Eight- Thanatophobia

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"Hold it down!!!" Boys yelled as they attempted to save the only cover they had for the drop ship door. The wind was picking up, as was the rain. They had never seen storms, let alone been in the middle of one in space. Clarke watched as the thunder boomed and lightning struck. 

"This is Raven Reyes calling Ark station." 

"This is Raven Reyes calling Ark station." 

"Come in, Ark station."

The brunette repeated as Clarke looked back to the two unconscious teenagers. 

"This is Raven eyes, calling Ark Station. Please come in." She repeated once again as Clarke made her way over to a distraught Raven. "Can anyone hear me?!"

"You sure you have the right frequency?" Monroe asked, leaning on the metal ladder. "Yeah, I'm sure!!" Raven snapped as Clarke bent down beside her. "Raven, You can do this, okay?" She reassures her as Raven nodded. She started to repeat her message as Clarke walked over to Nat and Finn, looking at them for the thousandth time in hopes something had changed. Clarke unwrapped the makeshift bandage as she inspected the oozing wound. 

"Ark station, please come in. I'm on the ground with the hundred." She looked over to the blonde who was leaning over her boyfriend, "We need you." Raven stated as Clarke rebandaged Finn. Clarke finished as she saw more blood seeping through the bandage around Natalia's head. Rushing over to her, she lifted her head, inspecting the now even bloodier gash. "Fuck. fuck. I need more bandages now!!" She yelled as a boy she knew to be as Soren rushed over. "What's going on?!" He questioned, seeing how worried the look on Clarke's face was. "Her head. It's bleeding worse than I thought. She-she could have brain damage or a drop in blood pressure. She could have paralysis-"

"Hey." He grasped Clarke's arm, "Don't focus on what could go wrong. Instead, focus on what do you need to do now." She nodded quickly, "Hold her head and hair up. I need to stop the bleeding." He did as she said, wrapping Natalia's bright red hair around his hand as he used the other to lift her limp head off the makeshift pillow. "Octavia!!" Clarke screamed. The brunette rushed down from the second level, immediately making her way to Clarke. "What's up?" She asked urgently. 

"I need something to sew her wound shut, okay? Anything." Clarke exclaimed, taking the old, bloodied bandages from Natalia's head. The brunette rushed up the ladder to the second floor where Monty was, "Hey, I need something for Clarke to sew up, Nat. Any ideas?" She shuffled around, trying to find something. "Here." She shot her eyes to monty, holding a thin line of black rope. "Is it too big?" He asked as she snatched it from him. "It'll have to do." She rushed back down, giving the rope to Clarke. The blonde eyed it for a moment before nodding, "It's gonna hurt, but she won't die from blood loss." 

Octavia seemed to let go of a breath she had been holding. "Flip her on her stomach. I need to have full access." Octavia and Soren started to pick the redhead up before Clarke held her hand up in a stopping motion, "Wait!" She threw off her jacket, laying it in a bunch on the table. "So her stomach wound doesn't re-open." The two nodded as Octavia gripped Nat's hips, Soren holding her up by her shoulders. They laid her on her stomach, and Octavia had pulled her hair into a tight bun so Clarke could see the entire gash. Clarke took a deep breath, "Shit, I- I don't have anything to sew it up with. Octavia looked around before shouting, "Does anyone have anything small and sharp?!" For once, the delinquents were quiet. "Anyone has anything?! A hairpin a small-"

"I have a hairpin." A small girl from the back offered. She walked up to Octavia, placing the pin in her hand. The girl was small, maybe the height of Octavia. She had long blonde hair that she had braided into two french braids. She wore grey jeans and a worn-out blue shirt. "Thank you." Octavia expressed as the two rushed back over to Clarke. "What's wrong with her?" The petite blonde asked. Clarke gripped the hairpin, sharpening it with her knife. "She got hit in the head," Octavia answered. The blonde nodded, going to stand at the foot of the table beside Soren. "What's your name?" He asked her. "Irina." She answered as Clarke threaded the thin rope through a hole in the hairpin. "Okay, this is going to hurt." She warned.

"Irina, hold her legs down. Soren, her shoulders, and Octavia hold her arms." The brunette nodded as Clarke aligned the sharpened hairpin to the edge of her wound. But before they could start, Bellamy marched in through the tent. "Bellamy." Octavia breathed out. But before she could embrace him, she saw Miller and jones drop the grounder body in front of the group. "The hell are you doing?!" He demanded, seeing Clarke bent over the redhead he had come to be protective over. "What the hell are you doing?!" Octavia shouted back, gesturing to the unconscious man on the floor. "It's time to get  some answers." He yelled. 

"Oh, you mean revenge?"

"I mean intel." 

The siblings argued as he looked to Natalia, still unconscious. Clarke saw him looking, "her head wound needs to be sewed up, which was what we were doing. her stomach wounds aren't bad, but I need to do it before she loses too much blood, and that wouldn't be good." Bellamy nodded, looking to his goon squad, "Get him upstairs." Clarke stood in front of Bellamy, "Bellamy, she's right." 

Suddenly the radio boomed throughout the dropship. "This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Identify yourself." All heads turned as Raven's eyes went wide. "This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha station." She nearly yelled back into the speaker. "I-I-I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin. Dr. Abby Griffin now!!" Raven ordered. "Hang on, Raven. We're trying to boost your signal." The group heard Sinclair yell as Abby rushed to the radio. 

Clarke looked to the two limp teenagers as she heard her mom, "Raven? Are you there?" The blonde ran to the radio as Raven turned on the receiving signal, "mom?" Clarke exclaimed. "Mom, it's me." the room went silent for a moment. "Clarke?" Abby breathed out, her body un-tensing at the voice of her daughter. 

Thunder boomed. "Mom, I need your help." She paused. "One of our people was stabbed by a grounder, and he hit the other in the head." 

Jaha bent ovver the radio table. "Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?"

She nodded, "Yes, the Earth is survivable. We're not alone." Everyone heard the silence over the radio before Clarke spoke again. "Mom, he's dying. They both are. The knife is still in his chest, and her head wound won't stop bleeding. "Clarke. Is my son with you?" Raven looked to Clarke as she stopped dead center of the room. "I'm so sorry. Wells is- Wells is dead." Abby rested a hand on the Chancellor's shoulder when she asked, "Is there a girl named Natalia there?" Clarke's brows furrowed in confusion, "Yes, she's the one with the head injury." Abby's breath hitched as Jaha returned her gesture. 

"I'm gonna talk you through it, step by step." Unfortunately, Abby's voice was cut off by the metal ship swaying from the wind. "Clarke, are you there?" Her voice cut out again when Clarke yelled, "What? Raven, what's wrong?" 

"It's not the radio. It's the storm." 

"Clarke, we need to hurry." The blonde heard her mom say as she nodded, moving over to Finn. Octavia carried in two cans giving one to Clarke. she smelled it, immediately wincing. "Ugh, Monty's moonshine?"

"pretty sure no germ can survive it." Octavia joked. Thunder boomed again as the lights flickered. "The storms are getting worse. Monroe, close the doors." The girl nodded, moving to the lever, pulling it, closing in the group to the dropship. 

"Alright, Clarke, you ready?" Abby asked wearily. "The blade is at a sharp upward-"

"No, you're starting with Natalia first," Abby ordered. Clarke stopped, looking at the radio as if her mom would see the confused look on her face. 

"Mom Finn has a blade through his stomach-"

"You said it yourself. There's no fluid. Natalia is bleeding out as we speak. Slowly but if you don't stop the bleeding, she could die or have severe brain damage in the next five minutes."


I jumped off my bed, throwing on our prison-provided shoes. Today was a day I had been waiting for, for years. Hopefully adoption day. I had seen Octavia walk out with another guard for visiting sessions. I had never met her brother, but he gave me and Tavia extra food, so I automatically liked him. The door to my cell swung open with a *click* as I saw a guard step in. He had been the one to always get on me for the little things. If I hadn't walked straight enough, been late, or even spoke too snarkily...in his opinion. 

"Prisoner six-six-five, face the wall." He demanded. "Yeah Yeah. I know the drill." I walked up to the grey metal wall, holding my hands behind my back. "Shut up." He snapped, pulling the plastic shackles tight around my wrists. I winced as he shoved me toward the media room of the prison station. The Ark had been made up of Twelve Stations. There was Agro Station, Alpha Station, Arrow Station, Factory Station, Hydra Station, Mecha Sation, Tesla Station, Flint Station, and my beloved Prison Station. 

Before the final rules were on the ark in 2056, or as they called it, the United Ark Federation. They hadn't floated people for simple crimes. So there we're jail cells where people would eventually die in or he re-tried. However, when the Ark realized this was taking too much life support up, The original council set new rules.  So now lies an empty part of the ship where they sometimes let teenage prisoners hang out. I just liked to read while others watched old television from before the war. 

I was walking down the dim-lit corridors as the guard pushed me into the media room, where an older couple sat on metal chairs. The guard un-did my binds as I rubbed my wrists. The older woman stood first, coming up to me. "Hi, dear. My name is Elise, and this is my husband, Arthur." I smiled, sitting down across from them. "My name's Natalia." I beamed. I had lived in a cell my entire life. I had seen my friends floated and guards disappear. Everyone I had ever loved had left me. And now I had a second chance, and I couldn't lose it. 

"I know deary. We've heard from you. It's nice to meet you." I smiled as the woman held out her hand. But, instead, I gripped onto her arm, pulling myself to her frail body in an attempt at a hug. "Oh!" She yelped in surprise as she hugged me back. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled back. "I'm sorry, I-I just." 

She pulled me into her body again, "It's alright, love. Your gonna be okay."  

*End of Flashback*

I felt a sharp pain from the back of my head as I groaned loudly. I opened my eyes slowly to see the view of Finn beside me, lying with a knife in his side. I attempted to get up as I heard a familiar voice shout, "Hold her down!! Mom, she's waking up!" 

"I'm already awake. What the fuck are you doing?!" I snapped, feeling different sets of hands holding me down. "Well, at least we know she doesn't have brain damage." 

"O? O, what's going on?" Tears started to stream down my face when my brunette best friend came to kneel beside me. "you got hit in the head pretty hard, okay? Clarke's stitching it up." I nodded as I ripped my hand from someone's grasp, holding Octavia's. "Your gonna be okay." She dapped a damp cloth on my head as I could hear Clarke talking with a Woman. When did we get a radio? And who's Raven? I thought to myself. 

"Okay, done." I heard the blonde yell as the sharp pain turned to a duller pain. Octavia helped me sit up as a boy standing beside her gave me a jacket. I gave him a small smile, holding onto Octavia tightly. "What the hell happened?" I asked, sitting on a fallen dropship seat. "The grounder who took you. He hit you in the head, and Bellamy found us. He got to you first and basically screamed at me when we got back." Octavia answered, mumbling the last part of her sentence. My attention perked up at his name. The last thing I remember, I was walking away from camp as he told me not to. Guess I should've listened. "Where is he?" Octavia's eyes went wide. I couldn't tell why but she hadn't answered yet, so I attempted to stand up and look for him myself. "No-no." She warned, pushing me back down. "I'll. I'll get him. Stay put."And like that, she was up the ladder. I nodded, licking my lips from dehydration. "You must be thirsty. Hold on." The boy ran to the filled water barrels, grabbing me a tin full. I took the cup from his hand, gulping down the water in one sip. "Thank you." I handed the tin back to him, "What's your name?" I asked. 

"Oh, I'm Soren. And your Natalia." I smiled, nodding. "How'd you know?" He chuckled, "You're loud around camp, believe it or not. And I just helped Clarke hold you down for fifteen minutes." I was about to reply when I saw a familiar mess of brown hair make its way down the ladder. "What Octavia, what could be so-"

And then his eyes met with mine. I saw him release a breath as I stood, handing Soren's jacket back to him. He walked fast, meeting me in the middle. I looked into his brown eyes, shoving my body into his, wrapping my small arms around his torso. He rested his chin on my head as his arms curled around my shoulders, swallowing me in his embrace. "Thank you," I mumbled into his chest. "For what?" 

"For looking for me." He pulled me back, wiping a tear from my face as my vision started to blur. "Hey." He gripped both sides of my arms. "You okay?" And Suddenly, the dropship swayed harshly as I toppled to the ground, falling onto Bellamy. I heard the knife clatter to the ground, seeing Clarke had removed the dagger from Finn. My stomach was pressed against Bellamy's chest as both my hands supported me. I looked down at him, every other care in the world fading away. "Hey, riding hood." 

"Hi, Bell." Our moment was interrupted by Miller shouting at the Brunette below me, "Bellamy, he's still not talking." He nodded at Miller, helping me up to stand. "I got to uhm take care of something, just stay down here, okay?" 

"Okay." I sat down by Soren as he was talking to a girl. "Hi, I've seen you around. What's your name?" 

"Irina." I smiled, holding out my hand. "Natalia. Thank you for helping." I gestured back to Clarke. "It's no big deal. Thank you for not dying." I laughed. I mean really laughed for the first time in weeks. Suddenly Octavia rushed down to me, "I need your help."

I stood up, "Okay with what?"

"Bellamy." I rolled my eyes and nodded. Octavia climbed the ladder behind me, pushing my butt up every time I was too weak to. I banged on the hatch door a few times before Miller opened it. He tried to push me back down as I grabbed his arm, flinging it from the handle. "Don't even think about it, Nathan." He held his hands up in surrender as I pulled myself up from the metal ladder, seeing the sight before me. The grounder who had kept me and Octavia was standing in the middle of the room, both his arms tied to the wall. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Bellamy spun around, hearing my voice. "Go back downstairs." He ordered as Miller started to pull on my body. "Get off me." But he didn't. He wrapped his arms around my stomach, picking me up. "Miller, get the fuck off me!!" He still didn't let go as I elbowed him in the nose, "I said get the fuck off me." I shouted, my voice breaking slightly. I looked back to Bellamy, his eyes softening at realizing I didn't like people touching me for Obvious reasons. I shook it off, going up to him. 

"We don't torture people. As much as I'd like to for the head contusion I received, I'm not god, and neither are you." He walked closer, his chest practically touching mine. I could feel his breath on my face. "Natalia. Go back down. I don't want to make you." I stood still, keeping my eyes on his. he turned, nodding to another boy. Before I knew it, Jones wrapped hands around my stomach as I started to yell, "Octavia!! Get Clarke." She did as I said, climbing back down the ladder. Jones's still wrapped his hands around me as I headbutted him from the back. He groaned in pain, holding his nose as he let me go. I swayed slightly, feeling the back of my head to see if I ripped open my stitches. Thank god I didn't. "Hey!" Bellamy rushed over to me, leading me to a nearby crate. "Are you crazy? You could've re-opened your head." I rolled my eyes, smacking his hand off my thigh. "Well, I didn't." And like that, a blonde head of hair popped out from the second floor, followed by Octavia. Jones stepped in front of her, his nose still dripping in blood. Octavia side-smirked me as Clarke pushed past him. She eyed the beat-up and mutilated grounder, "Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now."

"Who cares?" Bellamy snapped, grabbing her arm. "How's Finn?"

"Alive, But his people will care," Clarke answered, ripping her arm from him. "How long until they figure out where he is?!" She demanded, eyeing him once again. Octavia sat down by my side as I tuned out their conversation. "So, how's the head?" 

I looked to Jones, who shied away at my gaze. "Good. Just glad I didn't rip anything smashing the back of my head into his nose." She laughed, her face dropping when she saw the grounder. 

"He saved me." She stated. I looked to him, then back to her, "I know. But he almost killed me." She sighed, laying her head on my shoulder. My vision started to blur as my arm twitched slightly. Then, all of a sudden, I heard the girl people had been calling Raven yell from the first level, "Clarke, he's seizing!!" 

"On my way!!"

Bellamy stood by the hatch, looking over to Octavia and me. "You can leave." I held my head up, "We're staying." He nodded, closing the hatch. 


Clarke basically ran down the ladder, seeing Finn's pale body writhing on the metal table. "He was fine then-"

"Get my mother on the radio now!" Rvane stood still in shock when Clarke shouted again, "Raven now!!"

"The radio's dead! Interference from the storm!" Clarke held Finn's body down as he shook. 

"Please don't let him die," Raven begged as Finn suddenly stopped moving. "It stopped. Help me get him on his side!!" Clarke yelled as Raven stood still. "Raven, there is fluid in his lungs! He could choke quick!!" Raven nodded quickly, flipping Finn on his left shoulder. "Wait! Fluid in his lungs, does that mean the knife hit something?!" 

"No, this isn't blood. This is something else! I- I did everything she told me." Clarke paused, breathing heavily, "I've seen this before. Shortness of breath, fever, seizing-

"It's poison."

"CLARKE?!?!" Octavia screamed from the third level. 


I watched in horror as Bellamy struck the grounder with the back of a seatbelt once again. I was sitting on a spare metal crate as Octavia stood beside me. My arm started to twitch. Pain rose in my body as I felt like my veins were on fire. Suddenly my vision blurred as I fell from the crate, landing on my back. "Nat?!" I heard Octavia yell before ringing started to fill my ears. I felt arms wrap around me as I opened my eyes slightly. I saw a distraught Bellamy over me as he held me in his lap. "Get Clarke!!" I saw his mouth before my vision went black. 


"CLARKE?! It's Natalia!!" The blonde climbed up the ladder seeing Bellamy cradling the redhead in his arms. She rushed over, kneeling beside Bellamy. "Get her on her

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