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I felt like I was in so much pain from head to toe. I opened my eyes slowly seeing that the lights were off, but the tv was on Nickelodeon and it was on the old cartoon Hey Arnold. I heard Brody's small whimpers. I looked and Roman was holding him in his lap rocking him while he had a tear streak face. Mum and Jacey were in a chair sleeping. I looked back at Roman and his eyes met mine. He quietly got up and sat Brody down. He walked towards me and grabbed my hand rubbing it.

"How you feeling? "

I couldn't move my mouth because there was a tube. He kissed my head.

"We were all worried about you. We didn't know when you would wake up. "

I grew tired.

"Get some more sleep. We'll be here in the morning. "

He kissed my head again and I closed my eyes falling asleep.
"Look she's opening her eyes."

I heard Brody say. I opened my eyes and he was hanging over the bed while Roman held him.


He said. I just looked at him.

"Oh love."

I heard my mum say. She came kissing my head over and over again.

"I'll go find the doctor. "

Roman said sitting Brody down and walked out.

"What's going on? "

I heard a sleepy Jacey say.

"Jesse is awake!"

Brody cheered. Jacey then showed up in my face smiling. My eyes went wide.


She said kissing my head over and over. I tried moving away but I couldn't. I heard the door open.

"Jacey what are you doing?"

Dwayne is here? I turned seeing him with balloons, a bear, and flowers.

"She's awake!"

Jacey said. He walked over and sat the stuff down.

"You feeling okay? "

I raised my eyebrow. He smiled.

"Just joking you."

He said kissing my head. Why does everyone keep doing that? The door opened again.

"You're awake!"

A doctor walked in front of me. He flashed a flashlight in my face and I closed my eyes.

"We're going to take the tube out, but if she has a problem breathing we'll have to put it back it."

"Will she be able to talk?"

Mum asked.

"No. Her throat has to heal. I would give here ice cream or milkshakes. Something to cool her throat. Stay away from solids and give her fluids to keep her hydrated. I'll be right back to take the tube out."

I tried looking around, but Jacey grabbed my cheeks.

"Stop moving you can get choked on the tube."

I shot her a look. I looked at Dawayne.

"Oh yeah I forgot. I was told to bring this."

He said and pulled out my title. I tried reaching out for it, but pain shot through my body.


Mum said to me. He sat the title in my lap and I looked at it. I looked at him trying to thank him, but I couldn't.

"I know you're welcome. "

He smiled. The door opened again and it was the doctor and a few nurses. Everyone stepped out.

"Jesse Glynn we want you to stay as still as possible. "

I didn't move. They started to do stuff and I felt the tube move.

"Try not to gag."

A nurse said and they took the tube out. When they finally got it completely out I started to take deep breaths.

"Alright open wide."

I opened my mouth and he took the flashlight and looked.

"The swelling has gone down. You can't talk or it could damage your windpipe. If you need to say something write it down in this notebook. "

I nodded.

"Remember ice cream and milkshakes."

I nodded and they walked out. I lifted my right arm opening the notebook. I got the pen and wrote my name on it. They door opened and I turned seeing a bunch of gifts. I raised my eyebrow.

"Everyone in the family sent you a basket, and bears, and flowers."

Jacey said. I nodded. They sat everything down. I looked around. My eyes went wide. I wrote,

I don't even like flowers.

Jacey read it laughing. The door opened and Roman walked in.

"I brought everyone something to eat. Jesse Glynn I brought you some ice cream. "

He said sitting it down. Mum sat me up and put some pillows behind me.

I picked up the spoon and ate some. It instantly made my throat feel good. I laid my head back. I finished my ice cream and closed my eyes. I felt a kiss on my forehead.

"Get some sleep."

It was Roman. I drifted off into a deep sleep.
I woke up to a knock on the door. It opened and Dylan walked in with a big bear and ballons. I gave a small smile.

"I got the soonest flight I could get from LA."

I got the notebook.

It's fine. I've been sleeping nonstop anyways.

"You can't talk. That sucks."

Tell me about it. I'm stuck here for three more weeks and then I go back to London.

He sat beside me still holding the bear.

"I was watching the match. When she attacked you I was so worried about you."

I'm okay.

"Jesse Glynn she broke your arm, leg, your left rib cage shattered, and you have stitches everywhere. You can't be okay. "

Dylan I'm fine.

"I was just so worried about you. "

He said and tears formed in his eyes. I leaned up as far as I could and kissed him. He put his hand under my chin kissing me back and pulled away. He hugged me rubbing my hair.

"I need to talk to you about something."

He said.

Um okay what's up?

"Jesse we can't be together right now."


"We can't. Not with you in this predicament. You should have time for yourself to heal fully."

What's the real reason? I know you're lying.

He stood up.

"I'm sorry. Jesse I cheated on you with Bianca Hill."

I sat there shocked. Tears formed in my eyes.

"I promise it didn't mean anything. I went out with Cody and we went to this place and she was there and next thing you know she was kissing me. Please. I've never wanted to hurt you. Just believe me."

Goodbye Dylan.

He tried kissing my head, but I moved it looking down.

"I'm so sorry."

He said and walked out. I laid back and started crying. The door opened.

"Jesse Glynn what's wrong?"

Roman came sitting by me. I laid my head on his chest and cried. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?"

1 I'm stuck here in this dumb hospital with an almost complete broken body.
2 I don't know when I'll be able to box again.
3 I hate boys.

"Something happen with Dylan?"

He cheated on me with Bianca Hill.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but you don't have to cry over some boy. There are better ones out there than him."

I nodded and he wiped the tears away.

"Get some rest. You get to pick the color you want for your casts tomorrow. "

I nodded.

Will you stay with me?

He nodded and laid with me. I closed my eyes falling asleep.

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