Chapter Four

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Around eight, I woke up on the sofa. Carlisle and Emmett were watching a news report about the escalating violence in Seattle. Bella and Edward came in then. The killings and disappearances were rising.

"No one vampire could cause that much destruction." Jasper said quietly. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, Bella and Edward were sitting next to me. They realized that the culprits were newborn vampires.

      That was when a vampire was at their most vicious, uncontrolled state, overwhelmed with wild thirst for blood. I gulped and clutched my throat. Bella patted my back and I leaned on her shoulder.

"Someone must be creating a small army," Carlisle stated.

"We have to go to Seattle and stop it," Emmett said, smiling evilly.

"Maybe the Volturi are behind it," Edward snarled and I looked at him.

When Edward dropped us off at home, I walked in behind Bella. I kissed my dad's cheek and saw that he was looking at a missing poster of Riley Biers.

"They're still desperate to find him even after a year," Dad said quietly. I looked over at Bella sadly.

"Why do they keep looking?" Bella said.

"I would do the same if it were you or Noreen." He squeezed my hand and I smiled. That night, I was in bed when I heard Edward whoosh through Bella's window. I smiled knowingly. They were so in love and I wish I could find that. Maybe with Jacob Black... I shook that from my head and turned out the light.


The next day, as Bella and I were eating before she was supposed to leave with Edward to meet Jake, she stopped and looked at me.

"I'm going to invite Jake to the graduation party Alice is having." She hesitated and looked into my eyes. I slammed my fork on the table and got up, jogging upstairs, taking them two steps at a time. I jumped on my bed and buried my face in the pillow.

      Why couldn't she leave it alone? I guess she was annoyed that he loved her and she wanted to pawn him off on me. It was nearing the end of the year and I was desperately hoping Jacob would randomly sneak into my window one night, saying I was his imprint.


I spent the day cleaning the house for Charlie and when he got home, he was happy. We sat in the living room, waiting on Bella to get back. And when she did, all hell broke loose. I heard them first and I ran outside to see about the commotion. Edward was there, ready to start a fight with Jake.

"Wait for her to say the words next time," Edward snarled. I jogged to get between them.

"And she will!" Jacob said. Dad came outside then, seperating them.

"What happened?" He shouted.

"I kissed Bella," Jacob sighed. Dad was in disbelief and I was hurt. I gasped and backed away from Jacob. Bella looked hurt and flinched. Jacob didn't look at me. "And she broke her hand...punching my face."

Edward and Bella left, I'm assuming to the Cullen's about her hand. Dad went inside, leaving me with Jacob.

"Wow, Jake," I said, startling him. He barely remembered I was there. Realization came into his eyes. He tried to grab my wrist but I wrenched it away.

"I know you see the way I look at you. Leave, now. And don't come back." I ran inside and shut the door, sliding down to the floor. I rested my head on my knees and cried silently. Dad was in bed already and after a few minutes, I headed to my bedroom. Bella came home pretty late and I didn't talk to her...

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