"No, no. I'm NOT doing that! There's absolutely NO WAY I would EVER do that." Lampert shook his head as his arms tossed and flung around in distress. Lampert wanted to dig himself a hole and live in it. It was technically better than doing whatever he was supposed to do...
"Well uhm... Look Lampert, as your parents, we uh... Don't currently have the energy to you know... Take care of you... And you always seem very lonely just spending time yourself in the house while we're working, you know!" Mark rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes followed Lampert as he paced around the space.
"Well, you could get me a dog so I wouldn't have to be alone! I'd rather BE someone's dog then-"
"Dogs are not humans. You need to interact with others more. Your social anxiety needs to... Fade away." Wallter murmured. Lampert scoffed.
"Okay...but why him?! I-It's going to be SO awkward! And I don't want crap like that!!"
"We've already made the decision, and you are to oblique by it." Wallter said firmly. Lampert groaned in frustration.
"Okay, okay! I guess I can... But PLEASE take me back as soon as possible!!" Lampert exclaimed as he opened the door. Lampert slammed the door and winced. Perhaps he slammed the door too hard? With that, Lampert staggered away as he supported his bag. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him as he rummaged through his bag to take out his phone and opened the chat to the most recently contacted. It revealed the address to Infected's house. Lampert grunted as he ran even faster. Gosh, just get this over with... Lampert did not want to spend anytime near this guy...
Lampert could not care less about his manners. He banged on Infected's door. Lampert could not stand him, ever. If someone offered him 2763 thousand dollars to go there, Lampert will NEVER do it...
"OPEN UP, INFECTED!! IT'S ME! LAMPSTER..." Lampert trailed of when he called himself that. The only person who called him that was Kasper, and... It's sad to realize that he'll never get him back. Lampert shook that feeling off and continued banging on the door. He was cut off by someone swinging the door open. Infected rubbed his temples as he held the door open.
"G05H!! 1 w@5 4sl33p... D0n't h4v3 to sh0ut." Infected backed away from the entrance in order for Lampert to come in. Once Lampert came, he threw his bag to the side and walked to the guest room, planning to shut himself off. Infected stumbled to pick up Lampert's bag before staggering towards Lampert, grabbing his wrist. Lampert shot back as he stopped and snatched his hand back. He shot Infected a threatening glare.
"What do you want." Lampert growled. Infected shivered under his gaze.
"1 w45 g0ing t0 t3ll y0u th4t w3'r3 sh4r1ng @ r00m, cuz 1 d0n't h4ve 4 sp4r3 r00m... 4nd wh3r3 @r3 y0ur m4nn3r5?! Y0u c4n't ju5t 3nt3r my h0u53 4nd 4ct 45 1f y0u 0wn th15 pl4ac3..." Infected stated as he rubbed his hand. Lampert rolled his eyes.
"...Forcing to be here was already SUCH a torture. I'm not letting you get in my way of continuing to live my normal life without YOU in it. And, by the way, I'm going to make you sleep on the couch." Lampert pointed at the couch, which caused Infected to whimper.
"B-but!! Th15 15 my 4p4rtm3nt!..." Infected cried.
"Do you want your skull to get cracked open like a walnut? If not, keep your mouth shut. There's no reason for you to object. " Lampert said firmly before walking off into Infected's room and slamming the door shut, leaving the poor guy alone with his sober thoughts.
Lampert plopped onto Infected's bed and heaved a sigh. Maybe he was too harsh on the guy?.. No. He had to do it. That was Infected, not Kasper. Lampert rubbed the back of his neck. He did not really need to look around the place because he was familiar with the place. After all, he's been here a thousand times when Infected was still Kasper... Lampert's eyes then narrowed as his eyebrows furrowed. He then crashed his entire body onto the bed. He grabbed a nearby pillow and hugged it tightly. It kinda smelt like Infected... NO!! No. No way he was thinking these thoughts. Lampert threw the pillow across the room in frustration. He then stared at the ceiling fan, but was startled by the bang on the door.
"Uhm, Lampster, I made you lunch. I'll just put it outside if you don't want to come out, that's fine.." Infected's muffled voice echoed through the room. Lampert rubbed his temples and reluctantly hopped out of bed. He opened the door and saw Infected's face. Why were their faces so close... Lampert shuddered and knelt down to pick up the food. Once he got up, he casted Infected a glare once more before slamming the door right on his face. Lampert yelped in pain and dropped the plate of food. He stumbled backwards and fell on his ass. He winced and looked at his tail. Looks like the tail got in the way when he slammed the door... Infected jumped and ran over to Lampert's side.
"y0 dud3!! 4r3 y0u 0k4y?!" Infected said, a tinge of concern in his voice.
"I'm perfectly fine." Those were the words Lampert could muster up.
"N4h, 1'm 45k1ng 1f th3 lunch 15 0k4y. I w45t3d my pr3ci0u5 3 m1nute5 on it!" Infected snicked. Lampert scoffed. So, Infected was acting bitchy in turn of Lampert's attitude towards him. He then looked up. Infected got too close in his personal space. Lampert lightly shoved Infected aside before getting up. He brushed off dust from his body, and he caught a glimpse of his arm. His expression tensioned up. EWWWW!!! THE LUNCH WAS ON HIS ARM!! EW GERMS!! Lampert almost passed out on the spot. Infected got up and checked up on Lampert, just to be pushed down again by Lampert dashing out off the room to head to the bathroom to clean himself up.
Lampert pushed down the tap. He placed his hands under the running water. The sounds of water gushing out of the tap was all that could be heard in the room he was in. In the meanwhile he was also trying to wash away his thoughts and the annoyance that was overwhelming him. He glanced at the mirror in front of him and looked at his reflection. His eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed. He began scrubbing his hands more aggressively. Why did he need to come here... Lampert shook his hands after the water stopped gushing out. He then whipped his half wet hands on the nearby cloth. Lampert heaved a sigh and was about to walk away, but he heard something coming from outside...
"Urm..Lampster? 4re y0u 4lr1ght?.." Infected's voice rang Lampert's ears. Lampert did not want to go out with him in the way, so he did not reply, praying that he would just go away.
"Y0u d0 kn0w th4t 1'm n0t g0ing t0 g0 @w4y, r1ght?"Infected muttered, as if reading Lampert's thoughts. Lampert opened the door softly this time, but his expression did not change from the first time he stepped into this place. Infected's eyes glistened with worry and concern, but it faded a bit once his eyes laid upon an a-okay Lampert. Infected's lips curved into a smile. Lampert, however, did not return it. Infected opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the words that escaped Lampert's mouth.
"Fuck off, Infected."
(how I feel after abandoning you guys: (○'ω'○)└(^o^)┘=^_^=) /j
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