(Summary: Poob: I like you can we go on a date plz
Pest: Hell nah
*skedaddles away*)
Request by: dxlinquent
Poob looked at the tv as it flashed to different scenes everytime. He then darted his eyes to look at the person beside him, Pest. They were having a movie night together, as Poob planned it beforehand with Pest's consent. Although it was awkward, Poob really enjoyed the time he was having with Pest right now, even if Pest did not seem like he enjoyed his time.
Pest looked like he was in his own thoughts, which he was. He was reflecting about what people asked him before all of this went down. Why did he tolerate Poob all of a sudden, let alone want him by his side? With all these people asking Pest, he could only say that Poob was becoming less irritating. That was in fact true, in Pest's eyes. But Pest chose Poob out of all people? Yeah, that was unexpected, considering that he did not like Poob earlier on. Pest saw Poob as a good person with whom he has a bond of mutual platonic affection, also known as a friend. Pest could feel Poob's gaze, and decided to address it. (no because i keep forgetting this storyline is different from apple fritters.)
"Poob, why are you staring?" Pest questioned, causing Poob to slightly shift a bit.
"Well urm... I have a question for you." Poob muttered under his breath. He was trying to sound as enthusiastic as he usually was, but failed to do so due to his lack of sleep. [It's currently 3am]
"What is it." Pest said, expecting for it to be a very silly question.
"Uh, can we go to Red Ball diner...tomorrow." Poob asked softly, head ever so slightly titled. Pest looked at Poob with confusion. Red Ball Diner was a high class restaurant, usually brought for dates [I headcanon Red Ball Diner as a high class diner, if you didn't know from the flowerless story], and Poob could not possibly... Unless...
"Poob, I don't think I can afford the price-"
"I'll pay." Poob cut Pest off, which was very unlikely of him. Pest was hesitating for a while. What will people think of them if they DID go there? It was only for couples, kind of, and Pest only saw Poob as a valuable friend.
"Urm, no thanks... As your friend, I don't feel like going there because it's for couples..!"
"Ugh shucks..." Poob said before his head fell onto Pest's lap, drifting into sleep.
[sorry but i was as tired as Poob was while writing this that's why it's short. Sorry guys 💔]
[maybe on tiktok ill do animations/comics about this stories.]
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