(You can take this as platonic or ship. Both of them are teenagers in this)
Ship requested: by many people
Lampert hovered his fingers over his phone as he stared at his pre-typed message. He was about to text someone that he really missed being in his life. The person that used to be there for him, used to hang out with him, and stuff like that. However, they somehow just stopped talking after Kasper caught the virus… And that impacted Lampert by a whole lot. Lampert heaved a sigh of distress before hitting the send button reluctantly.
L: Hey Infected. I'm Lampert. Hope you remember me, because I do. I know we haven't been talking a lot, or at all for that matter. And I was kind of missing you, so can we maybe hang out sometime? To catch up, of course. I think that a visit is long overdue.
After hitting the send button, Lampert heaved a sigh of distress. That was more stressful than he thought it would be. Before managing to set his ifone down, a buzz vibrated through his ifone. He saw the message from Infected. He could not say he did not expect it, since Infected was usually on his ifone taking pictures and texting. All things teenagers do.
I: Hey Lampster, Ofc I remember U!!
I: And ofc I'll hang out with U
I: Tbh I was thinkin about hangin out with U too, since I also miss U
I: Mb U can come over to my house? Like rn!! Only if U want/can tho :)))
Lampert was suddenly jolted awake with energy after reading Infected's last sentence. He rushed to reply back to Infected.
L: Right now? Ah, I’ll be right there soon. See you there.
With that, Lampert sprung up from his seat and ran out of his door. He slammed his apartment door shut before rushing down the stairs. His footsteps echoed through the quiet atmosphere of the staircase. There was no time to take the elevator, for it’s going to take quite a long time. Lampert was skipping steps at this point from the rush of excitement he was facing. He could briefly remember the way to go to Infected’s house. The last time he went was about 3 years ago, when he was 15. Hopefully he would not get lost on his way over.
Infected scratched his head in confusion. He looked around his apartment, everything looked well prepared for Lampert. However, Infected felt like something was missing, somehow. Maybe there were no snacks for the both of them? Infected let out a sneeze before going to the kitchen cabinet in search of food. He washed his hands first before laying a hand on the bag of chips that were in the now pre-opened cabinet door. Infected placed down the bags of snacks on a table and wiped the beads of sweat trickling down his face. Infected was proud of himself for managing to be this organised this year. After that moment of appreciation for himself, Infected started to feel bored, and his ifone was charging. His eyes darted to the left, and the set of instruments caught his eye. Especially the drums. He liked playing the drums, considering it was loud and…loud. He walked over to the drums and started banging out to the beat.
Lampert placed one of his hands on the entrance door, panting. He ran all the way here so quickly, just to see Infected again. He tried to catch his breath before realising that drum beats were coming from Infected’s apartment. Lampert hesitatingly knocked on the door, hoping that Infected would maybe hear his knocks. Undoubtedly, Infected did not hear them. Lampert started to call out his name while knocking the door continuously.
After a few more times of his name being called, Infected finally heard the familiar voice from Lampert. He dropped his sticks and sprinted over to the entrance. He swung open the door and what greeted him was an anxious looking Lampert. Upon seeing Lampert’s face, Infected plastered a big smile. He placed his hands on Lampert’s shoulders.
“W455up L4mpy! 1’m s0 gl4d y0u m4n4g3d t0 c0me 0v3r !!” Infected’s smile grew. Lampert glanced over at Infected’s hand on his shoulder, and brushed it off [he doesnt like contact]. Lampert lips curved into a tired smile.
“Hey there.”
“C0m3 1n!! Infected made way for Lampert so he could enter. Lampert immediately went over to the couch and settled himself down. Infected followed him and sat beside Lampert. Then it was followed by a moment of silence. Awkward…
“H3y L4mpy, how’5 l1fe g01ng?” Infected said as he crossed his legs, inching closer towards Lampert. He could see what Infected was trying to do and groaned softly in frustration before also moving further from him, wanting his own personal space.
“It’s been fine, I guess??” Lampert did not know how to carry on the conversation, with him always avoiding eye contact with Infected. He just did not want to look at his eyes, knowing that it gave a weird tension. Infected let out a laugh as he fell on his back on the couch.
“Y0u kn0w, L4mp5t3r. I k1nd4- ACH0O!!1!” Infected let out a loud sneeze. Lampert looked at Infected with disgust and got off the couch, inching away from Infected. Infected got up and rubbed his nose with Lampert in search of a tissue to give.
“Here…” Lampert handed the tissue he found cautiously. Infected took it and blew his nose. Throwing the tissue away, Infected got up.
“Why n0t 1 sh0w y0u 4r0und my h0u53?” Lampert was already familiar with his surroundings, since he’s been here multiple times before. However, there really was nothing else to do, so why not take this opportunity to talk to Infected? Lampert followed Infected as he explained about the origins of the places of the house that they were in. To most people, it may seem to be deemed as boring, but to Lampert, these backstories really were interesting. In Infected’s bedroom, Lampert could see a pet bed unoccupied at the corner of the room, knowing it was meant for poptart, Infected’s cat. Too bad it went missing…
“Ok4y s0 l1k3, th4t’5 b4sically 4ll 0f my h0use. S0 l1ke, wh4tch4 w4nt t0 d0 n0w?” Infected asked as he nudged Lampert with his elbow. Lampert grimaced under his breath.
“Well, do you still remember how to play the electric guitar?” Lampert questioned, to which Infected beamed with excitement.
“00o, r u s4yin w3’r3 g0ing t0 r0ck 0ut?? H#LL Y3AH!!” Infected exclaimed before running over the instrument sets in the living room. Lampert dragged his feet as he followed Infected. By the time he was there, Infected had already picked the electric guitar up. Lamper sat down behind the drum set and picked up the sticks. Observing Infected, he could see that he was brushing his fingers over the electric guitar’s surface. Lampert noticed that Infected was using the guitar Lampert gifted him before he caught the virus. It had a scene style. Lampert thought it suited Infected.
“Ok4y d00d, st4rt 0ff w1th a b34t and 1’ll try to f1nd a g00d tun3 t0 m4tch w1th 1t.” Infected said as he rested his fingers on the strings. Lampert started off with a complex rhythm. The sticks coming into contact with the drums echoed through the living room. Infected started to strum the electric guitar. [epic concert!!] Infected was trying to keep up with the rhythm of the drums as it was fast. Lampert started to shift his gaze to Infected. A feeling of nostalgia hit him like a ton of bricks seeing Infected jam out, just like how he used to…
[time skip]
“W0wz3r5, th4t w45 EP1C!!” Infected exclaimed as he sipped on his cup of pepsi, watching Lampert eat a plate full of meatballs, Lampert’s favourite snack. Lampert wanted to strike a conversation.
“What’s that you’re drinking?”
“P3ps1! 1t’5 my f4vor1te!! It’5 the B3STT!!”
“...Personally I think Coke is better, but okay.” Lamper stated his opinion, but Infected did not like what he said, so he decided to start a debate.
“URM…NUH UH!! P3ps1 15 and w1ll 4lw4ys b3 b3tt3r!”
“...Y3ah right.” Lampert murmured under his breath.
“UH, ! H3ARD THAT!!!”
“Ha, and?” Lampert said, giving a smirk. He thought that it was funny to get on Infected’s nerves. Only a bit though.
“For having my own opinion?”
“...UR ANN0Y1NGGGGG!!!” Infected stumbled as he tried getting up from the couch he tried walking away but slipped and fell instead. Lampert got up and assisted him. Lampert grabbed Infected’s arm to try to lift him up. There was pepsi splattered all over his pink shirt.
“Are you okay?” Lampert said with genuine concern in his voice. Infected sniffled.
“W3ll, I- ACHOO!!”
“...” Lampert let go of Infected’s arm and bailed on him. He ran as quick as lightning to the nearest bathroom. Infected sat on the floor, contemplating on life.
“Ugh…At this point I need a shower. He sneezed all over my darn chest!” Lampert said as he used a nearby wet cloth to wipe away Infected’s germs from his body. He heaved a sigh as he set the cloth on the counter nearby. He went back out and he bumped into Infected. Tension sparks as Lampert backed away from Infected.
“Urgh…I…I ju5t w4nt3d to s4y s0rry, d00d…”
“...It’s fine. As long as you keep your germs away from me…”
For the next few minutes, Lampert and Infected remained silent, the same tension remained. Lampert felt like leaving the place asap. Infected kept on sneezing. Although showing some concern, Lampert continued to remain distant from Infected, having fear of getting infected. However, Infected kept saying that he was alright, although Lampert knew he really was not. In fact, those were one of the reasons he wanted to come over in the first place. It was to check if Infected was safe and alright. Lampert occasionally suggested that Infected should visit the doctor while they were still in contact, but Infected refused to do so. And Lampert never knew why. Sometimes, Lampert wanted to hug Infected after knowing what he’s been through. It must be hard dealing with the virus, and Lampert would continue to stay by his side to ensure that Infected was doing just fine. Lampert looked at Infected from the other side of the couch.
“Infected, can I stay over? Like sleep here tonight.”
“Why? D0n’t y0u h4v3 y0ur 0wn 4p44rtm3nt t0 t4k3 c4r3 0f?” Infected’s voice began to become more distorted, which concerned Lampert even more. Lampert wanted to take care of Infected, but knowing Infected, he does not want to get treated.
“Well, It’s…uh… My house is being used for, um… My house is under renovation!” Lampert lied terribly, but Infected still bought it.
“0h!1! Ok4Y, d00D!” Infected said, but realisation hit him.
“But, 1 d0n’t h4ve 4nY m0r3 b3d5! S0 w3 g0t t0 sh4re b3d5!” Infected said, a faint blush of embarrassment spread across his face.
‘Uh, I’ll be okay with sleeping on the floor or on the couch.” Lampert said.
“Aw shucks.” Infected whispered to himself.
[time skip night time, sorry if im modifying ur request a bit too much, arty!!]
Lampert decided to sleep on the floor in the bedroom so he could look after Infected. Kinda. The cold surface of the floor was not helping him sleep, so all he could do was watch after Infected for a while. He stole multiple glances at Infected to check if he was alright. Infected was sleeping soundly, but Lampert could hear a bit of mumbles and cries from Infected. He was possibly having nightmares, which explained the eyebags under Infected’s eyes. Lampert got up from the floor and walked over to Infected. Yeah, Infected was sweating a lot despite having the fan turned on. Lampert’s back felt very stiff from lying on the floor. He climbed onto Infected’s bed quietly and covered himself under the bedsheets. It was the only way to get efficient sleep and check on Infected. Being tired, Lampert drifted off to a deep sleep, not noticing Infected’s arms wrapped around his body, thinking that Lampert was a pillow.
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