[I don't own the pic, it belongs to it's respectful owner]
[Start Chapter]
DreamTale was a mess, the loud voices mixing together making it hard to understand what anyone was saying, but Dream could guess what it was.
"Everyone calm down please!" Dream tried to get the attention of the Sanses and Papyruses that were all talking at the same time. Everyone had become noisy after the portal had closed just before they could hear what the destroyer was about to say. Although no one knew if he was going to answer the creator's question or just avoid it again.
"The portal must've closed because Ink's magic has already began to be affected by the Deathtrap AU." Dream said calmly, but he was worried about Ink who was now stuck inside the Deathtrap AU too. 'Should I get him out now?'
The loud voices now became whispers.
"Can't you open another portal?" Someone asked.
"I can but not one as big as Ink's. So only a few will be able to see-" Dream stopped talking and felt a shiver down his spine. He felt a big amount of despair and anger coming from somewhere in the Multiverse. 'Did Error managed to escape and went back to destroying?' His eyes widened in worry.
"Ink!" Dream opened a portal, worried that his friend might be hurt or worse. 'I hope he is okay-'
The moment the portal opened Dream fell on his knees and forward on his hands and began vomiting magic. Only stopping when the portal closed.
He stood kneeled on the ground trembling uncontrollably. 'W-what was that monstrous amount of negativity just now? It felt like the whole Multiverse was screaming in pain and anger.'
Dream raised his head and looked up to see the worried faces of the judges 'It didn't come them, then...' He looked at the spot where he had opened the portal, his eyes widened in horror.
"Ink is in danger! We need to get him out now!"
[Deathtrap AU] ---
Error kept walking toward the creator dispite the pain Fate was inflicting on his SOUL. He then noticed Ink starting to run toward a portal so he tried to use his strings to catch him, but his magic didn't respond. He could feel his own magic acting against him. Fate had control over his magic once again.
Error growled giving up on his magic and began chasing after Ink at full speed. He will kill Ink if it's the last thing he does, even if he has to tear him to pieces with his bare hands. He still had his speed and physical strength, he didn't need magic, Fate can keep it if they want it so badly, it didn't matter to him.
But as Error ran toward the Creator he was suddenly yanked back by the neck. Blue strings were wrapped around his neck as Fate used his own magic against him. He reached to his neck and grabbed the strings, trying pulling then off, but more strings wrapped around his wrists and torso.
Still Error began charging forward again, not caring that his bones were being cut as he kept struggling against the strong thin strings wrapped around him that were trying to pull him back. Until he finally couldn't move anymore, strings were now wrapped all around his body and holding him in place - since magic comes from a monster's SOUL, the monster's magic can't harm or attack its own caster's SOUL, that's why the best Fate could do was bound Error's body or use their own influence to inflict pain on his SOUL. - Error couldn't move as he saw Dream grab Ink's hand to pull him inside the portal. Error's anger grew even more and so did the burning magic in his SOUL.
"StOp! inTerfEriNg!!" Error yelled as he fought Fate over the control of his own magic. Another wave of magic erupted from the destroyer's SOUL.
This time it reached all the judges before the portal closed. Some fell to the ground trembling, even the stronger ones were terrified. Even the god of death who had been silently watching flinched, never once had he felt such a scary amount of magic from the destroyer, not even when he cut through his bones over an over with his Scythe.
Error's SOUL was a complete mess of magic clashing, as he tried to regain control over his magic. Suddenly he felt Fate letting go. His magic returning to him and the strings wrapped around him became loose and fell to the ground.
'Go my child, show them hell.'
Error heard a gentle voice whisper to him. He looked at his hands, his strings moved from his fingers at his command, he smirked with an insane look in his eyes.
'That's the plan.' He mentality responded to the gentle voice, not caring to question who or how. He then looked at the spot where the portal Ink ran through closed.
'I'm coming for you Ink. Let's play one last game.'
Error lifted a hand and opened a portal.
"ThIs tIMe, it'S yoUR tuRn tO hIDe."
[DreamTale] ---
Ink fell to to ground, his body was still trembling and his legs felt numb.
'What just happened? Why did he suddenly get mad- No... the real question is since when does Error have such monstrous magic?... Did he always had it? If so then why didn't he ever use it before? During all our fights... he could've easily killed me... why- Right... he is not evil, he's only delusional, he wouldn't kill the creator of the worlds he belives to be saving-' His thoughts were interrupted by a disgusting sound followed by a nasty smell. Ink raised his head to see Dream next to him vomiting.
"...Dream?" Ink looked at him with a worried expression.
"I-I'm fine now." Dream said when the vomiting finally stopped. "Just Error's negativity was too much for me. But now that the portal is closed the feeling is weaker." Dream wiped his mouth on his glove before he got up and offered a hand to help Ink up. "At least now he is stuck in there. We should be safe."
Ink looked the direction he just came from as if he could still see Error's insane eyes glaring at him, he shook his head before looking back at Dream.
"...Yeah, this is all for the best." He said before he accepted Dream's help and got up. 'Even if Error is not evil, he is way too dangerous to be kept alive, not to mention insane which makes him all the more dangerous. At least he will be able to live in that AU he likes if he doesn't decide to destroy it... Please just stay there and don't come out.' He mentality begged.
Ink looked around, he could see the Papyruses and Sanses sighing or crying in relief. No wonder, Error really scared them with that last wave of magic. There are some who never even saw the Destroyer before, those were the most traumatized by this event.
Ink took a deep breath, his hands were still shaking. 'You looked so damn scary, Error.'
'Ah...' That vicious and cold glare was sure to haunt him for some time. Ink rubbed his face before walking towards Dream who was now opening portals to send everyone back home. It would take a while to send them home since there were so many Monsters, so it was a good chance to rest and take a breath.
But not long after, Ink heard a glitched noise and froze in place.
Ink slowly turned around. 'No...'
Error stepped out of a glitched portal and began looking around, until he spotted Ink. The destroyer gave a smirk.
"FOuNd yOu."
Ink felt a shiver down his spine, his hands began shaking stronger but he didn't give his body time to fail him again and immediately teleported away from Error and in front of the judges.
"Everyone! Get ready to fight!" Ink ordered as he pulled out his paintbrush. Error took him by surprise last time but now he was ready -even is his body was still trembling a little- and he was not alone, he had thousands of Sanses and Papyruses by his side. Ink tightened his grip on his paintbrush. He just hoped that all of them were enough to deafet the Destroyer.
'No, this many are definitely enough. I'm just overestimating him too much because I got scared.' Ink reassured himself. He had been fighting Error for years, even if the Destroyer wasn't fighting seriously, and he knows Error's attacks, also he has thousands of Monsters fighting alongside him. No matter how powerful Error may be, he can't possibly win against so many.
'I'm sorry Error, but it seems like I really can't let you live. Why did you have to come out? You could have lived just fine in that AU, among other beasts.' Ink raised an arm up, signaling for everyone to get ready to attack.
Judges flinched at the signal, not sure on what to do. They weren't supposed to fight in the first place, sure some came to finish off the destroyer in case he maneged to escape the Deathtrap AU but most of the Papyruses or Sanses came here only to watch the Destroyer die. Of course not every judge was here, there were those who didn't want to be a part of it, reason being either because they were afraid, or they didn't approve of such a cruel plan.
The Creator noticed that they weren't responding.
"He is only one person while we are thousands! And he was also weaken by the Deathtrap AU! We can win!" Ink spoke to everyone, he needed to lessen their fear even if just a little, in this situation fear can get you killed. He remembered how he was unable to even move from fear and was almost killed by Error. That will not happen again.
The confidence and reason in the creator's words filled the judges also with confidence and gave then courage as they summoned their gaster-blasters and bone attacks. And the moment Ink brought his arm down, everyone began shooting bones and blasts of magic towards the Destroyer.
Error teleport high above the attacks, forming a web of strings below him, for him to stand on. The entire sky of DreamTale was covered by a blue strings.
The army of Monsters looked up in shock. The Destroyer looked like he was walking in midair, as the sky blue strings blended in with the blue sky making them seem almost invisible. They couldn't tell where the strings ended or how far they extended across the sky.
They began shooting attacks towards the sky. But Error easily dodged the attacks that had become slower and weaker from being shoot from a long distance and against gravity.
"Stop running like a coward destroyer! Come down and face us!" A Sans mocked, he had become more confident after seeing the Destroyer run to a high distance to avoid their attacks.
Ink frowned, he knew Error could have killed a bunch of judges from the beginning but for some reason he decided to use such a defensive tactic. 'Just what is he planning?'
"cREatoR." Error called ignoring the Sans.
Ink flinched before he looked up, he could see Error crouched down on the string-web and looking down at him
"ARe yoU nOt coMing?"
Ink looked at him socked. 'Is Error calling me to go up there? What for, to fight? Fight Error on top of his strings? Does he take me for an idiot?' Only a complete fool would fight in a place where the enemy has complete control. Ink may be oblivious to a lot of things but he understood a lot about fighting and battle strategies. He has been fighting ever since the first appearance of the Destroyer so it's only natural that he has a lot of experience. 'He can't actually be expecting me to go there! That's just absurd!'
Error looked down at the Creator waiting for him to come up, since he couldn't use his strings to drag him up himself because Ink didn't have a SOUL so he could just teleport from the strings. Error didn't care about the blind judges, they would eventually die when the Multiverse collapses, his target was Ink. But if he just charged at the creator the others would protect him and it could take hours to kill them all. Error doesn't know when Fate will be back so he couldn't waste too much time.
Error may have gone insane but that didn't mean he would act like a mindless beast. He was never completely sane in the first place, -ever since he existed as the destroyer at least, he didn't know what kind of Monster he was or if he even was something before that- but he never saw it as weakness, at least not in a fight, it only meant that his actions defy reason and are unpredictable, using absurd methods that sane people would never think of. That can come as an advantage actually. - Nightmare would always complain how annoying that was, every time he challenged Error to a fight, -if Error lost he would have to join the gang and help him in his quest to conquer the Multiverse. Of course Error never lost, even when Nightmare used the most unfair or cowardly tactics. Still even after every lost the guardian of negativity didn't stop challenging him everytime they crossed paths- you would think that after being surrounded by insane people Nightmare would already be used to it, but somehow Error's absurd mindset always seemed to surprised him. - Error looked coldly at the creator, his desire to kill him burning in his SOUL. 'Will you fight me or will you hide behind your creations like a coward.'
Ink was staring up at the Destroyer with a frown after realizing something '...He is actually expecting me to go up there.'
"Why don't you come down instead?"
Ink said knowing that Error didn't have a choice but to come down if he wanted to fight him. But he flinched when Error jumped down without hesitation.
When the judges saw that, they began throwing attacks at the Destroyer as he fell from the high distance but he dodged them and teleported to the ground.
As soon as he touched the ground, thousands of Monsters shoot gaster-blasters in Error's direction, the attacks worked together creating a big wall of magic blasts that shoot towards the Destroyer not giving him any place to run to.
Error created a big wall of red bones between him and the thousands of Monsters to block the attack. The wall of bones was high and extended wide to the sides, and when he saw some of the bones crack a little from the attacks, he made another two walls of bones behind it in case they managed to break through the first or second wall.
The judges kept shooting gaster-blasters as they tried to break the wall. No one dared to stop shooting to see if the wall had fallen and if Destroyer was already dead, they just kept shooting for a long time before Ink thought it was enough.
Error listened to the long blasts with a bored expression as he moved a finger and a thin blue string descended from the sky. 'It should be about now.'
Finally the blasts stopped and Error pulled the string.
The judges finally stopped the attack at Ink's command, a cloud of dust caused by the blasts flew in front of them, making it impossible to see the other side. They were anxious as they looked at the cloud of dust that was slowly being blown away by the wind, waiting to see if the Destroyer had survived.
While they focused on that, no one noticed the string-web falling from the sky like a hunting net. Error's string-web fell on the judges and the strings wrapped around the Monsters' SOULs when it touched them, making them unable to move.
Some judges maneged to teleport from beneath the string-web before it fell on them, and were floating in the air on top of their gaster-blasters. Almost half of the army was caught and wrapped in strings.
Ink also got away in time, standing on a gaster-blaster made of black paint. He looked down at the trapped judges with widened eyes, he was astonished. 'This is not right... Error doesn't fight like this." Ink has never seen Error use this strategy before or any kind of fighting strategy at all, he would always use simple but powerful attacks. Then again Error never fought him seriously.
Ink looked towards the wall of red bones, he could see two walls of bones were destroyed but a last wall still standing.
"W-what the... he made three of those walls?" Ink stuttered in shock before he heard a glitched noise from behind him.
"INK!!" And then Dream's voice.
Ink's eyes widened-
Ink fell from the sky leaving behind a trail of dust and blood.
"INK!!" Dream cried out with tears in his eyes before he rushed to catch his falling friend in his arms. He was riding on AlterFell Sans's gaster-blaster -they had brought some non-judges as healers just in case.
Dream cried as he looked at the Creator, Ink was screaming in pain while holding his right shoulder as blood poured out - he had managed to dodge Error's attack barely but his right arm was cut off in the process. At least it wasn't his head, but he didn't have the time to feel glad about it as he cried from the pain.
AlterFell Sans used healing magic to stop the bleeding but he couldn't heal what wasn't there, Ink's right arm was forever lost.
'He dodged.' Error growled annoyed, he was on top of a black glitched gaster-blaster watching the crying creator with a cold gaze - he had swung the sharp red bone while aiming at the neck but Ink moved just enough to avoid it.
The cries of their Creator filled the Monsters' souls with so much anger. They began throwing attacks at the Destroyer, they fear was nothing compared to the anger they were feeling right now.
Error dodged the attacks that were now fewer than last time, not caring about the dramatic scene happening in front of him. And dusting the Monsters who dared approach him.
Amidst the mess of attacks, Error saw someone trying to free the Monsters trapped by his string-web. 'That won't do.' It would be extremely troublesome if the Monsters got out and their numbers increased again. Error pulled another blue string and in an instant all the trapped SOULs were crushed by the strings wrapped around them. 'They were all going to die sooner or later anyway. It doesn't matter.'
Error looked towards the Creator, he needed to hurry up and kill him before Fate comes back, but Dream had already moved Ink farther away, behind the army of Monsters. Suddenly a scythe stabbed Error from behind, going through his ribcage while cutting his SOUL in half. He stared at the blade coming out of his chest before he turned his head around to see Reaper glaring at him.
"Why won't you just die!"
Error chucked, more blood falling from the corners of his mouth.
"I wiSh I coULd. BUt thANks fOr tRyiNg." He said with a bitter smile, before he wrapped Reaper in strings and trapped his SOUL so he couldn't move.
The god of death flinched, letting go of his scythe as strings tied him up. Error turned his body around ignoring the curved blade standing out from his ribcage, and walked closer to him.
"Do yOu waNt tO hEar soMethiNg funNy? Error said as he grabbed the scythe with a hand before he pulled it out, slightly wincing at the pain. He looked at the curved blade that showed him the reflection of his insane eye lights. "A lOt Of pEopLE Hate dEAth. bUt WHen tHe MulTIveRse fiNally colLAPses evERyoNe wHo doEsn't dIE in thE ProcESs wilL fALl inTo tHe VOID, an eNd worSE thAn dEath." Error said moving his gaze toward the god of death who was looking at him with confusion and fear.
"At that moMent alL oF tHem wiLl dEsire dEAth bUt Will nEver hAVe iT." Just like he has been all this years, unable to die dispite how much he longed for it. 'Wouldn't that be interesting to watch.' Error tilted his head down to look at Reaper, getting closer until their foreheads almost touched and looking him in the eyes.
Reaper jerked his
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