9. Mine

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Sorry for the slow update, I've been drowning on assignments and I barely had time for anything else.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Vote, comment, let me know what you think!



Hannah shouted in an 'I'm so freaking happy to see you' kind of way as she waved at a guy on the field, her hand stopping inches from my face.

I scooted away just in case she lost control of her motions and I ended up at the emergency room with a bluish bruise on my face. Then I watched as the guy in question looked up searching the mostly empty bleachers for whoever had called his name.

Considering Hannah was standing on one waving her hand frantically calling for attention, she was impossible to miss. His eyes came to rest on us and his face broke into a wide smile. Even at a distance I could tell the guy was attractive although not on a drop dead, breath hitching, heart stopping kind of way as Ryan.

But he was his own category all right.

My eyes drank in his fluid movements as he took of his helmet, revealing a tousled brown mane. Then directed his gaze back to the field where the coach and a few members of the team, Ryan among them, were having a disagreement about the score.

It looked like it would take a while.

He might have thought the same because he left his place on the field and started jogging towards us. His helmet tucked under his arm.

He hadn't even reached us yet when Hannah threw herself at him letting out a girlie squeak, her arms going around his neck. Thank goodness he was thoughtful enough to brace before the impact or else they would have tumbled to the ground.

It seemed like he was used to Hannah's displays of affection.

She squeezed the daylights out of him.

He just stood there and took it.

"Okay there," He said when he realized Hannah had no intention to let go. "We wouldn't want Owen to think I'm manhandling his girlfriend. Do we?"

"He knows you'd never do that. You're too loyal for your own good"

"Either way, I'd like to avoid picking up a fight on my first game. Leave that for next practice."

She laughed, gave him a last squeeze and let go.

I watched their exchange from my place on the bleachers a bit awkwardly and a bit uncomfortable, not knowing whether to but in on their conversation or if that would be considered rude. So instead I resorted to the first thing every breathing human being turns to when they find themselves in need to escape awkwardness: my cell phone.

I took it out of the pocket of my jeans and checked for any new notifications which were not that many considering I had just eight numbers on my contact list: My mother, my father, my stepmother --just in case I had an emergency and couldn't reach out to dad--, a friend from school back in Ohio, the school's number, Carlo's --the pizza place a few blocks from my house-- and recently I'd added Hannah and Layla.

I messed with my phone for a while as I listened in.

"I saw the pictures on instagram! Oh my god! They were so cool." Hannah exclaimed. I lifted my head from my phone to see she had taken a step back and was now balancing on the soles of her feet and clasping her hands together like an eager 6-year-old.

Taylor gave her an amused smile. "Yeah, best family trip by far. We went hiking to the Rockies. You should have seen my brother when we started climbing and he looked down," He chuckled. "He seemed about to pee his pants right there. Wish I could have taken a shoot."


"Who else?"

Hannah laughed. "Such a wuss."

I turned back to my phone and was in the middle of writing a message to my mother letting her know I was getting home late when I felt someone move in front of me.

My head snapped up and I was met with friendly light brown eyes.

"You're the new girl I guess." He said, a smile curving his lips.

I couldn't help my mouth from tugging upwards. "Yep, that's me."

I watched as Hannah made her way back to my side and made the introductions, "Kalley, Taylor. Taylor, Kalley." She gestured as she spoke.

Something flashed in his eyes. Recognition. He'd heard my name already. I guess gossip in this school runs fast.

His eyes roamed my face, "Of course she is. The resemblance is obvious."


Did he see a picture of me or something?

I was about to ask, but the warning glance Hannah threw his way halted me.

What was that about?

I was pretty sure my face reflected my confusion.

Hannah ignored the weird comment and instead kept ranting.

"Kalley sits with us at lunch. You're welcome to join us whenever you wish to reclaim your seat. Unless you think you are too good for us normal folks then you are more than welcome to stay at the jocks table."

He rolled his eyes. "You know I just sit there for compromise is not like I enjoy their banter. It's way more entertaining to hear you rant, argue with Layla or rile Ryan up."

I think I liked this guy.

"Of course it is." She muttered.

He smiled broadly.

"You know me."


Taylor laughed.

"I'm throwing a party next friday, you should both come." He said, his gaze meeting mine.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

"Count us in!" Hannah cried. "I missed your parties almost as much as I missed you."

"Way to make a guy feel valued."

I smiled at him. "I guess we will be there."

"Great." He flashed me that perfect smile I catched when he was on the field. Now, having it directed at me felt like gazing at the sun.

I blinked.

Then watched astounded as a heavy arm settled over Taylor's shoulders.

"Taking time off Brooks?" Ryan's voice came at us. "The game is still running. Are you done flirting?"

Taylor smirked at him, "Not really."

Ryan's gaze connected with mine for a second before he looked back at Taylor and stated, "You're done."

"Don't be so rude. I was just inviting the girls to the party on Friday." He teased.

I had a feeling he truly enjoyed riling Ryan up because from one minute to the next he was stiff as a board. "Taylor." He almost growled.

I couldn't figure out what might have triggered him.

"Fine, fine. I'll see you later ladies." He said before turning his back on us and running into the field where the players had returned to their positions.

"Are you going to the party?"

I tore my eyes away from Taylor's back.

Ryan was staring at me. Seriously, seriously, seriously.


"You haven't got a car. Who's going to take you?"

His intense eyes bore into mine and I felt my legs turn to Jell-O just like when he cornered me on the locker hours ago. Fortunately this time I wasn't standing.

"I'll pick her up." Hannah chimed in.

Ryan looked at her and it seemed like a silent conversation went between them.

I didn't like that they thought they could discuss this as if I wasn't standing right there. It wasn't a great deal. I'd gone to parties before, not many, but anyways, I knew how to take care of myself just fine. I was about to say this when Ryan finally nodded and faced me.

"Hannah is going to pick you up. You stay with her at all times, you ok with that?"

"Do I have the option not to be?"


How strange.

"Then why are you even asking?" I said irritated.

"It's all right Ryan. She'll be with us." Hannah said, interrupting our stare down.

Ryan ignored her.


I huffed. "Yes dad, I'll stay with Hannah. It's not like I know anyone else to hang out with in there."

He wasn't amused by my comment.

His green eyes focused on me for a second longer before he nodded.


Then I watched his back as he turned and jogged back to the field.


Q: What do you think was up with Ryan?

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