A woman stood with her hair flowing out behind her. The long locks of hair she had not been allowed to style, or cut in years, an empty reminder of what she had gone through. Walking through the night streets, she found herself getting involved with something that would change her future. Stepping through the abandoned building, she looked up to the full moon. Her gloves falling from her hands. The pent-up stress from being unable to find a place to stay, or even having enough change to eat, needing release. Exhaling the air around her spun and cracked walls. The air began to thicken as its pressure squashed the metal containers. Humming to herself, she skipped around. It had been so long since she could let go like this. Five years to be exact. Spinning around with a smile, the frills of her tattered skirt waved with each gust of wind. She was alone, technically, for years, she had been alone. The only difference was her new-found freedom. That was one thing she had never expected to see. With no home, money, or friends, she was free. The fiance who had chained her down no longer bothered her. He had no control over her life. He was gone now. She had been the one to make sure of that. It hit her for the first time.
How useless she was. Letting her knees fall from underneath her, the torn blue ruffles surrounded her in a pool. It was comical, the way she looked under the moonlight. It was as if she were a princess who collapsed over a lost love. Her hands grabbed her arms as she shut her eyes. With every unstable emotion, the wind around her grew stronger. Her head tilted up as the soft water fell from her eyes. The scars along her arms and legs contrasted against her perfect complexion. She looked like a porcelain doll. Maybe it was because she had been starved. Her fiance had made her into a doll. He'd cut her food down, he'd made her wear exactly what he wanted. To the outside she was happy, living a dream. Behind the walls had been a nightmare. Never had she imagined freedom being the equivalent to that nightmare. Without food, family, friends, or a roof over her head, she felt utterly alone.
The sound of footsteps sounded throughout the building as a young male walked towards her. He grabbed her lightly before lowering to look at her. There were bruises not yet healed. Her skin was marked with old injuries. Her eyes were red from her tears. When she came to her senses and noticed the male, her (e/c) crystal-like eyes widened in a panic. She lurched her arm away only to feel that her ability was no longer active. Panic settled into her as she screamed and flailed her other arm. "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm part of a detective agency. You know, being here is a little dangerous. A ton of muggings have been happening around here." shaking her head as another blond male entered the scene, the female let a sob leave her tender lips.
"Dazai, where did she come from?" Dazai shrugged his shoulders before noticing how the girl looked at him with wide eyes full of recognition. Squinting she tried to place if this man was truly the Dazai she had met a few times. Had he switched sides? The brunette named dazai looked at his companion with a shrug and sighed.
"Don't know, the strong winds we felt were caused by her little outburst though. From how she appears I'd say this fair lady has gone through some sort of hell." The darkness hid her features, it was no wonder Dazai had not recognized her. Though, he hadn't truly known her. He'd heard stories from Chuuya who talked like a star-crossed lover.
"Dazai... as in Dazai Osamu?" The female's voice left her lips hoarse, as her body fully relaxed. Her body was tired from the spent energy. In truth, she was hoping to end her life tonight. It wasn't like Chuuya would ever know. Maybe he no longer remembered her. Five years without contact could leave people forgotten. "Chuuya... is he with you." Her weak voice spilled from her lips before she collapsed, falling towards the male's chest. Her stomach growled just as her eyes fluttered shut.
"Should we bring her back? I'll let her stay at my place tonight Kunikida. We can question what she was doing here later." Dazai held her close looking to the blond who sighed. The agency members who were there to support them rearranged themselves with Dazai's leave.
Sitting up, the female held her head looking to her hands which lay covered in gloves. Had she dreamed that entire night up? Shivering, she pulled the blankets over herself. "So you finally woke up." A male's voice came from across the room. His brunette hair was neatly brushed back. He sat sipping a cup of coffee. His legs were neatly crossed over the other. His arms were neatly bandaged, as was his exposed neck. "I took the liberty of having one of my coworkers drop off something for you." He pointed to the neat pile of clothes.
Shrugging, she stared at the blankets, laying on her side she huffed. "This is one way to meet an old acquaintance." The female grumbled, sliding from the bed, she found her legs shaky. Her head spun causing her to fall back to the bed.
"You're dehydrated and starving." The brunette grumbled. He picked up a tray and handed it to the female. "I hate to say it but, I don't really know who you are." He took his seat again looking at his phone when a text came through. Noticing it was from Kunikida he ignored it.
"How comical." the female grumbled, swallowing the glass of water. She devoured the plate of food with a slight smile. Humming in satisfaction, she nearly forgot about the brunette until he cleared his throat. "Oh, we met a couple of times. I honestly don't know much about you. There was the time at the arcade. The time when you stumbled against my day out with chu. Then the time when... I had to leave chu for London." It was as if you sparked his memory. The coffee in his mouth spilled as he gaped at you.
"Well damn. If five years can change a girl, you most definitely have. Though, you're still a shrimp. I mean, you look like a broken doll now." Ouch, that was two insults one after the other. "Your body is also scarred now." He wondered if this was a situation where people would feel pity for a person.
"Oi! You bastard! I am not that short! In England, I met plenty of smaller females! I do not look like a broken doll. I am a very refined young lady! Do not insult me, Dazai!" the female huffed with crossed arms. Dazai snorted lightly as he stood up.
"I should fill you in, Chuuya works for the port mafia. I work for the armed detective agency now. You're living on the streets without a job, I suppose? What happened to that rich fiance of yours?" Dazai asked, careless with his words.
"Oh, Apollo died, so I decided to come back to Yokohama." Dazai raised an eyebrow, not believing the story one bit. "Tch, when the news got to me he had an accident I fled back to Yokohama." That was more believable. Dazai nodded looking up to the ceiling he walked from the room.
"Change from the rags. I'll have kunikida treat us to a meal. Afterward, I'll recommend you for the agency. Unless you have other plans for a job. You were studying to be a detective a few years back right?" The female nodded waiting till the door closed. She held up the outfit staring at it with a huff.
"Oh come on! It's not even cute!" she whined holding the plain black shorts in her hands. Slipping them on, she tossed aside the dress. "Reminder, burn that thing," she whispered to herself before grabbing the shirt. Slipping it on, she noticed the sleeves were a perfect length. Matching where the gloves ended. She looked down at the rest of the outfit. The ruffles complimented the white cloth of her gloves. The shorts were a full-body piece. Slipping it over her arms, she looked into the mirror. The large dip on the chest was covered by the undershirt. The ruffles looked kinda cute against the black fabric of the main piece. Looking to the bed she grabbed the socks pulling them over her legs, she noted the cat ears on the top of the socks. "Alright, a little cute," she mumbled, twirling around in the outfit, she grabbed the boots, slipping them on. She liked how it still looked slightly childlike without making her look like a porcelain doll. Though, her current state made the outfit to be a bit baggy against her.
Slipping from the door, she stepped into the hallway. Dazai looked up from his phone with a tender smile. "Alright, let's go." he hummed with a soft smile.
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