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"Hey Jesse where you going?"

Dad asked.

"A run."

He nodded. He was about to say something, but I ran out the back door.

Roman's pov
"Melanie does Jesse Glynn always get excited about going on a run?"

I asked walking into her office.

"No why?"

"She just ran out all excited is all."

"Maybe because she finally gets to. Roman she was out for almost a year."

"Yeah I guess you're right."

I said walking behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"The kids took pictures and they just came in. Wanna look?"


I said standing her up and sat in the chair pulling her in my lap.

I stopped at the spot I was suppose to meet Ben. I went and sat down at the tree. I waited until I felt something tap my shoulder. I looked up and Ben was right there. I stood up taking out my earbuds.

"I was talking to you for five minutes."


He smiled and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back.

"I've missed you. "

"We seen each other yesterday. Plus we text all morning."

I said.

"I know, but I missed seeing you in person."

I smiled.

"Anyway. I thought we would have our first date."


He nodded. He went behind the tree and came back with a picnic basket.

"I wanted to start simple so I thought we would have a picnic. "


He sat the basket down and pulled out a blanket. He sat the basket on it and we sat down. He pulled some things out.

"How about peanut butter and jelly, fruits, and strawberry lemonade?"

"That would be lovely."

He smiled handing me a sandwich.
I was laying down with my head in Ben's lap while he played with my braid.


"Yes love?"

"Why are you training her?"

"I was the only one who didn't have anyone to train. I needed the money."

"Are you gonna go to Uni?"

"I want to. So I can start my own gym you know? I want to work for myself than for someone else."

I nodded.

"What were you gonna do if you couldn't box anymore?"

"I don't know. I guess just school. Find a new hobby. Jacey wants me to travel with her when she goes on tour. I haven't really thought about it."

"Do you sometimes not want to box anymore?"

"Yeah. Just so I can spend more time with my dad. He travels alot and I don't really have that father daughter relationship with him. I mean we do a little, but I can't just like go up to him and have a full conversation with him you know?"

"Yeah. It's like my mum and I. She left and my dad took her back when I turned 15. Three years later I still can't look her in the eyes, or talk to have a full conversation. She's not mum to me she's just Karen."

"That's kinda how it is. I called him Roman for three months."

I looked at my phone and it's been an hour.

"I should go. My parents may come looking for me."

He nodded.

"Are you going to tell them about us?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how they'll feel about it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I just broke up with Colby yesterday and now I just go up to them hey I forgot to tell you I have a new boyfriend. His name is Ben and he works at the gym. Hope that doesn't make me look like a whore."

"Jesse Glynn. They need to know about us."


"I want to take you on a date tomorrow night."

"You do?"

"Yes. I want to take you out."


I sat up and he was smiling.

"Where you going to take me?"

"I was thinking dinner and maybe we go around London?"

I nodded.

"I would like that. "

I said smiling. He smiled and kissed me. He pulled away.

"You should go."


I stood up and started walking back. I walked through the back door closing it.

"Have a fun run?"

I jumped turning around seeing mum and dad.

"Don't do that to me."

I said holding my hand over my heart.

"You went running for an hour?"

"I went farther out."

I said which wasn't a complete lie.

"Why aren't you sweating then?"

"I stopped and cooled off."

They both looked at me.

"Go shower and then when you come back be ready to tell the truth."

Mum said and I walked upstairs. I went to my room and closed the door finding some clothes to wear. I went and showered putting on a tshirt, sweat pants, and some elite socks. I brushed my wet hair leaving it down. I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to the kitchen. Mum and dad were standing there. I sat at the counter on a stool. I looked down fiddling with my hands.

Roman's pov
"She's never lied to me before."

Melanie said.

"Jacey yes, but Jesse no."

"Who knows what she has to say."

I said. Jesse came back sitting at the counter looking down messing with her fingers. I realize she does that when she's nervous about something.

"Jesse where did you go?"


"Where did you go running?"

"On the trail in the backyard. "

"Jesse Glynn Reigns where did you go and stop lying to us."

Dad said.

"I went on a run down the trail to meet Ben."

"Ben? From the gym Ben?"

Mum asked.

"Yes. So I wasn't lying I just kept that part out. Yesterday when I went running I ran farther than I usually do and he was there. We started talking and today we met again."

"Why did you two meet?"

Dad asked.


I said in one breath looking down.

"Repeat that, but this time slower."

Dad said.

"Because yesterday I found out he liked me and he asked me to be his girl friend I said yes and I didn't want you two to look at me as some whore who just got out of a relastionship and got into another one with some guy."

I said still looking down.

"Jesse look at us."

Mum said. I looked at both of them.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No we're not mad, but why didn't you think you couldn't tell us about this?"

"I thought it would make me look like a bad person. Does it make me look like a bad person?"

"No sweetheart, but are you sure you can handle another boyfriend?"

"I didn't want it to be like it was with Cody or Dylan so I just wanted to go slow."

"It better be slower than a slug."

Dad said.

"I've known Ben since I was younger. He trained me at the gym. He's been my friend. I didn't get to know Dylan or Cody, but Ben I got to know him."

"But honey the ages."

"How much is a difference is it?"

Dad asked.

"Two years, but he'll be 19 on the first of January."

"They can date until then. I mean it will only be a year, but afterwards no."

"But daddy please I know he'll be 19, but I'll be 17."

"I'm sorry baby girl, but no."


"I have to agree with your dad Jesse."

Tears formed in my eyes.


"I know it's to years, but Jesse he's considered an adult then and you will still be a minor. "

I got up and went to my room. I slammed the door. I pulled out my phone and called Ben.

"Hey baby. Miss me already?"


"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I told my parents about us."

"You did?"

"Yeah and they said that once you turn 19 we won't be able to be together anymore. They won't allow it. I tried, but nothing worked."

"I knew it. But hey we have each other now."

"Ben we only have four months."

"I know. I hate this."

"Me too. "

"I have to go. I have to train her. "


"See you tomorrow night?"


I smiled.

"Talk later baby."

"Talk later."

I said and hung up. I laid there looking at the ceiling. There was a knock on the door.


I said stretching out the T. The door opened.

"Jesse Glynn."

Dad said walking in. He came sitting beside me.

"What? "

"I just came to check on you. "

"I'm fine."

I said and turned with my back facing him.

"Look I know you're upset, but it's the best for you Jesse Glynn."

"How? It isn't even like we have this huge age difference between us."

He stood and walked out. I rolled my eyes and just starred at my wall covered with pictures.

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