A half hour later, we all stood on the parking lot, cowering against the cold winter air and making the last minute carpool arrangements. Hannah and James were riding together so either Layla or me would have to ride with Ryan. Just the thought of being in his near vicinity again made my belly whoosh.
I risked a glance at him. He was leaning back against his Mazda, watching Taylor and Hannah discuss, hands on the pockets of his green hoodie. A few locks of blonde hair had fallen over his forehead and were now moving with the breeze. He seemed bored with the whole thing and honestly so was I. It was late and I wanted to go home before mum started worrying.
Finally it seemed he'd had enough.
"You take Taylor." He said, interrupting them mid discussion. "You can drop him on the way, he lives closer to you. I'll take Layla and Kalley, we live in the same neighborhood. No need for you to drive around when I can easily drop them off on my way home."
His voice left no room for argument. Not that Hannah or Taylor looked eager to discuss with him after he made that point. Even I had to admit his reasoning made sense.
Anyway, I'd have agreed to anything if it meant leaving the cold of the parking lot in favor of a warm cozy car. The air was biting my cheeks and my nose was on its way to frozenlandia. I wrapped my arms around myself as a defence against the cold.
"Fine." Said Hannah with a wave of her hand.
Before I knew she'd rounded her car and climbed on the driver's side, unlocking the doors for the boys who rushed to get in.
Form my peripheral vision I watched Layla move towards Ryan's Mazda and climb in the back.
"Twiggie, you are with me." Ryan's voice came at my side.
I turned to see he had straightened and was now rounding the hood of his car.
I blinked.
"Right." Tucking a strand of my hair that had escaped behind my ear, I hurried after him.
As I watched Ryan climb in the driver seat, I considered climbing in the back with Layla leaving Ryan alone in the front. Before I could decide though the door of the front passenger seat opened and Ryan leaned in.
"You'll have to climb on the front. I have my gym bag back there."
Damn. There went my last hope at escaping.
Swiftly, I climbed in, as if I hadn't considered running for the hills just seconds ago.
I reached behind me to put on the seat belt and shuddered. The temperature change had caught us all of guard. We were nearing winter though so I guess we should have expected it.
Ryan casted a glance my way as he started the car, "You cold?"
His hand moved to the heater, turning it on. The action made my heart warm.
Layla answered before I could open my mouth.
"Yeah, I'm freezing my ass off. Thank you."
A chuckle escaped my lips.
Ryan's tipped up.
I forced my eyes forward, staring out of the windshield before I started hyperventilating. The reactions my body had when it came to him always left me feeling off balance. And now wasn't the time for distractions. I needed to have a clear head in order to speak with Ryan, I needed to focus on the problem, I needed to go over what I knew once more inside my head. So that when the moment came, my head was on the real world and not fantasizing about how good Ryan looked when he smiled.
We drove in silence until we dropped Layla at her house. When Ryan didn't make a move to speak I sighed, grateful I still had a few minutes to organize my thoughts.
Meanwhile, I stared out the window at the houses passing by, the side of my forehead pressing against the cool glass.
Somewhere between Layla's house and mine sleep caught up to me because the next thing I knew we were on my driveway and Ryan was shaking my shoulder.
"Kalley." He called, voice soft. "Kalley, wake up. We're here."
I cracked my eyes open and stared at him for a while, disoriented. My gaze met his warm eyes and I straightened in my seat, looking around.
"Sorry." I apologised. "Didn't mean to fall asleep."
The corner of his mouth lifted an inch, "And you drank two cups of coke. If that doesn't keep you awake I don't know what would."
I shook my head attempting to clear my thoughts.
"Sorry." I repeated. Not really knowing what I was apologizing for.
I rubbed a hand over my face and considered my next move. Ryan was still looking at me in silence. Was I supposed to bring the topic for discussion? Or was he?
I refused to do it. As far as I was concerned he was the one who had to give an explanation.
I liked my lips as I fidgeted with the seat belt. "Well, thanks for the ride." My hand lingered on the handle for a beat, giving him the opportunity to talk. I was seconds away from walking when he spoke.
"About the other day..."
a/n: Slightly shorter chapter today I may add some changes later on but for now it will do.
Chapter 22 will be posted on Monday 19. Stay tuned!
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