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Chapter 421 Reasons for not Going Back

   Li Chen first turned to the top of the wall, and when Su Heng outside saw him, his heart that had been hanging all the time was relieved a little.

"Have you found it?"

Li Chen replied, "I found it, but if he doesn't want to go, I can only force him to go!" After speaking, he pulled Han Jincheng to the wall and threw it directly.

Su Heng, who was below, quickly caught Han Jincheng, feeling the displeasure on Li Chen's face. He didn't know what they encountered inside before that could make his face stinky.

After the three of them left, they quickly returned to the entrance of the forest, and then quickly walked into the forest with the guide who came with them. There is one less person who will definitely check.

The matter was as Lichen and the others expected. Han Jincheng was lost over there, and he immediately reported to the foreman, who immediately reported to his superiors, and Meng Qingyang received the news in the afternoon.

Over there, Han Jincheng woke up when he was halfway there, and found that he had been taken out by Li Chen. He was worried, but he couldn't go back after he came out. He planned to go back to see his parents first, and then come back to deal with him. The matter, his parents haven't seen him for five years, he is really unfilial, so since he came out, he should go back to see his parents first.

When Su Heng saw that he woke up, he said hello to him.

"I'm Su Heng."

"You're Su Heng...that's my cousin." Scratching his head, he remembered the conversations he had with Lichen before he passed out, but he was just talking about the moment before he passed out. Lichen knocked him out, and now he doesn't dare to criticize Lichen when he walks on the road with everyone, not to mention it would be good if Lichen rescued him.

At eight o'clock in the evening, several people finally returned to the hotel.

Xiao Xiao and the others were very happy when they saw Han Jincheng again. It took so long for this person to be found. In addition, although Chen Ming was bitten by a snake, it was only slightly injured. Other than being very tired, everyone else was fine. 

Especially when Xiao Xiao saw that Li Chen was fine, she was even more happy.

Although Li Chen was very tired and drank a large glass of water, he said: "We will go back tomorrow morning, we will stay here for fear of long nights and dreams. Jin Cheng offends Meng Qingyang. If that person sends someone over and arrests Jin Cheng, it will be bad, so We'd better get out of here quickly. In addition, he has this in his hand, we have to find a way to help him untie it, otherwise it will be too inconvenient to move."

After speaking, he showed Han Jincheng's hand to everyone, "I tried You can't cut it with scissors or a knife." I guess it's made of steel, and I can't open it no matter what I try.

Xiaoxiao stepped forward to take a look, then walked out silently, Li Chen thought she was going to the toilet, but when Xiaoxiao folded back, she had a very sharp knife in her hand.

"Try it with this one, maybe it will cut open." This extremely sharp one was discovered and purchased with a lot of money during an event before. She used to wear it on her body for self-defense or to cut through some very hard objects.

Li Chen was a little surprised that Xiao Xiao had such a sharp knife, and then thought that it might have been given to her by her grandfather. So in front of everyone, he didn't ask, but took it and tried to cut the chain that Han Jincheng held.

Sure enough, the knife that Xiaoxiao held was very sharp, and it was cut in a short time. Han Jincheng was very happy. He had thought of many ways, but he couldn't, but the knife they were holding was so sharp.

Li Chen returned the knife to Xiao Xiao, such a good thing cannot be lost.

"Cousin, have you been here all these years? Why don't you go home, you don't know a lot of things happened at home."

 "What happened to my parents at home?" , In the woods before, everyone was busy on their way, and they didn't talk much. Now I really want to know what happened to his family when he didn't go back all these years.

"My aunt is getting old, thinking of you is sick, and my eyes are not good, and my uncle fell off a cliff in order to take a shortcut when he was going to a market... Three years ago, he went there, and now My aunt is the only one left in the family. Since she found out that you are still alive, she has the idea of ​​continuing to live. If I can't find you again, I don't know how she will feel sad. And what have you been doing all these years? Why don't you come home for five years, you know that there is no one at home, uncle and aunt only have one son, if you would have gone earlier, uncle may not have an accident!"

A person who did not want to go back for five years, even sealed He didn't want to send the letter back, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he had no grudge against his parents, but he was cruel and unwilling to contact them for five years, making the two old people miss him day and night.

Han Jincheng twitched his lips, and his eyes quickly turned red. Unexpectedly, his father was no longer alive, and his heart was filled with self-blame and guilt. He was really unfilial, and it was no wonder that even his cousin blamed him.

Li Chen next to him said: "I can't completely blame Jincheng. He lost his memory before and only remembered who he was half a year ago. At this time, he wanted to go back, with handcuffs on his hands and no one helping him. It's not easy to go back. Fortunately, we can find him now. Let's pack up at night and leave here at six tomorrow morning. It's not that the foggy sea can't see clearly at night. It's safer for us to go immediately."

"Amnesia? What causes amnesia?" Su Heng was dumbfounded. He didn't go home because of this. Then he wrongly blamed him just now, "And what mistake did you make to get caught in the mine?" He was really confused when he didn't ask a lot of questions.

Han Jincheng knew that it was not only him who had doubts, but also the others present.

"I might have been rescued too late when I fell into the sea. When I woke up from a lack of oxygen in my brain, I forgot who I was. After that, I went to work under a new name. I came here for the first two years. , because I don't know who I am, I have no family and no friends, I can only do errands here or go to the dock to carry bags and do day labor.

Three years ago, I heard that the Meng family was going to recruit workers. The Meng family was full of old employees and seldom recruited new workers. The treatment there was very good. With the help of a friend, I entered Meng's house, but something happened later. I offended Meng Qingyang, so I was sent to the mine. Meng Qingyang was afraid that I would escape and specially let the foreman send people to supervise me every day, and he was afraid that I would escape home. The boats on the pier couldn't let me take their boats, so I couldn't escape several times. Fortunately, I can leave there only if you come to me. After he finished speaking , he was helpless and sad, but all these years passed by in a flash, and he couldn't go home and didn't even see his father for the last time.

Li Chen frowned and asked what he had always wanted to ask, "Meng Qingyang is a very rich man." Man, I don't think he cares so much about a subordinate. Is it because you offend him so hard that he treats you like this! "

An ordinary servant, he couldn't figure out why Meng Qingyang treated him like this.

Chapter 422 Hurry up and Leave

 Han Jincheng listened to Li Chen's question, but he didn't know what to answer and was ashamed to say what he did in the past, even if it was what he did when he lost his memory, but he was ashamed to mention it, not to mention Now that he is going back, he will no longer be implicated in the past.

Seeing that he fell silent, Xiaoxiao asked him, "Are you called Aceh here before?" Han Jincheng was surprised when she asked her about the name, but he never told them about it, including Su Heng. , why would she know, it's very strange.

Sister Qing pointed at Han Jincheng, and then thought of what Xiaoxiao asked him just now, "Aren't you really the Aceh that Miss Meng said, aren't you..." If it is true, then you can understand why Meng Qingyang treats him like this. Who wants their daughter to marry a poor boy who is not in the same place, let alone let Miss Meng get pregnant out of wedlock, so Meng Qingyang was so angry that he sent him to the mine and let him be supervised. Don't let him run away.

Han Jincheng didn't refute but lowered his head further.

Li Chen listened to Xiaoxiao and Sister Qing's questioning, and was a little surprised that they knew Han Jincheng's other name. When they found this man, they didn't even know his other name, but how did these two women know about it? . The key is now what will be related to Miss Meng's family. Could it be that there is something else going on here? Thinking about what happened to Han Jincheng, you may have guessed something.

Su Heng is also, his thoughts are similar to what Li Chen thinks, but now is not the time to care about those things, "Cousin, no matter what happened in the past, we will leave here tomorrow, you can forget about the past, Anyway, you won't meet people here again in the future. No matter what you have done to offend anyone, let's go back now. Iwamura is different now. The villagers don't crowd out your family now, and your aunt moves down the mountain to live there. Next door to us, after you go back, you don't have to be like before. You can go to work like me and live with your aunt. He is getting old and needs your care. I will ask everyone to help when you are free in the second half of the year. I will give you a marriage, and you can live in Iwamura with peace of mind in the future.

In addition, if the outside is more peaceful in two years, we will find a way to go back to the city. There are not many people in the Han family who are persecuted now. You have to go back and rebuild the Han family, otherwise no one will help him realize his grandfather's last wish. . "The
Han family has been treated much more seriously than his own. Few people are still alive now. If my cousin doesn't go back to help the Han family, the Han family will be over in the future.

After listening to him, Han Jincheng didn't say anything but nodded. Meng Weiwei can't be together anymore, their identities are too different, and now that he wants to go back to China, he doesn't want to have too much involvement between the two.

"Well, I'll go back with you early tomorrow morning! He said it very solemnly.

Xiaoxiao listened to him and didn't ask any more questions. After all, it's pointless to ask about the past now, it's more important to go back safely.

Because everyone was very tired looking for Han Jincheng, so after the discussion, everyone went to sleep, and tomorrow I wanted to leave here early in the morning.

But in the middle of the night, there was a loud noise outside the hotel. Li Chen immediately woke up alertly and jumped to the window. When he opened the window, he found that the whole hotel was surrounded by people. Being guarded and not letting people go out.

"Oops! problem occurs! Li Chen realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately turned back to the bed to wake up Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, get up quickly!" She called a few times, and then quickly put their things at the head of the bed into the package.

Xiaoxiao rubbed her sleepy eyes, she felt that she had only fallen asleep for a long time, and she didn't know why Lichen woke her up.

"What? already? Li Chen said as he cleaned up: "

There are a lot of people around outside, I think it's Jincheng coming here, let's get out of here quickly, and if we can't get away, Chen Ming and I will look for opportunities, you and Qing Sister-in-law and Uncle Huo took Jin Cheng out of here quickly! "

When it's dangerous, you have to take care of her first, and let her go first. Xiaoxiao knows that there is no delay, so she quickly sits up and gets dressed. Someone knocking on the door is Old Huotou.

"Lichen, Xiaoxiao, get up quickly!"

Chen Ming and Su Heng also got up, and they had to flee this place quickly.

"Uncle Huo, we're done, there are not many people there when we go out through the back door. You will take Sister qing, Xiaoxiao and Jincheng away first and wait for us at the bow of our boat, if we haven't arrived in half an hour. There, you can go back first and leave us alone, we will find a way to go back later." As he spoke, he opened the door and stuffed Xiaoxiao's luggage into his hand.

After listening to the old Huotou, he did not refute but complained: "I really work hard, and I participate in every accident. Now I have to run around again." Method.

Li Chen didn't talk to him anymore, but went outside to talk to Su Heng and the others.

Downstairs, Meng Qingyang personally brought people and local people to arrest Han Jincheng. Now he is asking the boss if there are a bunch of strangers living here.

Li Chen and the others went out through the back door, and the men fought over there with the guards at the back door, and the old Huotou took the opportunity to protect Sister Qing and Han Jincheng to escape, and he urged Xiao Xiao to stay away.

"Let's go quickly, if you don't go now, you're dragging them down!" Seeing that all the people who Meng Qingyang transferred are coming here, if you don't go, you can't go, not to mention that Xiaoxiao is pregnant now, it's already very good to be able to protect herself, what can I do? I can help Li Chen and the others.

The four of them sprinted all the way, they were about to arrive at the place where their boat was docked, and Xiaoxiao only dared to look back at Lichen and their direction, there were a lot of people there, and the more she ran, the more worried she became about Lichen three of them. She knew that they were delaying time to prevent them from chasing them, and she was even more worried about them. She didn't expect things to turn out like this. At the same time, the doubts were getting bigger and bigger, and she was even more sure that Han Jincheng had offended Meng Qingyang.

And Han Jincheng didn't want to leave at first, for fear of dragging Lichen and the others down, but the old Huotou kept dragging him away to prevent him from running back. The purpose of their coming was to save him back. If he was so afraid of running back and falling into a snare, they would save him in vain.

Although Old Huotou is getting old, Han Jincheng has been tortured in the mine for the past three years. He is very thin and his strength is not as strong as Old Huotou, so he can't get rid of him, and this person is a bit evil. He has Zhang Fu on him, he doesn't want to. Running was also pulled by him to run.

They finally came to the shore, but fortunately their boat was still there, but Xiao Xiao didn't know what was going on. Her stomach started to ache, maybe she was running too fast, and she felt a little scared in her heart, so she quickly found an opportunity to sneak in to Space to take a contraceptive pill.

Chapter 423 Events of the Year

 But Xiaoxiao didn't dare to say it, but begged the old Huotou to say: "Uncle Huo, can you go to Lichen and the others to help them, there are only three of them, there are so many people there, what can they do with the three of them? "I'm too worried about Lichen and the three of them. If she wasn't pregnant and her stomach hurts again, she would really like to go back and help.

"Don't worry, Li Chen said for half an hour, if they don't catch up, let's leave the boat first. Now it's very chaotic in the past, maybe we can't find where they are."

Old Huotou said, he didn't want to think about the last time Such a wasteful trip also affected Li Chen's plan, so he should wait and talk now, Li Chen and Chen Ming are not bad, even if Su Heng is dragged there, there should be no big problem, not to mention Even if they are caught, they will try to escape, don't do it like the last time, and recklessly run back to find Xiaoxiao, but running in vain can't help but sabotage their plan.

Xiaoxiao was worried after hearing this, but he had some truth in what he said. Li Chen and the three of them are very smart people, so there should be no accident.

It's just that Xiaoxiao and Lao Huotou underestimated Meng Qingyang's anger this time. He called the guards of the Meng family and also called a group of local forces to come over. No matter how good Li Chen is, there are still Su Heng and Chen Ming to help, but three People were still caught and sent to the farm.

In Meng Qingyang's mansion, he looked at the three people in front of him. Although he was very angry, he still retained some sense of reason. Besides, this Zhao Lichen was Zhou Xiaoxiao's husband, and she had treated his daughter just the day before.

"Why did you take Aceh away, and what relationship do you have with him?!" He secretly took his people away from his territory, and he wanted to know why these people did this.

Su Heng said: "He is my cousin, and he hasn't come home for five years. My aunt thinks he wants to get sick. She has just such a son. She hopes to see her son again when she is alive, so we are entrusted by her to Come out to find my cousin."

Li Chen also said: "Mr. Meng, we mentioned to you before that we are looking for friends here, and the person we are looking for is him!"

Meng Qingyang was shocked after hearing this: "Didn't you say you were looking for someone named Han Jincheng, why are you looking for Aceh now?"

At first, they said they were looking for someone here, and he asked the housekeeper to help them find them. People, but why didn't they say they were looking for Aceh in the first place.

Lichen said: "Jincheng lost his memory here at first, so he took a new name. We just started looking for Han Jincheng but couldn't find him. It turned out that he changed his name to Aceh here, so we were at that time. I can't find him. We don't know why he offended you, but why bother with such a small person as Mr. Meng. He hasn't gone back for five years, and he hasn't even seen his father for the last time before his death. You just When he sympathized with his mother who hadn't seen his only son for five years, and was in poor health, he didn't know how long she could live. Those of us couldn't bear it, so we put down our jobs and went out to find him together." He explained it affectionately, as long as he was sympathetic, he would not pursue Jin Cheng's escape.

But Meng Qingyang couldn't listen. "His mother is pitiful, so my daughter is not pitiful. You haven't seen how sick my daughter is. How can I spare him so cheaply that he hurts my daughter for the rest of her life?!"

"Daughter? Miss Meng? What's the relationship between Jin Cheng and Miss Meng?" After asking, he frowned, remembering that Xiao Xiao and the others mentioned Jin Cheng and Miss Meng last night, but Xiao Xiao didn't say any more, he and Su Heng The three of Chen Ming really don't know what else Jin

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