6. Player

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By the time lunch break came around I was already starving. I hurried out of class dodging students down the hall until I noticed Hannah waiting for me at the entrance to the cafeteria. She immediately gave me a bright smile as I aproached and stepped beside me.

"So, how was your fourth period?" She begun.

By now I'd seen enough of Hannah to realize that asking for a quiet time was out of the picture. The girl never stopped talking. Don't get me wrong, I liked that about her. I really wished I could be at least half as social as she was.

We took our trays as she kept talking about her classes and random stuff while twirling her hands in the air like a pair of Bell snakes on a dancing competition. I couldn't figure out how she managed to keep the balance of her tray with only one arm.

She showed me the way to their table, accidentally smacking some guy on the forehead with the back of her restless hand.

The poor guy swore as he grabbed his head and immediately declined every offer of help on her part saying it was fine and walking in the opposite direction far away from us, a splotchy mark already spreading across his face.

Hannah bit her lip, looking remorseful as we approached our table where a bulky guy and a girl with more colours in her hair than the rainbow itself where already gathered eating their juicy tasty hamburgers. The sight made my stomach growl.

By the things Hannah told me before, I assumed they were James and Layla.

The guy's gaze swept over me, but continued on as it settled on the girl by my side who was red as a tomato and dying of embarasement.

He offered her a mischievous smile, "Hey babe, you don't need to smack Sawyer on the head in the middle of the caffeteria to get my attention, you know. You already have it."

Did you knew there is a brighter colour than tomato red? Because Hannah was spotting it on her cheeks right now.

She set the tray on the table beside him and covered her head with her hands, "Oh my god! This is so embarasing..."

"It's fine. I always wanted to do that anyway. He is annoying." Said Layla conforting her.

"I offered him help. I offered him help and he refused! Can you believe it!?" She asked lifting her hands in the air frustrated.

James eyes widened in alarm as her arm shoot two inches from his face.

I stood there watching the scene unfolding before my eyes.

"I wanted to help. I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't. But I was talking and he was just there and...Aagh!" She said, shoving her hands through her hair.

"It's fine babe," said James while rubbing her back soothingly, "We already know you don't do it on purpose. It was an accident, just like the time when you kicked Ryan on the nuts or when you bumped on Taylor and threw him in the pool or when you closed my car's door and didn't notice Char was getting out and almost ended up breaking her nose or when..."

My eyes had begun to open like saucers when he got interrupted.

I think maybe I'll be better off.

"Yeah, yeah...We all know you have a little ninja there." Layla said.

"And that's one of the things I most like about her." He said as he gave her an adorable look and kissed her cheek. She responded by burrying her face in his neck embarased.

"So...who are you?"

I snapped out of my stupor when I realized the question was being directed at me.

Layla was watching me curiously as she stuffed some chips in her mouth.

I blinked and fidgeted akwardly as I balanced the tray on my hands.


Hannah jumped from her seat all of a sudden forgetting her comfy possition with the good looking boy at her side.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I totally forgot with this Sawyer thing and all." She said, "Layla this is my new friend Kalley. Kalley, this is Layla and this annoying hottie to my left is my boyfriend James." She said introducing me.

James nodded towards me and offered a smile, "It's nice meeting you." He said.

I smiled back, "You too."

"So, you mean she already stole my title as your best friend?" asked Layla with a scowl. "And then you say you don't miss her. You just proved otherwise."

Uh, oh...I got the feeling Layla wasn't someone I'd like to mess with. Definitely. The glare she threw my way could fry eggs on the spot. She looked mad. Very mad.

And what was that about Hannah missing somone? What did that have to do with me?

Was it too much to ask not to get on anyone's bad side on my first day?

I fidgeted with my feet as I bit my lip, not sure how to handle the situation. The last thing I wanted was to make a scene in the middle of the caffeteria.

"Oh, shut it! Don't start it!" Hannah said stealing one of her fries with a playful smile.

My eyes widened. What? I could really use some help here. I didn't need her to poke Layla more.

I heard a soft laugh that then turned into a loud one. My brows lifted when I saw Layla trying to hold back her composure.

James chuckled and shook his head, "Don't mind her, she's joking." He said directing an amused glance at Layla.

She finally managed to control her wild laugh and sent me a goofy smile, "I wasn't joking. It was a test and you passed it with flying colors. Congratulations!"

I looked at her not quite knowing what to say. James and Hannah weren't looking at her like she lost some players so I guess the weird behaviour was part of her daily charm. "Thanks." I managed.

Her chin tilted down into what I'd soon grow to learn was a sign of acceptance from her. "You should've seen your face! So worthy." She said before cracking up once again.

I stood there trying to make sense of the strange conversation I've just had when James snapped his fingers in front of me, "Hey! You can sit already you know, she doesen't bite. I promise." He said with a wink.

I smiled gratefully at him and took my seat in front of them.

"Can you tell me the reason why you are cracking like a rabid hienna?" Asked a familiar voice behind me.

I turned arround to see Ryan walking to our table, a tray of food in his hands and his usual smirk in place. His hair looked a bit disheveled like he'd run his hands over it several times. I quickly took my gaze away from him and begun eating my food just to avoid him. I didn't like how he could so easily distract me.

Unfortunately he dropped himself right next to me, "So? What's so funny?" He asked again when nobody answered the first time.

Silence fell around the table.

I looked up from my tray to find all their eyes trained on him. Well, that was weird...

Slowly, a mischievous smile begun to spread on Layla's stricking features, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you have red lipstick on the corner of your mouth?" She said.

He swore and wipped his mouth with a napking, dropping it on his tray. The red stain a stark contrast to the white paper.

And my stomach sunk.

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