Part 18

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So ummm... funny storry.... I caught Strep... 

I'm still doing swim tho and school and prob gonna collapse but whatever lolsie.

Also happy birthday to @whore_for_demons   Idk how old you are but have a good birthday!!


"That was so amazing!" Pidge exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah!" Lance chuckled, a sincere grin forming on his face.

"Woof!" Cosmo barked, wanting to feel included after being forgotten about by the author for a few chapters. The fox? Wolf? Time eating portal in form of wolf? Was not impressed.

Coran was about to speak up when a buzz went off on his Altean phone (IDK WHAT THEIR CALLED) which was called 100% in canon a Dixit.

"Quiznack, the planet Yuhkata is in danger! King Dikatash has been taken by the Galra." Coran supplied, quickly rushing over to his control panel.

"Alright so first mission with Pidge and the rest of the team on board." Lance quickly thought before beckoning Pidge over to look at the information, "Coran you stay here, wearing a headset, do not interact with the rest of the team. Pidge since this is your first mission with me, follow my lead. We will swoop in, since it is mainly a lava planet, me and Red will go low while you and green go high."

Lance ran his tongue over his fangs, a new nervous tick of his.

"Yes sir!" Pidge responded, mock saluting him.

"Let's go." Lance said as Coran put on the head set and pulled up the information they could need. Allura walked in, wondering what the quiznack was going on, and Shiro was quick on her heels like a puppy.

Sadly (for them) the duo was already on their way to the hanger.

"Coran, what's going on?" Allura asked, but was rudely ignored.

"Alright, Lance and Pidge- they have the southern hemisphere under heavy siege and the king is in the main ship." Coran informed through the headset in a calm tone.

"Coran-" Shiro started, but was cut off by Allura's temper tantrum.

"CORAN LISTEN TO ME! I am your queen and you will listen to me!" She screeched, highly annoyed.

"Uh princess-" Shiro cut in.



Lance held Red's control as they approached the Lava planet where he had swam in a few chapters ago to gain powers relevant to the plot but not important enough that the author forgot.

"Pidge, ya hear that? I'll siege the main ship since they don't know about you, and you rescue the locals." Lance commanded, surprisingly being good with the captain role. He thrusted the controls forward and in doing so Red opened her mouth firing a beam of fire. It was significantly more powerful than normal, and he had a sinking feeling it was the white lion's fault.

The duo continued to fight against the Galra, everything was going along with the plan and the author isn't going to describe it cause she's lazy and sick.

All of a sudden Corans' connection was cut off, leaving the two lions without their eyes.

A booming voice sounded over their comns, scaring the quiznack out of Pidge.

"Hello Lance~"


Sorry for short chapter. 

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