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Today is finally the day I start training the WWE superstars and divas. I talked to Mrs. McMahon and she said she wanted me to try and intimidate them as much as I can. I just laughed. I had on my black ripped shorts, my red flannel, my black sports bra, my black combat boots, and my RayBans. She wanted me to make an entrance so I drove my 1968 blacked out dodge challenger with dark grey racing stripes. I pulled up at the gym and stopped. Parker came out. I let down my window.


"Lets do it. "

I smiled and let up my window. He went up letting up the garage opening. I made my engine roar and I pulled up in parking. I cut off the engine and grabbed my title putting it on my shoulder. I opened the door stepping out closing it behind me.

"If you will all welcome your trainer for the next two weeks the undefeated, junior champion Jesse Glynn."

I walked getting in the octagon. I smiled giving Stephanie a hug. I looked at ever superstar and diva.

"This includes NXT or just main roaster?"

"Main roaster."

Hunter said. I nodded looking at all of them.

"Alright times gonna get away from us if we don't start."

I said.

"Once again I'm Jesse Glynn, but call me Jesse. For the next two weeks. I'm gonna train you like you've never been trained before in your life. You're all stepping in my ring so you play by my rules. Stephanie and Hunter want to incorporate boxing so we're going to give them boxing even if it means you beat each other into a bloody blimp."

I looked at Stephanie.

"They using gloved first?"

"Will that make it less painful?"

"Yes especially if you don't want to get your face busted open that isn't a good feeling."

"It's whatever you want. "

I nodded and smiled.

"In that case. Rollins your first."

I said stepping away from the ropes and he came getting in. I sat the title down and took off my sunglasses. I walked to him.


Everyone looked shocked. He swung and punched me in the noise. I let out a fake cry holding my nose. Everyone gasped. He came to check on me, but I tripped him and put him my own move called the striker. He yelled out in pain.

"All you have to do is say one word and I'll let you go."


He said and I let him go. I held out my hand helping him up.

"First lesson don't fall for something stupid like that. It will easily get you distracted and give your opponent the uper hand."

He held his arm getting out the ring. I counted how many people were here.

"Alright everyone will have a partner except for a superstar so you'll be my partner and I pick..."

I got out and walked in front of every superstar. I walked passed Roman Reigns and stopped. I stepped back and looked at him.



"You're Roman Reigns right?"

"You're Jesse Glynn Reigns right?"

"That's what I thought."

I said walking back in the octagon.

"Reigns in the ring everyone else find a partner and pick a pair of boxing gloves."

"Jesse, John has a broken nose.

Stephane said. I turned to see John Cena standing there.

"Alright. He can help me out with everyone. "

He nodded.

"What should I do?"

"If you don't mind could you make sure the divas wrap their hands right before putting on the gloves. It's easy breaking a finger."


He said walking off. I looked at Roman and got some tap tossing it to him.

"You have to wrap your hands too."

I said getting the black roll of tap and wrapped my hands. I went and got my personal gloves and him a pair. We both put them on.

"Those are your gloves?"

He asked.


"Why don't you get new ones?"

"Because these mean something special to me."

He nodded. I made sure he had the gloves on right before putting mine on.

"Jesse everyone is done. "

John said. I nodded and went and gave him a list of a few things.

"Here are some of the things. You can get them to do or you can do whatever you want them to do."

He nodded.


"You've ever box before?"

I asked Roman.

"Little as a teenager."

"Good so this shouldn't shock you."

I said swinging and punching him in the head.


He said.

"You have to fight back."

I told him. He straightened back up.


He said and we started throwing punches at each other.
We all were taking a break. I went to my car and got out my phone and Gatorade. I closed the door.

"Sweet car."

Roman said.

"Thanks. Birthday present."

"What model is it? "



I nodded and drunk some of my Gatorade. I held it out and he got a drink giving it back. I topped it up and went back in the octagon I sat down and set a timer for 10 minutes. We've only been her for two hours, but we had five left. If I can train from 3 am to 9 am then they can train from 10 am to 5pm. The timer went off.

"Alright everyone up."

I took off my flannel tying it around my waist. Some of the superstars starred, but I ignored it.

"Now we're going to do the fun part. You and your partner are gonna practice punching and dodging, you will do tag team boxing, and you will go through a round of boxing. The last day of training you will get in this octagon and go the full twelve rounds or until one of you are unconscious. "

I picked up my glove.


I said and they all went to their spot. I looked at Roman.


He nodded.

"Just try to dodge the swings and try to punch me."

He nodded and we started boxing again.
"Alright that's it for today. John thanks for helping me with everyone. "

He gave me a smile.

"Everyone here bright and early tomorrow morning at 10 am sharp or you run suicides until I'm tired of seeing you run."

I said getting my keys, Gatorade, title, and phone. I got out the octagon.

"Hey Jesse can we get a picture with you?"

I turned and saw Brie and Nikki.


I stood in the middle of them and John took a picture of us. They thanked me and then more divas wanted to take pictures with me. I opened my car door and put my stuff in it. I closed it and went getting my bag. I went changing into pro shorts and my shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail and put my gloves on. I got back in the octagon and Parker came.


I nodded and we started.

Roman's pov
Dean, Seth, John, Nikki, Brie, Paige, and I stayed watching Jesse box. She's grown up so much. I wonder what Jacey and Brody look like now. It's been so long. I know they're my kids. I've been keeping tabs on them since I left for the WWE.

"It's weird she resembles you alot."

Seth said.

"I don't see it."

"How could you not? The only thing different is the accents."

Dean said. I shrugged. I know we look alike. She looks just like me. Her boxing gloves were the same boxing gloves I had when I would box as a teenager. I wonder if her mom gave them to her. We watched her box with her trainer Parker and it was impressive.

I finished practicing with Parker.

"Remember 3 am and not 3:30."

I rolled my eyes.

"You should expect it."

I told him taking off my gloves I got out the octagon and took my gloves off. I looked at them.

"Why are those gloves so important to you?"

Parker asked me. I shrugged.

"They just are."

I told him and I put them away. I got my bag putting it in the trunk. I got in starting the engine and bagged out. I put the car in drive and sped out the parking lot home. I pulled up and went straight to the shower. I finished and threw on some pajamas. I went out my bathroom in my room downstairs to the porch walking to the back where Jacey was with Brody and they both had their guitars.

"You're finally home we've been waiting for hours."

Jacey said. I smiled and walked in getting my guitar walking back out.

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