first.
Cecilia: so what do the three of you gods had to say. [ raise an eyebrow .]
H/T/H: We sorry that we came down to the dungeon.
Cecilia: [Sight.]
Fry:< They are so screw. >
Vatz:< Here I thought that the gods will be more like an adult but no.>
Jord:< I guess we had to many hope that they will not be like their parents. >
Cecilia:< I bet that their parents do something that make you guys feel so disappoint am I right.>
Elding:< Yes. >
Lopt:< yes >
Ginnungagap:< Wish you luck >
Myrkvior:< me to >
Cecilia:< oh my god > [ sight ] ok then I will forgive you
When I say it every person inside the tent look at me bewildered. Finn being the highest rank inside this tent decide to speak up
Finn: if you do not mind me asking cecilia?
Cecilia:[ look at finn. ] go ahead finn.
Finn: ok then since we had three gods with us this could be a big problem for us to bring them back to the surface. I know that every person inside here know what is the reason right. [ Look around the tent.]
Cecilia: yes, It is a well know fact that the god are forbidden to step in the dungeon since it is more like suicide. Especially entering it since the dungeon was create by the evil god to kill god.
Bell: So how are we going to the surface?
Riveria: well then, may I finn? [ Standing up from her sitting position. ]
Finn: Go ahead riveria.
Riveria: Thank you. [Look around the room ] so to make it safe I would propose that hestia-sama, hermes-sama and takemikazuchi-sama are being guard and protect by some of the loki and hestia familia with asfi include. While the other go to the city to resuppliess all the things that we need ok?
All: Ok.
Riveria: Then move on!
??? Place
??? Pov
???1: are you sure she is a treat to us ???3
???3:yes! Didn't you see the strength a month ago that I show with the magic boll!?
???5:calm down ???3. So what do you think we should do lord?
lord?: He~he~he~ my be we should make it more interesting~
???7: their he go
???4: let him be
???6: you guys, we are of topic now please continue ???3
???3: thank you, as I was saying it would be a trouble like the past 17 years ago like the knight and priest when they always ruin our plan
???1: well both of them are level 9 while with priest being the hardest since she can nullified all magic no matter what kind of source it is with her crosses, while knight being the most distructive with his greatsword
???4: sadly the greatsword had been broken and cannot been fix untill now while the crosses had been missing after the OEBD
???2: do not forget that they are the reasons that both the Hera & Zeus familia are at the top rank familia
???1: and don't forget that they are now dead because of the OEBD. Even with does two weapons, both the Hera & Zeus familia almost been wipe out leaving only the weakest members to protect the mansion
???7:[ sight ] what do you guys think we should do with Gabriel lord?
Lord?: Well how about we send her the ###########?
???6 are you sure lord?
Lord?: Yes. Prepare it so that we can see how strong is Gabriel is. He~he~he~he~he~~ hahaHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All???:( Their he go again )
3rd Pov
Currently we can see the girls are about to take a bath at the spring lake with each of them taking of their cloth showing of their naked body to each other with their curves of body being shown to each other inside the tent that they set up beside the spring lake.
Tione: Man, glad that we can finally take a good long break.
Tiona: You can say that again.
Lefiya: is it ok to take a bath at a spring water while we are not guard while bathing in it?
Ais: I don't think so.
Riveria: Well if they do love their life then the boys will know what is good or not.' With a serious face.'
Cecilia: Now now girls don't be so tense up.
The moment cecilia says that all the girls turn and look at cecilia. Seeing her naked body that look like it was blesses by all the creation in the universe.
All the girls feels a little embarrassed and envy of her, since despite had giving birth to five children that they thought beside ais that she know that sirin and bella are her adopted one, she look more beautiful then other woman either they are still in their youth or teen, yet cecilia is look like she is shine brightly in all the universe
All girls:( Her curves are so perfect in every way.)
Ais:( I want to lay my head at her ches. )
Tiona:( Dang it! Her boobs are so big!)
Lefiya:( How did Ms.Cecilia had a beautiful body that even we elf lose compare to her?! )
Cecilia:< Say Ginnunggagap >
Ginnunggagap:< Yes cecilia ? >
Cecilia:< If both siegfried and theresa had been exist here in the past. What had happen to the two of them?>
Ginnunggagap:< You might not like it cecilia.>
Ceceilia:< Don't worry I can take it.>
Ginnunggagap:< [ sight.] Fine. >
Ginnunggagap:<Both of them are dead cecilia.>
Cecilia:< ... >
Cecilia:< How? >
Ginnunggagap:<[sight.] It was the black dragon cecilia.>
Cecilia:< Is it because our existence at this world ? >
Ginnunggagap:< ... >
Fry:< Let me tell you cecilia.>
Ginnunggagap:< 5hank you fry >
Fry:< Cecilia you do know how does a person existence can affect greatly to the world when they should not right? >
Cecilia:< I know thanks to the Sea of Quanta, the Imaginary Tree and me being the Herrschers of the Beginning, it grand me the same power of the Herrscher of the end including all the knowledge that the bubble universe that is exist in the Imaginary tree that including the parriwal world and other type of world including their origin.>
Fry:< And you must had known that this is none other then a different bubble universe and world right?>
Cecilia:< Yes and why ?>
Vatz:< Ok, just let me explain it to her brother you are bad at it.>
Fry:< Hey! >
Vatz:< Ok, cecilia the easy way is that think of it as this world is a combination of your and this original one where when they are collide they make a new separate reality >
Cecilia:< So it's more like the Imaginary tree then?>
Vatz:< Maybe? I don't know.>
Lopt:< Well the existence of the Imaginary tree is something that we, the eldest living being do not know how does it work. >
Mykrord:< Don't forgot the Sea of Quanta. >
Cecilia:< [sweat drop.] ha-ha-ha-ha... >
Tiona:hahhh~ this is good~
Tione: I agree~
Lefiya: the water~ is so fresh~
Riveria: it's also warm
Hestia: you right!
Ais: hm~
Asfi: I really~ need this~
Lili: I hope that the boys won't peep on us while we're in bath.
With does word all girl in the spring tense up since their are in a place where the male members of the familia can peep on them while their are defenless. This make the calm peaceful atmosphere became tense.
Hestia: Don't worry about bell he is probably trying to stop the other boys.
All.G:[ look at hestia ]
Tione: How can you be sure?
Tiona: Yeah! All we know is that he can also be joining them on peeping on us!?
Ais: Well knowing that cecilia is bell mother figure he will probably do some thing that can make her proud.
Hestia: That's right ais. Cecilia is bell big ancore to one of his dream.
Riveria: now that I think about it...where did cecilia go just now?[ Look around the spring for cecilia.]
All.G:[start to look around for cecilia to.] hu?
With Cecilia
Cecilia: This~ is good~[ lay inside a hot spring ]
Cecilia:[ Notice the readers ] oh my~ hello their readers~ you must had been wondering~ where am I right~? Well I am currently relaxing~ with my daughter~ sadly~ you guys can not see us~ naked in here~.[ Wink at the readers.]
Kiana: Mom who are you talking to?[ Tilt her head a little]
Kiara: Wierd. ' clueless face '
Durandal: Yeah? Who are you talking to mom? ' clueless face '
S&D:( Probably breaking the fourth wall.) [sight.]
Cecilia: he~he~he~~.
Cecilia: This monster Rex really is different from the one that I slay before.
Ryuu: This is why the dungeon are a dangerous place for the gods to step foot in.[ Dodge an attack from the goliath.]
Riveria: While entering the floor it will trigger the dungeon to summoned an abnormal monster and boss then it regularly spawn in before.[Cast wind spell.]
Finn: It also give the boss an extra passive skill then the normal one usually had like- [ dodged ] a riganiration!
Tione: EyaP! [ Slash the goliath leg.] The skin is even sturdier then the normal one!
Bete: Least talking! More fighting! [ Kick the goliath right side leg.] Ouch!
Gareth: That idiot.
Tiona: Yeah ' with a not so impress face.'
Bell:[ Run up to the goliath then slash all around it giant hand.] The riganaration is the big problem! [ See the goliath hand almost squash him, jump out of the way.] Ops! That was close!
Hestia: Can't you just straight up kill it Cecilia!?
Cecilia: I can if you want the dungeon summon something that is more dangerous then the monster Rex!
Hestia: Sorry!
Cecilia: Finn! Any plan?!
Finn: We need to destroy it body faster then it riganaration ! Since the core will be in the centre of the body! While also rush an then strike the core with a fast attack!
Cecilia: Ok then bell! You will be the one that land the killing blow while all of us cover you!
Cecilia: Yes! Use your new skill! It could help since it's a strong charge attack!
Cecilia: Every mage prepare your strongest attack magic that you had to blind this monster! Fighters buy some time for the mage to finish their chant!
All.A: HAI!!!!!!!
Meanwhile with hermes
Hermes: This is one good show. Zeus you say that your grandson won' t be able to reach this strong, but I clearly see it with my eyes! The last hero of the Hera & Zeus Familia! [ Look at cecilia.]
Hermes: But are you the one that they had been searching for this whole time Cecilia? Or am I wrong? Well only the future shall tell us the truth! Now this is the new beginning! THE FAMILIA MYTH!!!
Hello their readers this is author. if you see I am bad at described the fighting scene from the anime so I try my best to fit it in with the idea I had so here is! We also close to the end
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