Chapter 29

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A few months (ish) later (again)

Let's just say the last few months had been challenging. Charles had made a steady recovery so far and had just been discharged from the Princess Grace Hospital and was now confined to his apartment with regular visits from the nurses.

The last race of the season was this Sunday and I could tell Charles was frustrated. Max and Red Bull had already won the Championship by a long shot and Mercedes were almost guaranteed 2nd and Aston Martin 3rd.

Because of Charles' accident, Ferrari were now in 4th fighting with McLaren. Antonio Giovanazzi had stepped in to take his place, but had had little success in the 2 months he had been driving.

I didn't like to bring up Formula 1 around him because I knew it made him upset, but it was hard when that's all Caitlin, Ella, and Macey had talked about for the past few weeks. They were planning to spend a few weeks on Dubai, and had asked me to join them.

I had always wanted to visit the city but I couldn't leave Charles like this, he needed me more than ever.

"Do you want pizza tonight?" I asked from the kitchen, he had nothing in as usual.

"Sure, pepperoni for me please," he sat on the sofa watching recordings of the NBA on the TV.

I ordered the pizza and walked over to the lounge. I dodged Charles' crutches that he had used to practice walking on and nearly fell over his wheelchair before collapsing on to the sofa. I made a mental note to clean the apartment.

"I don't get basketball," I pointed at the screen. "They score nearly every time they have the ball. Shouldn't they make it harder."

"Have you ever played basketball?"

"No, but it can't be that hard you just throw the ball in the hoop," I shrugged, but looked at Charles face and assumed that was not it.

"These guys are professionals and are like 2 metres tall, so obviously it's going to look easy," he laughed at me.

"Ok, just saying."

Time passed. The pizza arrived and we ate it, just like we had done the past few nights. Caitlin texted me asking how everything was and if I was sure about Dubai for the millionth time.

"You know you don't have to stay here with me you know," Charles said randomly after we had eaten.

"I know," I shrugged. "I want to.

"I just don't want to feel like a burden."

"Come on Charles. I love you," I smiled at him. "You would never feel like a burden."

He sighed. "I feel like you're only here because you feel you have to sometimes."

"What? Why you you think that?"

"I know about your friends trip to Dubai," he looked at me. "I also know how much you've always wanted to go to Dubai."

"I don't want to go. I'd rather be in Monaco with you. It'd be no fun if you weren't there," I replied, his face was all foggy and annoyed. Being cooped up inside all day must be getting to him.

"Come on Y/n, you don't have to look after me," Charles said, his voice agitated . "I'm fine by myself."

"Charles," I shook my head. "You have to accept that you need help sometimes. You don't have to be this big, strong superhero all the time."

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then what?"

"I'm just not in constant need of care that's all, I'm not a baby."

"I know Charles," I looked at him confused. "Do you think the only reason I come over here is to look after you?"

"No, just feels like you think I'm at your constant beck and call, when I'm not, that's all."

"Ok, first of all, where is this coming from?" I raised my voice slightly. I was getting frustrated. "Second, I love you, that's why I come over here. I don't know if your aware but you were in a pretty serious accident a while ago."

"Don't start shouting now, I was just making you aware," he looked at me as if he was acting completely normally.

"You're being so frustrating," I stood up. "Why can't you just accept that you need help sometimes?"

"I have nurses to help, I don't need my girlfriend doing that too," he ran his hand through his hair. "Stop overreacting, I didn't mean anything by it."

"You know what," I grabbed my bag. "I think it's best if I just go. It's clearly what you want, and hey, what do I know?"

I stormed towards the door.

"Y/n come on."

I ignored him and slammed the door behind me, rushed down the corridor and out into the cold air.

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