spending a time on earth

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Snow White pov.

"Fala did you know where your brother went?" Snow White ask

"No grandma his friends told me they will find him" Fala said

"I wish your brother is ok" Snow White ask and heard that someone knock on their door

"Who's that?" Fala ask

"I don't know" Snow White ask and suddenly the door open and surprisingly it's Hawk

"Hawk where have you been?!" Fala ask

"Looking for the dragon" Hawk lied

"You got to be kidding me" Fala said and Hawk laugh nervously

"I will go on my room now" Hawk said

"That weird" Snow White said

Tomorrow at morning

"*Alarm ringing*What time is it?" Y/N ask her pet and show to her the alarm

"Wow 5:30 am.....I better get shower now" Y/N said and stand up and fix her bed

after taking a she look at ther calendar and it's Saturday

"Time to go on earth" Y/N said looking for something to wear

"Ok I will put here the power bank,lip bam,Key of fortal,cellphone,money,wand" Y/N said putting everything she need

she went down on the kitchen with Astrid and looking for something to eat

"Astrid here's your food" Y/N said giving to Astrid her food and eating her food

"What time is it?" Y/N ask her self looking into her phone

"6:30 am maybe I should stay here for a while" Y/N said waiting for 7 am came

few minutes later 7am came and she turn into her dragon form and fly to the portal suddenly there's a guardian dragon protecting the portal so she went down somewhere and turn into a human and went on the portal

"Where a you going?" Cinderella guardian ask

"On earth" Y/N said ans show the key and the dragon nod

On earth

"What a beautiful day in morning the sun was shinning and bird was singing and every people was happy" Y/N made a little poem

"Where should I go for a while maybe on the mall" Y/N said and rise her arm to call for a taxi

on the mall

"Finally" Y/N said and enter on the mall the first place she always visit is the pet shop

"Maybe I should check the pet shop first......as always" Y/N said

while she's on her way she dumb on someone else and surprisingly it's was Rose and Travis

"Sorry...umm...Rose..Travis?" Y/N said

"Omg Y/N!" Rose said and hug her

"What are you doing here?" Travis ask

"Nothing just hanging around" Y/N said

"While three of us is here why don't we hang out for a while" Rose said

after an hour hanging around

"Bye guys got to go now" Y/N said and leave Rose and Travis

that's it for today guys Sorry if I cut some part here I have to make it fast cuz where going some where so see ya

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