Part 9

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-Sorry for short chapter I'm rly busy.-

After Lance's mental breakdown the King decided to be less of a jerk and explain some stuff to Lance.

"Sooo, yeah sorry about not telling you, but if we told you, you would've left and not taken the blessing and the prophecy would've failed!" The king wailed.

"Uhh what prophecy?" Lance was very confused, and regretted all life choices up to this moment.

"That's not important right now- Uh excuse me, but you must learn to use the powers the lava gave you!" The king was acting like a five year old.

"My what now." Lance was so going to give Red the silent treatment when he got back.

"Yes, us lava cats can breathe fire, now you can too!" Kingy said.

"Yippie." Lance definitely hated everything, but now he could have some abilities the team didn't which would only fuel their plan.

"Now let us bring you back to your ship!"


On planet Earth the team had spent about two months there, playing, hanging out with family, meeting with old friends. Everything was going well for the team. Lance and Coran had not once crossed their minds as they enjoyed living as one should. No one noticed that the goofball of the team or that the gorgeous man was not there.

"I feel like we are forgetting something.." Pidge said to Hunk, she couldn't wrap her head around what she was forgetting though, at this point almost every person except Hunk was feeding her lies even if they didn't know it. It was unspoken among the older people that they didn't bring up how they left Lance and Coran to deal with the Galra by themselves. They didn't even talk about the Galra or Voltron.

They were forgetting something.

Oh wait they were supposed to be you know SAVING THE UNIVERSE-


"Lance, uh the prince is trying to make contact. Again." Coran said to Lance, Lance was currently having a bit of a crisis around his newfound powers and this seemed to snap him out of it.

"Answer it..." Lance lost himself in his thoughts, what did this idiotic prince want with him!

"Hello there Red paladin~" The annoying voice of Prince Lotor snapped Lance out of his thoughts.

"What do you want?" Was Lance's monotone response, he didn't feel the need to wait around and do nothing when they could cut to the chase. Coran immediately turned around and flashed him the 'You're so grounded' look but he could deal with that later. The prince also looked minorly taken aback before a grin appeared on his face.

"Well paladin, as you know or probably guessed Zarkon is my father. And as such I hate him, my squad would like to join Voltron~" When Lance felt the urge to slam his head into the wall he almost listened.

"If you don't mind I will have to talk this out with a few people." Lance sighed trying to keep his cool, having the son of the man you're trying to kill on your side could be good.

"Of course not! We will call you back in- how do Earthlings say it? Five minutes? Farewell~" The prince then disconnected leaving Lance and Coran by themselves.

"What now?" Coran asked Lance with a confused face.

"We play into their hand..." Lance said with a feral smile, his mind already coming up with a plan... he could use Lotor while making it seem that the prince was using them. Of course Lotor would have to find out with the rest of the paladins about his powers as the plan goes, but if all goes according to plan...

"You sure? It could be a trap.." Coran, once again being the only voice of reason, spoke up.

"It could but we are stronger than them... Coran, do you trust me?" Lance looked at Coran with confidence in his eyes, Lance was confident in his plan and it working. Lance just needed his legal guardians permission... His question earned him a sigh and Coran looked his son in his face.

"I do." This earned Coran another feral grin from his son.

"Let's play."


"Lotor, are you sure that they are going to accept?" Acxa questioned Lotor for the twentieth time in the last three minutes succeeding finally in getting a response.

"Axca, it's a paladin of Voltron, they are all like puppies, jumping for new friends. They will accept, and when they do we will get on the ship and gain their trust. Then we will take over the Galra, then place myself on the throne. It's foolproof, as long as the paladin accepts- which he will, we will win." Lotor grinned. Pressing the button to regain connection to the paladins he waited for his plan to fall into motion. 

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