"Seriously? THIS outfit again this year? When are you going to original.." Lampert scoffed jokingly upon looking Infected up and down. Infected placed his hands on his hips, offended by Lampert's statement.
"4t l345t I d0nt l00k l1k3 1m w34r1ng 4n ugly chr15tm45 sw34t3r !!" Infected remarked, slightly snickering. Lampert had no response to his statement. He grabbed the apartment keys.
"Could you hurry up? We're going to be late for the party." Lampert muttered under his breath, still loud enough for Infected to hear him however. He opened the door and went out, with Infected stumbling behind. It was the day of SPOOKY MONTH!! And at that specific day of that month, Halloween ; October 31. (fun fact: that's my birthday day)Lampert and Infected was heading to the 'haunted mansion', where the annual Halloween party is going to be held. Poob, like every other party, was going to hold the event. Everyone was going to be there, dressed in cool outfits and costumes. Infected was trying to contain his excitement, wondering what everyone was going to show up like. Dracula? Frankenstein? It was all so exciting, to him at least. The celestial pearl in the night sky was luminous that night, casting its light onto the streets. The sky was as if it was painted with careful strokes, with shades of indigo, ultramarine, etc. It was immensely beautiful... A full moon too... Lampert made snarky remarks under his breath as Infected started to cling onto his arm, hugging it like it was like a body pillow. The streets were rather empty, probably because they were already at the mansion. That meant that Lampert and Infected was probably... all alone.
"Dud3!! Wh4t if s0m3th1ng gr4b5 m3 fr0m b3h1nd?! I'm sc4r3d!" Infected clutches onto Lampert's arm even tighter.
"Then maybe you should stop clinging onto my arm so tightly so we can make it to the mansion quicker. Come on now." Lampert removed Infected from his left arm, and then proceeded to power walk. Infected had to jog to catch up.
"D0 y0u R34lly...h4v3 t0 g0 s0 F45t??" Infected panted.
Lampert knocked on the door to the haunted mansion. From the exit, they could already hear music blasting through the entire house. Infected gulped down a lump of saliva upon seeing the decorations. Really spooky for him to handle, no? There were skeletons lying everywhere around the front porch, spiderwebs that may have not been fake, graves, and others. It took quite a while before the door finally opened, revealing Poob's figure.
"Happy Halloween Infected and Lampert! WOAH!!1! Infected, that costume looks SOOO cool!! And Lampert!...I see the effort put in there..? Haha...I think I'm talking too much, COME IN!" Poob gestured for them to come in and escorted them to the area where the main fun was. Lampert winced upon seeing the mess that was placed upon this mansion while Infected had sparkles in his eyes.
The room had an ominous red glowing from the bottom, probably the LED lights. There were a bunch of people in different costumes, some Lampert could recognise. There was punch, alcohol, and other stuff you would usually find in such parties. It was a really chaotic and loud scene for Lampert, to which he felt like sprinting out of the room ASAP. Infected was feeling the vibe of the loud music in the background, the massive amounts of people having fun, and partying. His eyes set on the tequila that laid in the centre of the party table. In awe, he reached out his hands to grab it, wanting to taste it for the first time.
Something else grabbed him instead.
"33P!!" Infected exclaimed. He could feel Lampert's stare burning through his skull. He knew how pissed off Lampert was whenever someone close to him got into the hands of weird substances that he was not supposed to try. Lampert has lectured him on how many times?
"You're coming with me, and don't you dare try to bring that... drink." Lampert murmured out that last word, almost as if he didn't want to bring himself to say it. Infected got tugged from his belt and got dragged to a nearby couch. Lampert looked rather upset as both of them shifted through the crowd. There were some difficulties doing that, like Lampert looking like he was about to lose it when his tail got stepped on. And then, he was forcefully plopped down, and adjusted his belt when Lampert had let go. He could see that his best friend was not in the mood at that moment.
"Wh4t'5 up?" Infected asked, showing some kind of concern. Lampert's eyes narrowed as he tried soothing his tail.
"It's nothing...It's just that... this place is too loud for me. You know I don't like loud noises... This is why I didn't want to come." Lampert heaved a sigh. "You know what, I'll just go. I don't want to drag you into my problems again..." He was about to get up, but Infected managed to snatch his hand back in time.
"W3 c4n g0 s0m3wh3r3 qu13t3r... l1k3 upst41r5...?" A faint tint of red brushed over Infected's cheeks.
"..." Lampert froze
"W3 c4n y0u kn0w...b3 4t 4 qu13t3r pl4c3? 1f y0u w4nt, 0f c0ur53." Infected tightened his grip on Lampert's hand. It took a moment before Lampert could regain his senses again.
"Yeah, sure!" Lampert mustered up a smile. "But where do we go upstairs? The bedrooms or...?"
"Y34h! B3dr00m5!" Infected smiled vibrantly.
"You're so stupid, you know that right?" Lampert muttered as he ruffled Infected's hair. The room was completely dark, so Lampert had to turn on his own. Infected was looking at Lampert in awe, possibly being drawn in by the light from him. He was lying on Lampert's lap, being in a daze. He looks so cute whenever he does that...Lampert thought.
"Wh4t'd y0u s4y?" Infected's eyes were wide open as he got up, looking at Lampert with a tinge of surprise and glee. Lampert cringed at himself. Did he seriously say that out loud?? Lampert fiddled with his switch as he contemplated his response.
"Uhm... Yeah..I said you're kinda cute, I guess..." Lampert squirmed under Infected's gaze. Gosh that was certainly embarrassing to say... There were suddenly shivers crawling up his spine after saying that. Infected got closer.
"C0uld y0u s4y th4t 4g41n, pl3453?" Infected laid beside Lampert, the back of his head resting on both his hands.
"Hm.." Lampert hummed, reluctant. He could feel Infected's pleading eyes on him, begging him to say it for another time. "You're cute." Lampert could feel his body temperature rising. Infected got up again. Lampert tried avoiding any eye contact with Infected as he felt him inching ever so slightly closer.
"Uhm...1 th1nk y0u'r3 k1nd4 cut3 t00!!.." Infected responded awkwardly, making Lampert let out a chuckle.
"You're okay sometimes...Infected..." Lampert's frown had turned upside down (see what i did there) and his lips were curved into a warm smile that Infected didn't get to see a lot. Infected felt like he was on a roller coaster of emotions. He started to smile as well.
"W3ll, y0u'r3 0k4y t00, Lampster!" Infected laughed out. Lampert rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Come here.." Lampert cupped both of Infected's cheeks and brought him closer to his face. Infected closed his eyelids shut, expecting a kiss. However, they just paused there. Infected opened his eyes and tilted his head a bit, wondering what Lampert was thinking about.
"Sorry, I didn't want to force the kiss..." Lampert coughed out. "It's-"
Before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by Infected's lips touching his, which made his heart bloom open like a flower. Lampert hasn't really done this with anyone before, so he didn't know what to do but freeze.
"Mu4h!" Infected exclaimed as a sound effect. Lampert's light started flickering, and the bulb fused from overheating. Infected smirked with pride, knowing that he was the one that did that. "y0u w4nn4 g0 b4ck d0wn n0w?"
"Y-yeah...sure..." Lampert stumbled on his words, facing the feeling of being absolutely flustered. Infected latched onto Lampert's arm and led him down the stairs, still feeling decently prideful.
[End!! Halloween special, you could say :)]
Bonus dialogue: [Wallter: "Why did your bulb fuse? Did something happen at the party?"]
[Lampert: "Yes, something happened. But I will not go further into detail."]
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