II- twenty-six

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Bellamy sat down beside Nat, handing her a drink he had grabbed from the food distributor. They had walked for two days, not wanting to stop in fear of someone speaking about what had happened. Finally arriving back at camp, Bellamy suggested they get a drink; recoup from the events of three days before. 

Clarke placed down a hand-drawn map, one she had obtained in mount weather. "Okay, say it again."

"It's a labyrinth." Clarke pointed at one of the black lines, "We got to the dam through this tunnel." Nat took a drink of the liquid, wincing at the strong taste. "It's all connected to the mine system, that's our way in."

"Sure," Bellamy bobbed his head up and down, "If we can get past the reapers and the mountain men." Nat bowed her head, resting on Bellamy's shoulder. His muscles tensed, yet sunk into her soft touch a moment later. "I swear to god," He spoke lowly, "If your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon I'm going by myself." 

"You won't be by yourself." Clarke shook her head, gesturing to the redhead leaning on his shoulder.

Something caught the blonde's eye making Bellamy and Nat peer back to see Finn and Murphy exit the Ark. "Guess the inquisition's over." He turned back, missing the heat from Nat's body on his. "How is Finn doing?" Bellamy questioned, slowly sliding his hand under the table as his fingers entwined with Natalia's. Her breath halted for a moment, feeling his pulse in her fingers. Like they were synchronized. 

"I haven't talked to him since we got back." Clarke dropped her head, playing with the map in front of her. "I don't know what to say." Her eyes blanked out as she remembered, "He just kept shooting."

"We're at war, Clarke." Bellamy shook his head, "We've all done things."

"People make mistakes." Nat chimed in, giving her sister a soft smile. "But what he did won't come without repercussions."

The blonde was about to ask what she meant when Finn walked up, "Hey."

"Hey," The three all said in unison. Clarke finally met Finn's eyes, looking up at him with distaste and a slight terror. Bellamy let out a deep breath, standing up with Nat's hand still in his. "Next rounds on us, come on Nat." The redhead followed, leaving her sister to a for sure awkward conversation. 

"Two please," Bellamy mumbled to the worker, earning a nod. "What do you think they're talking about?" He questioned, watching Nat eye her sister. She shrugged, "Looks like he's doing most of the talking." They could see the tension a yard away, knowing Clarke had no idea what to say. 

Bellamy handed Nat her a metal cup, watching her take a large gulp as she placed the drink back on the makeshift bar. "What did you mean when you said Finn's actions would have repercussions?"

Nat looked up at the sound of Bellamy's voice, thinking about his question. She took a deep breath, the corset from her armor making it harder to breathe with each inhale. "We may be at war with the grounders," She paused, thinking about all the villages and towns she had seen with Ivar. "But that was a working village. One that doesn't have weapons, warriors, or leaders." 

Bellamy bowed his head, "We weren't at war with them."

Nat shook her head, silently agreeing. "We're at war with the ones who want us gone. Which may be less of them than more." Picking up her cup she took another swig, letting the vile taste numb her senses. "We weren't at war with that village," Looking back as Finn was walking off, "We sure as hell are now."

Sitting her cup down on the table, she made her way to sit down right when Raven showed up. "Beat it, Murphy." 

"Well then," He stood, "Have a good one."

"What's up Raven?" Nat questioned, watching the mechanic lean over as if no one else needed to hear what she was about to say. 

"I know why we haven't heard from any other Ark stations." The two sisters shared a look, shaking their heads at the brunette above them. 

"Mount Weather's jamming us."

Nat jumped up, "Show us."

Making their way to the lab, Raven hit a certain button on the radio, "I tweaked the resonator and got this." A faint humming sounded out, screeching. "It's on every frequency. Long-range communication is totally screwed." Nat shook her head, "I don't hear anything."

"That's the point." Raven replied, holding up a radio, "That's also why the range on our walkies sucks." She sat it down, looking at both sisters, "It's the same sound Monty heard on the black box from the exodus ship."

"Mount weather crashed the exodus ship?" Clarke questioned, earning a nod from Raven. "Can you get around the signal?" The blonde rounded the table as Nat took a seat on one of the nearby stools. "Around it? No." Raven shook her head, "But if I can get to the tower that broadcasts it..." She smirked, "I can make it go boom."

"No one is going anywhere." Nat turned her head to see her mother entering the room, Major Byrne following. 

"Mom," Clarke met her, "Listen to me-"

"What do I have to do to get through to you?" Abby questioned, then looked down to her other daughter, "And you. You and your friends are not soldiers and continuing to act like you are..puts lives at risk."

"You don't understand." Clarke shot back making Abby tilt her head in confusion. "Raven found something."

Nat stood, gesturing to the radio, "Mount Weather is jamming our communications." Abby's smirk disappeared, changing to a monotone expression. 

"It's true." Raven spoke up, "There could be other stations on the ground."

"And more guards." Clarke nodded, "You said we don't have enough people to fight a two-front war." The blonde pointed at the radio, "We're already fighting one."

"The grounder retaliation from the massacre could happen at any time." Major Byrne spoke up making Nat walk up to stand beside her sister. "Maybe you shouldn't have pardoned the guilt party then."

The guard decided to ignore the girl's words as she continued, "When it does, we need every available man to defend this camp."

"So let us go." Clarke gestured to the three of them. 

"You two aren't gonna stop, are you?" Abby questioned, looking both of her daughters in the eye. Nat shook her head, "Not until our people- all of our people are safe again."

They stood in silence, having a war with their eyes before Abby finally relented, "Okay." Natalia nodded, starting to gear up until her mother interrupted, "But I'm coming with you."

Byrne shook her head, "Ma'am I jus-"

Abby raised her hand, quieting the guard. "It's been quiet for two days. Maybe Kane is making headway with the grounders commander."

Nat shrugged, "I doubt it."

"Or maybe he's dead." The blonde woman countered, "And they're massing against us as we speak."

The redhead pointed a finger in agreeance, "That sounds more like it."

"Maybe." Abby nodded, "Which is why we need more guards." Looking back at her daughters, Nat spoke, "Then it's settled."

Clarke nodded, "We're going back to Mount weather."


The group trekked through the woods, Nat and Bellamy walking together in a pair. "I can't believe they let Finn come," Octavia commented, stepping over a grown tree root. "He's the best tracker we got." Bellamy countered. "Don't forget to look up!" He shouted, "Grounders use the trees." A few of the guards raised their heads. "That's how we lost John M'bege."

They walked for a little longer until a shooting pain erupted through Nat's side. She winced, slowing down and bracing her arm on a tree. "Nat?" Bellamy stayed back as everyone else walked off. She hummed, resting her back against the tree and sinking to the ground. 

"What's going on?" Nat held her hand up, silencing him as she clenched her eyes closed tightly. She could feel her nerves shooting, electricity sparking like the end of a wire was cut off. Letting out a deep breath, Nat unconsciously gripped Bellamy's arm, using him to stand. 

"I'm good." She started to walk again until the gripped her wrist, "Bell-"

"No," He shook his head, "What was that? One minute your fine and the next your in pain sitting on the ground." Nat groaned, "Bell, It's not a big deal-"

"it is when your hurt." Bellamy interrupted, seeing the way Nat wanted to hide from him. He knew she wouldn't admit she was in pain, she wouldn't show weakness. 

"I'm okay." She smiled, bringing her hand to his jaw. He missed the feeling of her touching him, the soft way she would caress his skin. Like they weren't being chased by grounders or fighting against a mountain full of psychopaths. "I promise." Bellamy nodded, dropping his hand to Nat's side where she had been holding. "You're getting this look at by your mom when we get back." 

Sighing, she nodded, giving up. "If that makes you shut up then fine." Bell smirked, gesturing to the rest of the group further up, "Come on. We got a long walk ahead." 

The redhead whined, "Don't remind me."

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