Get Me A Jet

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Scenes from The Vampire Diaries flashed across the large television screen in Bucky and Marlena's bedroom. Bucky wasn't sure why he was watching the show. He remembered Marlena mentioning something about it to him when the two first met, but the title of the series didn't attract him very much, although Marlena watched it religiously; he believed the whole concept of vampires and werewolves to be absolutely absurd and childish. But after searching through Netflix's movie selection for about fifteen minutes and not finding anything worth watching, he decided to just watch it, as it was familiar to him and he couldn't be bothered to continue his search. He enjoyed the show, however. It was action-packed and gruesome, rather than fluffy and romantic as he had originally believed it to be.

Bucky was working on finishing the last episode of the seconds season when there was a knock on the bedroom door. He called for whoever to come in and grabbed the remote from the bedside table before pausing the program.

Tony and Bruce stepped into the room and Bucky sat up in bed, running a hand through his already-tousled hair. He raised a brow at the two men, unsure of why they were in his room. Since he and Marlena had arrived in New York, their main priority had been Marlena. They interacted with Bucky, of course, but it was nowhere close to the extent in which they interacted with Marlena.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Bucky asked.

Tony looked around the large room and let out a chuckle when his gaze fell upon the television screen. "You're watching The Vampire Diaries? Isn't that show a bit too feminine for you, Metallica?"

"If you wanna classify ripping out hearts and decapitation 'too feminine,' then yes, Tony—it is too feminine for me," Bucky retorted with a shrug.

"Well, alright then," Tony murmured, looking around the room again. "Where's my little flower at?"

"Who?" Bucky furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Marlena," Bruce answered. "We need her for evaluation, but we can't seem to find her anywhere."

"She said Tony sent her on a mission with Steve," Bucky said, panic slowly seeping into his body.

Tony exchanged a look with Bruce before shifting his attention back on Bucky. "Mission? Why the hell would we send her on a mission?"

It was more than obvious that the atmosphere in the room had changed drastically since Bruce and Tony stepped in. All three were now worried, and maybe a little bit frightened—Bucky more so than the two scientists. Marlena had apparently lied to him about Tony sending her on a mission, and Bucky couldn't bring himself to understand why that was.

"I don't know!" Bucky exclaimed. "She said it was to help her better control her abilities."

An expression of fear took over Tony's features, while Bruce sighed beside him, running a hand over his face.

"Oh no," Bruce murmured under his breath.

"That girl is going to get herself killed," Tony grumbled, trudging back over to the bedroom door.

"Wait," Bucky called after him. "What the hell is going on? You two are freaking out over nothing; she has her abilities—she has Steve. She'll be fine."

Tony gave him a look. "Look, we weren't supposed to tell you this—we weren't supposed to tell anyone this—but Marlena doesn't have her abilities, Barnes. She's still on the suppressors, which means there is a very good chance of her getting injured or killed during that mission."

Bucky's face fell at the sound of his words; he could feel himself growing nauseous with each second that passed by. He never wanted Marlena to go on the mission with Steve in the first place, due to the fact it would be Hydra who she was battling against, but he decided not to argue with her after being told it was to help her with her abilities. As it turned out, though, Marlena didn't even have her abilities, and that not only frightened Bucky, but it angered him as well. He knew what affect the suppressors had on her physical state, and knowing that she was fighting while still on them scared him to death. What angered him, however, was the fact that Marlena had deliberately lied to him. He had been told that she had been off the suppressors for over a week, only to find out that she had never stopped taking them.

"Get me a jet," Bucky instructed Tony as he pushed himself off of the bed.

He was angry, angrier than he had been in a long time. And although he hated that his anger was toward Marlena, he couldn't help it. She had lied to him, and that was something he never could have imagined her doing to him.

"What are you going to do?" Tony asked cautiously as he took in the assassin's expression.

"I'm going to go get my idiot back," Bucky grumbled as he made a move to head past Tony.

Tony stopped him, though, by placing a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should let me and Bruce go get her. This is Hydra we're talking about, Barnes—we don't need you psychologically compromised."

"I will be psychologically compromised if anything bad happens to that girl, Stark," Bucky exclaimed angrily, startling Tony. "You can either get me a jet and come with me or I go alone; I'm going after her whether you like it or not."

Tony sighed and looked at Bruce, who only gave him a slight nod. Bruce knew there was no use in arguing with Bucky. Bucky loved Marlena, and Bruce knew no one could get in his way when it came to her safety. He may have been angry with her, but that didn't change a thing. He would still protect her with his life—he would do whatever it took to bring her back home.

"There's a bunch of tactical suits upstairs in the prep room," Tony informed Bucky. "I'm sure you can find one that fits. The necessary weapons should be upstairs as well; they're in the room adjacent to the prep room. Bruce and I will ready then quinjet; we leave in twenty."

Bucky gave nod and took off without another word. He was furious, but he knew he would have to focus on that later. Right now his main focus was bringing Marlena back to the tower unscathed.

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