Part 5

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"Back when I was younger, back before Altea was destroyed, I did something... And I can't help but think it will come up at the wrong time and you won't be able to look at me the same." Coran confessed, looking at the floor.

"What do you mean?" Lance asked, concerned growing for the older man who he was maybe starting to consider a father figure.

"Back in the olden days, it was a year before I was chosen to become Allura's royal assistant and bodyguard. My brother and I were out partying, and I met a wonderful lady. Her name was Dauphin, and eventually we started dating. The rules state that you weren't allowed to have a romantic life if you were chosen as a royal advisor, alas I didn't think I would be chosen so we started dating. Eventually we got married, and she was pregnant with our first kid when King Alfor picked me as the advisor of the princess. He asked me if I was dating anyone and I lied to his face, Lance I lied to the king's face. My wife was not happy but I was able to provide, we had two more kids before Zarkon attacked. I saw my wife and kids get attacked by the Galra, they died infront of me. Then when I had accepted death so I could join her, I was shoved into the healing pod that froze me. No one but my wife knew about this, but I think it's time I told someone." Corran was in tears by the end of his story, Lance tried his best to comfort the man.

"Corran, you lied to provide for your kids, you lied to protect your family, I could never hate you for that."

"Thank you Lance."

"I will never leave you willingly." Lance vowed, patting Coran on the back.

"Thank you, my boy." Coran seemed to be doing better now that he had confessed his past. Coran stood more confidently and grinned, Coran felt great he had confessed and Lance didn't hate him!

"Now it is time to put the plan in motion!" Coran excitedly said, feeling lighter now that the weight of the guilt was gone.

"YEAH!" Lance responded just as energetically, the pair's energy had returned and both shared a smile. The next part of the plan was simple, bond with the red lion. Lance knew Shiro and the black lion managed to get an amazing bond and they could do so much with it. Lance knew every other lion had the potential to bond like they had.

"I'm gonna go do some bonding, see you later Coran!" Lance chuckled and headed out, Coran smiled to himself before pulling up the adoption laws once more.


"Okkk bonding time!" Lance said mostly to himself as he entered the red lion.

"Hey there, so um let's bond." Was the first thing Lance said to the red lion. There was no response from his lion so Lance continued babbling.

"Sup hot stuff, me and you would make a good pair."

"..Amen, God if you're there please let me bond with my lion."

"Will they know what you overcame, Will they know you rewrote the game-"

Safe to say it wasn't working.

"Look, I understand I'm not Keith and I'm nowhere near paladin material. But I really want to bond with you, for some reason you picked me and I want to live up to that expectation." Lance sighed giving up after that last statement, he couldn't understand what he was doing wrong.

'Hello Lance.' A calming voice purred from within his head, slightly surprising Lance.

"Who's there?" Lance shouted jumping up looking for an intruder. That earned a laugh from the mystery person.

'It's me Lance, the red lion.' The voice laughed, it seemed that the red lion saw Lance's antics as funny.

"How am I hearing you right now? Shiro never mentioned being able to hear his lion..." Lance trailed off.

'When King Alfor built us, he himself was Altean giving the lions the ability to talk to any Altean that became my pilot, alas my old pilot King Alfor never tried to bond with me the way you did.' The red lion explained, its voice calm. 'Me and you now have a connection that can't be broken, so say if you were to be a few galaxies away we could still be in contact.'

"So what now?" Lance questioned.

'Well now, you open possibilities thought impossible, if you're ok with it I could theoretically give you some of my abilities. Although it's never been done before I believe it would be possible if our bond was strong enough.'

"Should I go train? I feel like I want to be strong before we try experimenting." Lance piped in, still a bit confused.

'That is wise, also Lance, I choose you for a reason.' The red lion purred. Lance smiled appreciative of the red lion.

"Thank you red."

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