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Last day
I pulled up at the gym and got out getting my bag. I woke up this morning and my mum seen the cut I had under my eye from boxing with Roman and took me to the doctor and I had to get stitches. I sat my bag down and sat looking at all of them.

"Today's your last day. It is also the day you step in the ring for twelve rounds."

I went and pulled out the tape and gloves.

"Grab a partner and we'll warm up first. "

I said and went turning on music and put it on shuffle. Eminem Lose Yourself came on and I went watching everyone warm up for the first five minutes. I wrote down everyone's partner and looked at all of them. I put and number beside the names.

"Alright first I want Summer and Naomi."

They both got in the ring. Everyone else sat down. I started a timer for 12 minutes.


I said starting the timer. I watched both of them and wrote down notes on each of them. The timer went off and they stopped.


They both nodded and I started the timer.


We finally finished.

"Wait I don't have a partner. "

"You decide to say that now!"

I said to Eva Marie.

"Well excuse me."

I rolled my eyes and tapped my hands getting my gloves.

"Ring now."

I growled. I gave my phone to Nikki.

"All you got to do is press start."

I said and she nodded. I got in the ring and nodded at Nikki.


She said. I just stood looking at Eva. She went swinging at me and I moved punching her and knocked her out.


I shrugged getting out of the ring taking off the gloves.

"That was 15 seconds."

Nikki said shocked. I got the clipboard and wrote by Eva Marie's name. I sat it down and saw Eva sitting up holding her head.

"That's it. All of you did it. You can leave now."

I said and went to my bag. I picked it up and walked out opening my trunk.

"Hey Jesse!"

I turned around and saw Nikki.


"Some of the divas are going out and we wanted to know if you wanted to come with us."

"Thanks, but I can't. I'm spending the day with my sister and brother before I leave."

She nodded. I got in my car starting it and bagged out driving home. I got out and went in showering. I went drying my hair and straightened it. I got dressed and sprayed my perfume on me and got my phone and money putting it in my cardigan pocket. I went and saw Jacey and Brody sitting down outside on the porch.


I asked and they both jumped up. We walked out and got in my car. Brody got in his buster seat and put on his seatbelt. I let back the seat and put on my seatbelt starting the car. I bagged out and drove to the shops. I parked and we got out. Brody grabbed mine and Jacey's hand.

"Where you wanna go?"

I asked Brody.

"Toy store!"

I nodded and we went in the store. He ran around picking stuff out.

"Jacey look what they got."

I said pointing at the wall full of Lilo and Stitch.

"No way."

She said and we walked over. I picked up a Stitch stuffed animal and she got one two. Brody came with a bunch of marvel stuffed toys and a Thor hammer. We went to the check out and paid for everything. I grabbed my bag, Jacey got her sack, and Brody got his two. We walked out and went in the Polo Ralph Lauren store. We went in the kid section and got Brody shirts, pants, and a jacket. We went and got us some stuff then we all three got hats. We went to the register paying getting the bags. We walked out and went Jack Wills. We walked in and went straight to the hoodie getting every color we didn't have. We went putting the bags in the trunk and then went to the Nike Factory. I was on my phone walking when Brody said,

"Look it's Roman Reigns!"

I looked up and Roman was standing looking at some shoes. Brody ran over.

"Hi I'm Brody I'm a big fan. "

"Hi Brody. "

Roman bent down and gave him a fist pound. We walked over.

"Look it really is him. "

Brody said looking up at Jacey and I. We both smiled at him.


Roman said and we said hi back.

"Bro we have to go find you shoes."

Jacey said.

"But Roman Reigns is here."

He whined. She bent down and whispered in his ear.

"See you later Roman."

He said running off with Jacey behind him.

"What did she tell him?"

Roman asked.

"There's a fudge shop around the corner and she promised to take him. It happens all the time."

"You bribe your brother?"

"It's hard shopping with him. He'll get side tracked by things especially if it's his favorite wrestler."

Roman nodded.

"Jesse come on we gotta find shoes."

Brody said and grabbed my hand.

"Alright. I'm coming. I'm coming. See you Roman. "

"Bye Jesse."

I turned walking away to Brody and Jacey. He picked up a pair of black Roshes.

"You like these?"

I asked he nodded.

"You and Jacey have these. I want them too."

I nodded and we found his size. We got him another pair that were grey and had a blue sole. We went buying the shoes and went to get him some fudge. We left and went into Forever 21. Jacey and I both bought two bags full and went into Children's Place. We got Brody more clothes and we left. We put the bags in the trunk and got in.

"Why not we go Go Kart racing?"

I said and Brody instantly agreed. I looked at Jacey.

"Lets go. "

She said and I bagged out driving to the go kart place. We got out and Brody grabbed our hands. We went in and paid for the wristbands. We went out getting in line.

"Brody who you wanna ride with?"

Jacey asked.


I laughed.


"She better driver than you."

I laughed more. It was finally our turn. We got in the go karts putting on our seatbelts. The light turned green and I drove out. Brody was laughing. I turned and saw Jacey beside us. I cut her off and kept going.
"You have fun bubby?"


I pulled up at the restaurant and we got out. We went in and went a booth. We sat down and waited for a waiter.

"Jesse you talked to Dylan lately?"

I rolled my eyes at my sister. I've been dating Dylan Sprayberry for a few months now.

"Yeah we text the other day."

"You gonna see him when you go to LA?"

"If I can."

I said looking at the menu.

"What about you and Brooklyn?"

She blushed. Jacey and Brooklyn Beckham have been dating for six months now.

"We're hanging out tomorrow. "

She said and I nodded.

"Brody what is this girl I hear about in your class?"

I smiled at Jacey messing with Brody.

"What girl?"

"The girl you like?"

"I don't like a girl."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure I don't like Maddie."

"So her name is Maddie?"

I asked and he covered his face.

"Why don't you tell us about this Maddie?"

"She's very pretty and she has blonde hair and her eyes are blue."

"How old is Maddie?"

"She's four, but her birthday is Saturday and she invited me to her party."

"What are you gonna get her for a present?"

"I don't know what girls like."

"Why not a doll."

I asked. He nodded.


A waiter came taking our order.

Roman's pov
I was sitting at this restaurant waiting on Dean and Seth. I turned and saw Jacey, Jesse Glynn, and Brody walk in. They sat at the booth beside my table, but there was this fence type thing there dividing us.

"Jesse you talked to Dylan lately?"

" Yeah we text the other day. "

" You gonna see him when you go to LA? "

"If I can. "

I heard Jesse say. So she has a boyfriend.

"What about you and Brooklyn?"

I heard Jesse say. So they both have boyfriends?

"We're hanging out tomorrow. "

I made a note to ask Melanie about it.

"Brody who is this girl I hear about in your class?"

Jacey asked. My son even has a girlfriend and he's only five.

"What girl?"

"The girl you like?"

"I don't like a girl."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure I don't like Maddie."

"So her name is Maddie?"

I heard Jesse Glynn say.

"Why don't you tell us about Maddie."

"She's very pretty and she has blonde hair and blue eyes."

I smiled. Brody actually likes a girl.

"How old is Maddie?"

"She's four, but her birthday is Saturday and she invited me to her party."

I stopped listening to their conversation when Dean showed up soon following Seth walked in.

We finished dinner and we went getting in my car. I started it and we drove getting ice cream. Once we finished we left and pulled up at home seeing an unfamiliar car there. We got out getting our bags walking in. We took them to our room. We walked down to mums office and knocked walking in. I stopped seeing Roman there..
"What is he doing here?"

I asked.

"Maybe you three should sit down. We have something to tell you. "

Mum said looking at Jacey and I. We looked at each other and sat down in the chairs.

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