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  After we pulled away from the kiss, Jason and I ran down the aisle before Pepper gave me back my ring. I rubbed her head before heading to the after-party. I wasn't one for drinking at all, so there was no getting drunk at my wedding.

  Regardless, everyone received their refreshments before they sat down. Soon, the music started, and the couples were pulled to the dance floor. Jason could actually dance; something I didn't know or remember. Then, everyone was pulled off the floor. They announced that it was time for the Daddy, Daughter dance.

  Gladly, I made my way to the floor with Bruce guiding me. I put my hands on his shoulders, smiling at him.

  He smiled back at me, and then he said,"Karry, I want you to know that I have grown to know you as a daughter and as a part of the Bat-family. You were always there when I needed cheering up, or even Alfred. You gladly took my places at meetings, when I was out on patrol, and I thank you for that. If Jason ever hurts you, you know I will handle the situation for you."

  I smiled before I hugged him. Then, he guided me off the floor before I took Jason's hand. He pulled himself up using me, which caused me to fall on top of him.

  I laughed before I told him,"You would make a great father, you know."

  He smiled really big before he replied,"Baby, I know, and you would make a great mother. I love you."

  I said,"I love you, too, Jase."

  Later, Gin decided to sing at my wedding. Her voice filled the room, and everyone gave her a standing applause afterwards. Due to her great performance, I let Tim and her have the floor to themselves. Gin looked nervous and uncomfortable about something. I went to ask her, but I didn't want to push her about it.

  She'll tell me later.

  She walked over to me before she told me,"I need to talk to you; I need advice."

  I gave her a concerned look, and she put her hand up, but I noticed her holding her stomach. No, she couldn't be. Her and Tim haven't... you know. When did that happen? Most likely, she was hiding it from Tim. I could definitely make the time for her, but I had to entertain and check on the other guests right now.
  After the party, Jason and I went on to enjoy our honeymoon. I let Jason have me, the right way. When we returned home, it wasn't too many weeks later when we found out I was pregnant. Immediately, we started thinking about the baby. However, I also needed to talk to Gin about the problem.

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