"I'm making the outfits." I say. I'm sick of all this painting and I'm the only real person here with a good sense of style and if we are going to lose, it will be fashionably.
As I walk to the more crafty part of the school, I spot someone familiar trying to take the black fabric I need. "Hey, that's mine." I then go in to grab the fabric and walk off but the person grabs my wrist. "I was looking at that, don't you have manners or something." Bianca says rolling her eyes. "A colour like black won't suit you. You should stick to blue it will make you eyes pop." I say giving her a half sarcastic half knowing smile. It's true though. "Wow, an Addams actually giving honest advice. I know I look good in blue but you should come to fencing practice more often. I need someone there that is actually good." Did Bianca just say something nice to me? We learn something new everyday I guess. "I will. Thank you."
I then go and drop the fabric of into my room before heading towards my next class. Mr. Thornhill is our teacher and I can't deny it, for a norm she knows an lot about these deadly plants. As I walk into class I see an empty spot next to Xavier and go to sit in it. I watch as he draws this spider. He glances up at me and smiles before turning his drawing to life. I was actually pretty cool. But with one slap of my hand the spider disappears. "That's a cool party trick, Xavier. I will be right back I forgot my notebook." I say to him and I watch him nod.
I hurry up to my room as fast as possible. I wanted to show him some of my sketches and maybe he could bring life to my scorpion. I catch myself smiling at that. I open the doors to the class room and that's when I hear it, "Wednesday you can sit beside me." Xavier says. I was sitting there... wasn't that my spot. The little colour I had on my face drained and my mask fell for a split second. Did he already forget about me?
I walk up to the only free available seat which happens to be beside Bianca and for once she looks at me with pity. She is the only one who noticed my sadness. The girl that only started being nice to me today knows me better then my own sister. "Just forget about him, he can be a real dick sometimes. Trust me I know, he's my ex. Sometimes a questioned why I wanted him back." Bianca whispers to me and I let out a couple giggles making everyone's head turn towards me. Bianca is also laughing as well.
"Class, can anyone tell me what this plant is?" Mr. Thornhill asks and of course Bianca knows the answer so she raises her hand and says the answers but Wednesday wanted to make everything more difficult. They both went at each other, question after question, until one finally stumped them. "Does anyone know where the black dahlia is originally from?" How could they not know this? It's so simple. "It's from here, Nevermore." I say slightly irritated from the headache the two caused me before slumping my head against the test.
Not being able to take this class any longer I go back to my dorm and work on our Poe Cup outfits for what seemed like hours. I made sure they are flexible and easy to move in but not uncomfortable. I also added in a few gadgets knowing the other will have other tricks in there sleeves too. These suits took me forever to make and I'm proud of the cat suit.
I wake up to my alarm blaring, I could barely get up from how late I spent making those costumes but today is the big day. We are definitely going to win. I actually feel happy for once. I grab all the costumes and head out to the rest of the girls to give them theirs and that's when I spot Wednesday sitting amongst them. "Hey Isabella. Wednesday actually joined the team last minute and if you are okay with it we think it is best for her to be on the canoe instead of you." Enid says.
"What?" I manage to get out, a bit more steady then I anticipated. "Yeah, we just think it's for the best. Thanks for the outfits and all the help though!" Enid replies before grabbed them out of my hands. I worked so hard- just to be replaced by Wednesday again. Is there something bad about me or is it because she is just better, more likeable then me? I pretend it doesn't bug me, normally it doesn't, but I put so much work into this race. I can't stand being with them anymore. I need to leave.
I make it towards the art studio once again and begin to paint. One of my many hobbies that manage to relieve my stress. As I aggressively paint away someone comes up behind me. "Wow, what did the paint brush ever do to you? Aren't you apart of the black cats, shouldn't you be preparing?" It was Xavier. I did not want to talk to him right now, it is just another reminder that Wednesday is better than me. "They replaced me with Wednesday. You are supposed to to be preparing though. Although if I were you I could change your outfits, you look like your trying to dress up as a crossover between the Joker and Crusty the Clown." I say annoyed. I know he did nothing but still. "Okay ouch. I think your painting needs a bit of colour through Addams." He replies starting down at my monstrous painting. "Don't worry I will add colour soon." I will add the only colour that fits my taste. Red.
"Okay than, what is your favourite colour Addams? And don't give me any bullshit by saying black" "I wasn't going to, Crusty the Clown, my favourite colour is crimson red."
He chuckles, "That was expectedly unexpected. Anyways I got to go win that cup. Talk to you soon? Maybe after the cup we can meet here to celebrate my teams win?" I take a second to think about it and I let a small smile creep across my face, "okay, I'll see you than." I watch as he walks off, maybe I won't be in Wednesdays shadow after all. Maybe someone will put me first.
I continue painting before a black bag covers my face and I am knocked out cold. Great, I'm kidnapped.
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