The New Addition

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Alador sat in a waiting room in the healer's office. His leg bouncing uncontrollably as he sat there in silence, minus the crystal ball. It seems like he wasn't the only one losing his mind as Camila is pacing back and forth between the room. Raine is the calmest of the bunch, they sat still, reading a magazine they picked up. Then the others are just watching whatever show is playing on the crystal.

Alador is ready to jump out of his skin and go into the patient's room that his daughter and daughter in-law are in. He had gotten a call in the early morning from Luz that Amity was in labor at the local healer's office. Alador had rushed out of his house and quickly flew to the hospital. Now he sat in a mind-numbing room while the healers were not giving up any information on how his daughter was doing.

That irked Alador the most, he doesn't mind having to sit with nothing to do, he's been doing that for years, but what drove him insane was that he had no way of telling if Amity is ok or not. So, Alador just gripped the hem of his shirt and waited.

Soon enough Alador's mind drifted deep into his thoughts. Most of them about abominations, but some were just a way to keep him occupied.

A few hours passed and still no news on how Amity is doing. Alador just continued to let his mind wander, but he couldn't do that for ever, so he decided to see how the others in the room were doing. Camila still paced the room and Alador isn't sure how her legs haven't given out yet. Eda looked calm, but Alador could see a faint frown appearing ever so often that told him that she's just as worried as the rest.

Raine still sat as calm as ever with a new magazine in hand. Luz's friends are still watching some pointless shows. Alador then decided to focus on the crystal ball and the show it's playing.

He sat there for a few minutes just utterly confused by what's playing. It was some witch trying to sell potions, but he would get super of track very often. Eda must've seen the confused look on Alador's face and decided to strike up a conversation.

"So how does feel to be an old man now?" The harpy said jokingly. Alador can't help but chuckle at that, it really made things less tense. "We're the same age Edalyn." He huffed out which Eda smirked at. "Says the one with graying hair." Eda poked fun.

"You have gray hair too!"

"Mines fully gray, thank you very much." She stated sarcastically. The both of them looked at each other, trying to hold in their laughter but neither of them are that strong. They soon busted out laughing at the dumbness of their conversation only to be quieted down by Raine.

The conversation really lightened the mood and made everyone less tense. They soon started to strike up conversations with each other to pass the time.

Alador isn't really sure how much time has passed, but soon enough a healer came into the room and gathered people's attention. "Amity has given birth to a beautiful baby, and she'll make full recovery-" the recipients let out a sigh. "But as of right now, she'll need lots of rest so when you go in be quiet." The healer concluded and then made their leave.

The people in the room and all collectively decided who should go first. So, one by one, the witches and human made their way into the room. It took about an hour before it was Alador's turn to see his grandchild.

He finally walked into the room that housed his daughter. Alador quietly opened the door and made his way inside. He found Luz holding her child, slightly rocking it back forth. Amity was on the hospital bed passed out with a little drool.

Luz looked up to where Alador was standing and asked in a hushed voice if he wanted to hold the baby. Alador took a seat next to the human and held out his arms for the baby. Luz gently transferred the baby into Alador's arms.

When that baby went to Alador's arms, he felt dread running over him. He started to breathe quickly, and his mind became a mess. Luz instantly picked up on how tense he was. "Hey Alador, you ok?" She questioned quietly. "What if I'm not going to be a good grandfather?" Alador admitted. "What if Amity sees how bad of a person I am and cuts all ties with me?" Luz was surprised by this since Alador usually kept to himself.

"Ok calm down grizzly bear. Why would Amity cut all ties with you? She adores you. And how do you know that you're going to be a bad grandpa when you've only been for a couple hours?" Luz said, stating the obvious. That made Alador think about what he was worrying about. He has improved his relationship with kids. He's treated them the best he can since he left Odalia.

But the fact that he wasn't there for them when they were witchlings made Alador doubt himself again.

He knows that he can't go back to the past and fix his mistakes, but he can learn from those mistakes and not make them in the future. Alador reassured himself and gently spoke. "What's her name?"


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