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-20 years later-

Harry let out a huff as he rushed through the crowded theater, a hand in is as he pulled them to their front seats. He showed his date their seat and then took his seat next to them, using his dimmed phone flashlight to help them read the program. He smiled as he saw your name in bold letters on the front; 'final debut of (y/n) Charming as the sugar plum fairy; please help us all wish her well in her retirement'

Harry's date gasped in delight as the lights dimmed, the curtain rose, and the 'nutcracker' began. Their eyes were on each and every bit of set design, costume, dancer, and sound as the Auradon ballet troupe performed their greatest retention of the nutcracker since (y/n)'s first debut as the sugar plum fairy all those years ago.

Harry chuckled as his date grasped his hand, their eyes, and his own sparking as you appeared on stage, absolutely ethereal in your encrusted tutu. Your face poised and perfect in a practiced expression, passion clear in your eyes and body as you danced the stage with your partner. You locked eyes with Harry and his date, smiling brightly as Harry blew a kiss, his date excitedly waving to you as you continued to dance.

Harry tilted his head a bit as Chad sat next to him in the empty seat, looking worried as you danced "did I miss anything?" Chad asked in a whisper, and Harry shook his head "she jus' started" he whispered back "maybe about a minute but tha's it" Chad nodded, adjusting the colorful bouquet in his hands, smiling as Harry's date greeted him.

Soon your solo came on, Harry's date practically bouncing in their seat as you perfectly performed the dance of the sugar plum fairy, gracefully moving about the stage, and Harry had a flashback to when he first saw you at the studio, performing Pirouette's with ease. He smiled, leaning forward in his seat, his heart still fluttering at the sight of you as you were illuminated by the spotlight.

He couldn't take his eyes off you when you were on stage, no matter what was happening, he couldn't and wouldn't. you spotted his stare and had to hold in a laugh, Harry's date giggling as she noticed you doing so. Soon, the performance ended and the entire theater burst into applause, cheering as each dancer came up from behind the curtain. Harry's date covered their ears as you came out with your partner, laughing as the entire theater became so loud you couldn't hear your own heart, dozens of roses were thrown on stage. Harry took the one from his date's lap and a crystal rose from his jacket and threw them to you, your brother throwing his at the same time; you caught them with ease, cooing at the iridescent sheen of the crystal rose. You smiled directly at him and bowed, Harry bowing back with that smile of his.

You bowed to your partner, and he bowed back, the two of you about to walk back to the wings when he pushed you back into center stage; bowing to you once again and then to the audience. He went behind the curtain, allowing you a proper send-off from the audience as they continued to cheer for you. you wiped away a tear from your cheek, waving to the audience, bowing again, and picking up as many roses as you could as you made your way off stage.

The curtains drew open completely and the entire cast took a bow, smiling as you were handed several large and colorful bouquets. You had to set them on the ground, prioritizing the ones given to you by Harry, his date, and your brother. You bowed again, the smile never leaving your face as the cast then bowed to you. you thanked them, and the curtains closed. Harry took his date's hand and stood, Chad following them backstage, the guard letting the three through with a smile.

"Mommy~!" Harry's date, your 11-year-old daughter, cheered out as she spotted you. you turned, still in your tutu, a wide grin on your face as she ran towards you. your fellow dancers cooed and giggled as Arella ran into your arms, laughing as you picked her up and spun her around once, holding her close as your husband and brother walked closer, both smiling.

"hi baby" you cooed, kissing Arella's cheek as she did her best to kiss you back "did you enjoy the show?" she nodded erratically, curling her arms around your neck as you stayed at her level, smiling as she told you about all her favorite parts. Anita and Javis both greeted Harry as they walked past to get back into their civilian clothes and he waved back, turning his attention to you as you stood, an adoring smile on your lips as you walked towards him, Arella's hand in yours.

"Hello meh queen" Harry whispered, leaning forward and kissing you, curling his fingers under your chin as you leaned into him. "wonderful job, as always," he said as you pulled away, taking your free hand and kissing your knuckles, winking as you giggled. You turned to Chad, who slammed into you with a hug as you laughed loudly "you were amazing (y/n), im so proud of you" he whispered into your ear, his voice cracking slightly from his intense emotions.

You let out a small laugh and hugged your brother back tightly. Arella walked over to Harry and held her arms up at him, laughing as he easily picked her up and set her on his hip. You pulled away from Chad and kissed Arella's cheek, then kissed Harry again; to which both Chad and Arella made fake gagging noises, though Arella was all too happy to actually be grossed out "im going to change, then we can go get dinner" you said as you pulled away, swinging your hand with Harry's for a moment and then walking away, grabbing your bag with all your clothes and walking off to the changing room.

"I'm gonna be like mommy when I'm grown," Arella said, proudly and confidently. And Harry beamed, kissing her cheek as Chad chuckled fondly. "does that include marrying a vk?" Chad teased and Harry subtly kicked his leg, Chad stumbling back as Arella grinned, one all too much like Harry's. "yep! Imma marry Devon!" Harry snorted, Evie and Doug's kid, just a year older than Arella, and took after their mother.

Chad groaned, but it was one of fondness and he shook his head, jumping back as Harry swung at him "hey!". "boys" you sighed as you walked back over to them, waving goodbye to your now former dance mates and wrapping your arm around Harry's free one "come on, let's go~" Arella cheered, chanting 'ice cream' as the four of you exited the dressing room and made your way out of the theater. Harry lifted your left hand, love and adoration still clear in his eyes as he kissed your rings.

You smiled back, the passion he had ignited so many years ago still burning just as bright as you tucked into his side, sighing happily as you exited the theater into your retirement. "so what happens after this?" Chad asked as you reached the cars, and you hummed with a smile, setting your bag into the trunk as Harry set Arella down and held the car door open for her as she climbed in and buckled up.

"well" you started, shrugging on your jacket and crossing your arms, leaning against Harry as he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "im actually going to become a dance teacher, at the old studio? Esméralda is retiring in a month, and I'll be taking her place." Chad smiled and nodded, opening his car door as Harry kissed your cheek "dope, I'll see you two at the restaurant" Chad said, and the two of you climbed into your car.

And after a night of fun, the three of you were all tuckered out, and Harry was carrying Arella back into your little 'castle' which was more of a castle-themed cottage. Like the one Evie had gotten after graduation. You watched as Harry gently woke up Arella, helped her get changed into her pj's (she was too sleepy to get them on herself, plus she was purposely being a limp noodle), and then waited for him in the living room.

You smiled as he walked toward you, two glasses of rum in his hand. He sat down next to you and went to hand you one of the glasses but you declined it "but yeh love this stuff?" Harry asked, pouting a bit as he set the now discarded glass on the coffee table. You hummed, nodding and shrugging at the same time. "I do, but" you took his now free hand, resting it on your stomach, grinning as Harry's eyes widened and his face turned pink with excitement "I shouldn't drink it for the next seven months"

Harry set down his drink with a bang and jumped you, laughing as you shrieked, your arms and legs wrapping around him as Harry kissed you over and over, trailing from your forehead to your navel, pausing as he reached your lower belly; rubbing his thumb gently across your skin. "I can't wait ta meet yeh" he whispered, kissing your skin then moving back up; pressing his lips to yours in a long, slow, and passionate kiss. "I love yeh" Harry whispered as he pulled away slightly, your lips still touching and his breath coursing across your face.

"I love you too" you whispered, back, pulling him back into you; kissing your beloved husband late into the night as your firstborn child slept peacefully in her room, dreams filled with dancing and laughter.

-end of regained passion-


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