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There was a knock on my hotel door. I opened it and saw it was Dylan.



I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. He pulled away and looked down at me smiling. I let him in and closed the door. I turned around and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me resting his hands on my bum.

"I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. "

I said smiling. He pecked my lips again and pulled away. We went to the living room sitting down.

"How long are you here?"

"This week and I leave Sunday afternoon."

"I get to watch your fight Saturday night."


"Yes. I found tickets so Cody, Tyler, Dylan, Holland, Eden, and Shelley are coming to watch you win."

I smiled.

"Aren't you sweet as ever."

He smiled and pulled me in his lap.

"Didn't I buy you this shirt?"

"Yeap. Just never had anything to wear with it."

He nodded.

"Is your mom coming Saturday?"

" No. She has this major transplant surgery she has to do, but my um dad will be there."

"Your dad?"

I nodded.

"Yeah. "

He gulped.

"It will be fine."

I told him.

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"It doesn't matter if he does or not. I like you so that's all that matter. Plus Jacey and Brody will be there too."

I said and pecked his lips. He smiled and kissed me back.


He said and I laid my head on his chest.

"Have you been working out?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because I just laid on pure muscle."

I said looking up at him and messed with his hair.

"Gotta stay in shape to keep the boys away from my baby. "

He said kissing my head. I smiled.

"As long as you don't get crazy and get the big muscles we'll be fine."


"Because guys like that gross me out with all the veins and flexing and stuff. I don't like it."

"Does your dad have muscles and stuff?"

"You really want to know who my dad is?"

He nodded and I pulled out my phone and showed him.

"Jesse that's..."

"Yeah. Roman Reigns is my dad. "

"Oh boy. "

He said.

"Dylan calm down. Everything will be fine."

"Jesse have you not seen him fight? On top of that you told me about boxing with him and your eye got busted open. Think of what he would do to me."

"He won't do anything. Chill out. "

I said and his grip tightened around me.

"Dylan your worrying. "

I said looking at him.

"I can't help it."

He said and I turned.

"How about I take your mind off of it."

He looked at me and I kissed him wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Dylan wait."

I said as he moved his hands down to my shorts.


"I'm not ready for that yet."

He looked me in the eyes.


I leaned up kissing him.

"I just want to take things slow. Kissing and touching is fine, but I'm not ready for anything else."

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Want to order some take out and watch tv?"

"Sure. I'll go get the menus off the counter. "

I told him and got up. I got the menus and went back to the living room sitting down.

"What about Cinese?"

He asked and I nodded. He got out phone and ordered while I looked through the movies on the tv.
"Dylan we're not even paying attention to the movie."

I said pulling away from his kiss.

"I like what we're doing now so much better."

"It's a really good movie. Please watch it with me?"

"Okay. "

He said and we started looking at the movie. I snuggled into his side and he kissed my forehead.



"I like you alot."

"I like you alot too."

I said kissing his cheek. He smiled wrapping his arms around me and we watched the movie.

Jacey's pov

"Brooklyn wait."

"What's wrong love?"

I looked up at his shirtless torso.

"Am I moving to fast?"

"No it's just. I don't know."

He kissed my forehead.

"I'll stop if you want."

"I don't want you to. We've been together for six months. I think it's time that we did it."

"You sure. I'm not pressuring you into anything."

"I'm sure."

I said wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him. He kissed back and I was sent into total bliss.

I was watching the movie with Dylan when my phone rung.


"Hey Jesse."

"Hey Jacey."

"Guess what Brooklyn and I just did?"

"Um went on a date?"

"No. Keep guessing."

"They your voice is sounding I can say you're excited."

I said still confused.

"Hello love."

I heard Brooklyn say.

"Brooklyn wait I'm talking to Jesse."

"Hi Jesse Glynn! "

"Hi Brooklyn."

"Where are you!"

He yelled.

"In LA. Where are you?"

"In my bed. Guess what?"


"I'm naked."

"Oh god."

"And guess what else."


"Your sister and I just made lovvvvveee."


I said and he laughed.

"I hate you both so much right now."

I said.

"Love you Jesse Glynn. "

Brooklyn said. I rolled my eyes.

"Goodbye. "

I said and hung up.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, but I could have lived without knowing my sister just had sex with her boyfriend."

I said sitting my phone down.

"It's getting late. I should get going. See you later?"

He asked and I nodded. I stood up walking him to the door and he grabbed my hand looking at me. He put one hand under my chin and kissed me. I smiled kissing him back. He pulled away.

"Talk to you later baby."

I nodded blushing and he walked out. I went and cleaned up our mess and cut off the movie. I went taking a shower and got in bed grabbing my phone. I had a miss call from Roman.


I asked.

"Hey Jesse have you talked to Jacey she won't answer my call."

"Yeah she's with Brooklyn. "


"Beckham. Her boyfriend. "

"I'll try again."

"Okay. "

I said hanging up. I closed my eyes going to sleep.

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